Whether you are after a quick answer or a longer in-depth one on one session, I offer mini readings as well as full consultations for all budgets!

Mini Astrology Readings

Sometimes you just want a QUICK and SHORT answer, about a specific date, your chart, or upcoming transit, without the time and cost constraints of a one-on-one Astrology session. Simply fill out the form and within 48 hours, you will receive your personalized one page report. This is not a conventional automated reading, but something that is created by me, just for you, using my intuition and Astrology experience. It is priced at an affordable rate, making it accessible for most budgets.

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Astrology Consultations: Natal or Partner Chart Readings

Your one-on-one consultation begins by selecting either a Natal Chart Reading or a Partner Chart Reading. Next your choice of a date and time for our Zoom or Google Spaces audio meeting.

I opt for audio to enhance our connection without the constraints and awkwardness of video. During your one-on-one Astrology session, lasting up to an hour for Natal Readings and up to 90 minutes for Partner Readings, I always prioritize listening to better tune into your energy field. Most clients, even the most introverted, are very quickly put at ease, and you will be pleasantly surprised at how naturally we communicate.

To make the most of our time, consider outlining specific interests, current issues, or upcoming concerns before your consultation. Rest assured, privacy is paramount; our calls are NEVER recorded, and any personal information shared remains confidential.

If you live in or are visiting Victoria, B.C. I love to meet with clients in person for their consultation, because unencumbered by technology, naturally the energy flow is even clearer. So please get in touch and specify if you would prefer an in-person reading.

Within a week of your session, you'll receive a PDF containing your chart and any discussed major transits or aspects. I prioritize your privacy throughout, ensuring your intimate personal life situations are not documented or disclosed. Your confidentiality and comfort are always my top concern.

These sessions are more than an examination of individual traits; it's a comprehensive exploration of the universal energies that permeate your life experience contributing to a deeper understanding and appreciation of your life's unfolding journey.

Thank you so much for the amazing reading! It really confirmed a lot of what I had been feeling. I felt so validated.
— Maria V.