Weekly Horoscope For April 15-21, 2024
Week in Overview
We are in the final stretch of Aries season this week. One that has been a little different than usual, with two eclipses, Mercury retrograde and the dispositor of Aries - Mars - in Pisces which also brought it into Saturn's orbit. It may have felt unstable, emotional and a bit like slogging through fog or mud, with two steps forward and one step back.
After Monday the mood should begin to feel less heavy. The cancer Moon was in a square to the Sun and Mercury was exact in its retrograde conjunction with Chiron. It might have made for a very sensitive and emotional start to the week. From Monday night, things begin to look up!
Venus is with the north node, this will be exact in the predawn hours of Wednesday morning. And Mercury will get ever closer to the planet of Love, exactly conjunct by Friday. This week keep your heart and mind open to lucky encounters, new people or business opportunities. Romance, loving conversations and financial abundance are all looking good, especially for those with personal planets in Aries, Leo and Sagittarius around the 15-18 degree mark.
As the Sun bids farewell to fiery Aries and enters grounded Taurus at 7 am on Friday, April 19th, we're invited to indulge in the pleasures of the physical world. Taurus wants us to savour every sensation. It's a time to revel in the richness of life - feasting on fine food, in the touch of soft, quality fabrics, and relaxing with soothing sounds. And of course, surrounding ourselves with good company.
The bull appreciates the simple yet profound joys that life can bring. It's all about being present, tasting, smelling, listening and feeling the tangible comforts around us and enjoying the pleasures of the here and now. It's also a good time to solidify plans, especially once Mercury goes direct next week, and to make long-term commitments.
All week Jupiter and Uranus will be coming ever closer together in Taurus, adding to the theme of this entire week of being Full of possibilities, blessings and unexpected windfalls. Their conjunction is one of the biggest astrological events of the year. The last time these two came together was January 2011, and it was in Pisces. The last time it was in Taurus was in May 1941.
At 7:27 pm on Saturday, April 20, Jupiter and Uranus will be exactly conjunct at 21 degrees and 49 minutes of Taurus. Mars will be still sextile both at 22 degrees of Pisces. Earth sign placements around those 21 degrees could feel extra blessed. For the collective, this can be a time of excitement and brand-new opportunities.
There could also be a desire to shake things up and to make very big moves: anything from a new career or even changing locations. The shadow side could be literal earth-shaking or structures falling. Jupiter expands, and Uranus revolutionizes. Overall with the positive sextile from Mars, this can get things going and put us on an exciting new trajectory.
Be sure to check in and to feel into motivations. To see if any choices being made at the end of this week and over the weekend are from a higher place and not only about the material outcome. Jupiter is about values and a greater philosophy of life, and Mars in Pisces also echoes this theme of being of service to something greater.
Venus will conjunct Chiron and the Sun square Pluto, both exact on Sunday morning. We will be challenged to examine if we are acting in this world from old wounds and insecurities and clutching for power and control to cope. The weekend could show up those who operate in this way, illuminating imbalances and toxic ways of relating.
The weekend really has the potential to be deeply healing, but also explosive. In the right hands and spirit of mind, however, this whole week is Full of incredible possibilities and new doors opening.
Next week, on Tuesday, April 23, we have the first Full Moon in Scorpio that has not had an eclipse since April 2021, though Pluto had just stationed retrograde at that time, so we've had years of very intense Scorpio Full moons...
This Scorpio Full Moon, though not an eclipse, will be squaring Pluto. So once again, there's likely to be a call to examine power dynamics, and shadowy aspects of ourselves and to purge what's poisonous, so we can be reborn anew.
And on Thursday, April 25, Mercury stations direct. The post-retrograde shadow will end on May 13. But communication, travel and our minds should slowly begin to get back on track.