Weekly Horoscope April 29 - May 5, 2024
Week in Overview
This week the astrology is still full of lots of shifts, though with likely less intensity than eclipse season. While we sleep on Monday, April 29, just after 4:30 am Venus enters Taurus - one of her home signs. Let your senses guide you, enjoy those delicious foods, soft fabrics, and a slower pace. Taurus is languid and never rushes the appreciation of the good life, which also includes our love life and finances.
First though Venus will be squared by Pluto in Aquarius, which will perfect on Tuesday night. Fixed sign placements in those early degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Leo and Scorpio could be especially feeling pressure in those areas Venus rules to start the week off.
For all of us, it is a time to check in to where there may be power struggles and inequality in our love and finances that keep us from enjoying our abundance. It can also be an extra passionate time for those who enjoy intensity.
In the predawn hours of Monday, Mars moves to the anaretic 29 degrees of Pisces. Coming off the weekend’s final Mars and Neptune conjunction in Pisces that we will ever experience in our lives, this can feel very sensitive, inspired even, but at times also unstable. Mutable sign placements of Sagittarius, Pisces, Gemini and Virgo around those 28-29 degrees might have to put in extra effort to stay grounded and connected to practical reality.
However, at its best, we could be getting some very intuitive downloads - even psychic moments - and waves of compassion, with a desire to act for the highest good as Mars finishes up in this sign. Or we might also feel like doing very little at all. Pisces tending to zap some of the drive out of Mars.
Monday also is unusual in that it begins with the early waning Capricorn Moon squaring the nodes, mercury and then Chiron, really wanting us to grow up and get real about our goals, and what's holding us back. It could be extra challenging for cardinal placements in Cancer, Aries, Capricorn and Libra around the 15 to 20-degree mark. And this is happening all the while there's the tendency to relax and indulge ourselves with the Taurus energy and that Mars in the final moments in Pisces. It’s a contradictory day of wanting to go slow relax, maybe take a nap but also desiring to get on with the tasks at hand.
A grounded sense of earned rewards appears at the end of Monday as the waning Capricorn Moon makes a very nice trine to the slowly separating Jupiter-Uranus conjunction, which is still within a one-degree orb. Perhaps we get to pat ourselves on the back as the day closes.
Tuesday also has a lot going on. In the very early hours the Capricorn Moon sextiles the separating Mars and Neptune conjunction in Pisces. We might feel driven to pursue those inspired ambitions with a little more determined energy, trusting our instincts to guide us toward success. Pay attention to the dreams and thoughts you have on Tuesday morning.
Mars enters its home sign of Aries just after 8:30 am and it will be here in its home sign until June 8. Our feminine planet Venus is in her home sign as is our masculine planet Mars. This bodes well for the balance between both polarities, within us and in the collective.
The first aspect Mars in Aries makes is an inspired sextile to the Aquarius Moon and Pluto. The masculine drive is being given an extra boost right now to get on with things, dig deep into our powerful reserves and act in creative ways. This will likely ignite our drive, urging us to dive into projects and tap into our inner reservoirs of power.
Meanwhile, Venus in Taurus is in a more challenging position, squared by the Moon and Pluto. A Pluto that is about to station retrograde. Tuesday, in particular, might challenge us to confront any emotional obstacles head-on, so that we can grow and transform in our relationships and find more self-worth.
It might be tempting to focus only on our work goals but there's a great opportunity to not only harness our inner fire but also become more whole through vulnerability and emotional depth. Just be extra cautious with finances as we start the week until Venus has separated from this square.
Wednesday, May 1, around 4:30 am we have the third quarter Moon square in Aquarius. Here we are clearing the way for the New Moon in Taurus on May 7. How can we find comfort, stability and abundance while also acting in freedom and with an acceptance that nothing ever stays the same? Fixed sign placements around 11 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Aquarius or Scorpio could be feeling the tension.
Fortunately, as the morning progresses the Aquarius Moon will make very nice aspects to the nodes, Mercury and Chiron. And Mars is getting tighter in its sextile to Pluto, so there is a lot of energy to be authentic and to transform ourselves. After a possibly bumpy start to the day, things might begin to make sense by the end of Wednesday. Have open conversations and see what interesting ideas and perhaps solutions you've been looking for come up.
On Thursday morning, May 2, at 10:47 am, Pluto stations retrograde until October 11. This could be a disorientating morning in particular, because the Moon is void of course until just before noon and then the darkening Moon enters Pisces. Pluto will eventually retrograde back into Capricorn in the fall before reentering Aquarius for good at the end of November. Check where you have Pluto in Aquarius transiting your chart to get a clue about what is being transformed in your life, churned and turned over, to become its truest expression. This transformation can be very surprising and full of unexpected twists and turns because Aquarius is a Uranus-ruled sign. The more shadow work we are willing to do and to accept the truth about ourselves however ugly or buried, the more productive this retrograde of Pluto will be.
Mars will perfect its sextile to Pluto around 2 am Friday, giving us that drive to tackle difficult projects, whether working on a physical goal or our psyche.
This will be around the same time as Neptune in Pisces slips to the final 29 degrees. It will be at that critical degree until the end of summer, so for the coming months a very interesting neptunian undercurrent will be at play. This will bring a heightened sensitivity to the collective consciousness. Don't be surprised if there are lots of conversations and themes about dreams, illusions, and spiritual awakening. During these months, we might find ourselves drawn to creative pursuits, exploring our intuition, or seeking deeper meaning in our lives. But because it is the critical degree it’s really important to try to remain grounded and use discernment so that we don't lose sight of reality or fall into a delusion or deception. At its best, this will be a period when we get to dive into the depths of our subconscious and connect with the mystical realm within and around us.
The weekend sees no major new transits, but Saturday night will have a large Aries stellium, with the almost dark Moon by Mars and Mercury close once again to Chiron. It's a potent time to confront challenges head-on, assert our boundaries, go for our dreams and have important conversations that can improve personal growth and emotional healing. We will also be halfway through Taurus season with the Taurus Sun applying in a sextile to Saturn. A good reminder for us to find a balance between the assertive, action-oriented nature of Aries and the steady, patient approach of Taurus. It's a perfect weekend to assess our goals and values, to make sure that where we are directing our energy is building a solid foundation for what we truly desire. Getting us ready for the upcoming New Moon.
On Tuesday, May 7 we have the New Moon at 18 degrees and 2 minutes of Taurus. It is in a stable sextile to Saturn and close to inspiring Uranus. A fabulous New Moon to enjoy physical pleasures, manifest abundance and focus on what brings us joy and quality of life. It's also a perfect New Moon to set intentions for our long-term goals.