Jitka Zelenkova - Astrologer
Born in the Czech Republic, raised in Australia and now living in North America, after a decade of travel that included Spain, Japan, Germany, India and thousands of incredible souls met and experiences had - I am probably a textbook Sagittarius with a rather potent 9th house! As well as an ENFP - connecting on a deep level that inspires both of us is my passion.
Both of my parents gave me a love of astrology since I was little. I had my first professional chart drawn in 1991 and was hooked! My father’s fascination with meditation, spirituality and all manner of “woo” combined with my mother’s linear mind as a Doctor of Psychology, made for an interesting upbringing and is something that influences the approach to astrology and life I have to this day.
My concept of this realm in which we find ourselves, is that we co-create it: reality springing forth from each one of us. Astrology is one of the potent tools we can use to not only predict life’s direction and make sense of the past, but also set action in motion.
The name “Lucidtka” is a play on “lucid” and my first name “Jitka” because of the dream-like nature of this experience we are in and just as with lucid dreaming, there are ways we can awaken to the dream. Astrology is one of those ways. (I also liked how it looked and sounded and what’s life without amusement and pretty things!)
So, here we are each of us seeking our own way through, and as we become more aware of the ebbs and flows of the energy, so we elevate each other and discover that there never was an insignificant moment or connection.