Lucidtka Lucidtka

Special Two-Week Horoscope September 16-30, 2024

These final weeks of September are a build-up to major shifts that will continue to unfold as we move into October, culminating in the transformative solar eclipse in Libra next month, which will set the tone for how we relate to both ourselves and others in the months and years to come.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope August 19-25, 2024

Throughout this week, the backdrop to all our experiences is the ongoing square between Jupiter in Gemini and Saturn retrograde in Pisces which is exact on Monday, August 19, the same day as the super-charged Full Moon in Aquarius.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope August 12-18, 2024

This week as we build toward the powerful Full Moon on Monday, August 19, there's a strong undercurrent of transformation, wanting us to stay flexible and keep an eye on the bigger picture. It’s a week of opportunities wrapped in difficulties; while it won't be easy, those who can adapt and persevere will find themselves breaking through barriers and moving forward in ways that could be surprising.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope August 5-11, 2024

This week looks relatively positive overall. It is a bit like the calm before the storm, a prime time to tie up loose ends and set things in order before the intensity of the following week hits. Clearing up any lingering issues or unresolved matters now will make navigating the challenges ahead a lot smoother.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope July 29-August 4, 2024

This week has a really positive tone, even with the waning Moon which is more introspective. It’s a great time to show ourselves, express our feelings, take steps toward future goals and embrace the joy and love around us. Just be mindful of finances, especially towards the end of the week with Venus in Leo and Uranus in Taurus clashing.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope July 22-28, 2024

Compared with last week and where we have recently been, things might feel less confusing and more like the summer we have been counting on. It does kick off with a bang as the Sun moves into Leo Monday. This Leo Sun, full of confidence and charisma, will immediately face a tough opposition with Pluto in Aquarius…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope July 15-21, 2024

This week feels like a powerful release of pent-up energy, pushing us to confront unresolved issues and embrace radical changes. We may experience a blend of tension and liberation, as unexpected events challenge us to break free from old patterns and appreciate the beauty of our connections, as we heal deep-seated wounds.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope July 8-14, 2024

The start of this week is perfect for getting our ducks in a row whether professionally or with our relationships, but when Venus enters Leo, hold onto your hats because the pressure will just keep on building…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope July 1-7, 2024

Neptune stations retrograde in the very final moments of Pisces, Mercury enters Leo and we have a New Moon in Cancer, in a jam-packed and likely very emotional week…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope June 24-30, 2024

Venus is squaring the nodes this week, really getting us to look at our relationships and finances, letting go of unconscious patterns as we move toward our goals. It could be sensitive under a Cancer stellium and with the third quarter moon square in Aries on Friday…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope June 17-23, 2024

Thursday also marks the Summer Solstice, the first day of summer. It's a moment of new beginnings and a shift as we move into a season of warmth and growth. The Solstice is a powerful time to embrace the light, both literally and metaphorically.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope June 10-16, 2024

It's been a whirlwind of activity and busyness for many of us, but as we approach the end of Gemini season, it's time to heed the call to slow down and reflect…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope June 3-9, 2024

A lot is happening this week! The start is very exciting, social and very Gemini. Then at the end of the week and into the weekend things might get a bit more serious…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope May 27 - June 2, 2024

This week we are reveling in the freshness of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all in exciting, communicative Gemini. With the powerful backdrop of Jupiter in Gemini applying in the trine to Pluto in Aquarius creating an atmosphere ripe for powerful breakthroughs…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope May 20-26, 2024

This week is set to be a whirlwind of mental stimulation and transformative energy, thanks to the Sun entering Gemini on Monday. Followed by Venus and then also Jupiter! We are also heading towards the exciting full Moon in Sagittarius, on Thursday, which will include a lot of activity from our great benefics, Venus and Jupiter as well as Neptune. Expect this week to be very lively as the universe pushes us toward new ideas and connections…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope May 13-19, 2024

This is going to be an interesting week, full of great potential for good fortune, sudden windfalls and boundless optimism. A bit too much of a good thing and euphoria could make some lose their heads though…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope May 6-12, 2024

Over the next few weeks we will be heading into some of the most positive astrology of the year. A chance to put in motion a lot of our hopes and dreams and to also simply enjoy this material reality. It won't be without its own ups and downs of course, but overall should be a refreshing change compared to the first few months of the year…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For April 22-28, 2024

Right now, there is inspiration abounding and so many doors to our future are opening. But first, we need to be able to process where we grasp at control or alternately play it weak…

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