Weekly Horoscope May 6-12, 2024

Week in Overview

Over the next few weeks we will be heading into some of the most positive astrology of the year. A chance to put in motion a lot of our hopes and dreams and to also simply enjoy this material reality. It won't be without its own ups and downs of course, but overall should be a refreshing change compared to the first few months of the year.

On Monday, May 6 we are in that dark balsamic Moon phase which is better spent being introspective and resting. The Moon will be void of course all day until just before 3 pm when it enters Taurus, adding to the Taurus stellium.

Of course as with every ingress into Taurus, we get a square to Pluto. So Monday night with the dark Moon in Taurus squaring Pluto, emotions can get very deep and possibly melancholy or even obsessive.

At the same time, Mercury will be exact in its final conjunction with Chiron this year, giving us one more opportunity to have important conversations and healing insights into areas of self-worth and how we advocate for our needs.

And the Sun is also exact in its sextile to Saturn, helping us to get grounded and more clear on what it is we need to do to make progress for our dreams.

So during the day on Monday avoid making major decisions and by evening especially, tread carefully in conversations and try to keep a positive attitude. It is not a frivolous day but can be very good for getting things in order ahead of tomorrow's New Moon.

Tuesday, May 7 the dark Moon is conjunct Venus first thing in the morning, setting the tone for the day with deep reflection and getting us to tune into our desires as well as the beauty around us and in our relationships. This can be a very nice positive start to the day and help us reaffirm our connections and relationships. If you don't have to rush to work, a morning ritual with a bath and soothing music can be perfect.

Then on Tuesday night just before 8:30 pm, we have the New Moon at 18° Taurus. It is making a very supportive sextile to Saturn at 17° Pisces.

Here we are planting the seeds of our physical, material abundance. Meditate on what this looks, feels, tastes and sounds like. Vision board or write down how your ideal home and lifestyle might be for example. It's better to shoot too far and imagine more than you might think is possible so that reality has room to fill it in. Saturn in Pisces will be providing grounded inspiration to get us there. Though it will likely take some time, this is a slow and steady lunation. But the first seed is planted tonight.

Wednesday, May 8 the energy picks up rather quickly compared to the start of the week and may feel like a breath of fresh air. In the morning the Taurus Moon reinvigorates the Jupiter/Uranus conjunction. There could be sudden inspiration and potential breakthroughs. Following the New Moon, we might now find practical ways to manifest our visions and ambitions and to do so with a steady and determined pace. Where you have 22-25 degrees of Taurus might see unexpected opportunities and strokes of luck.

On Wednesday afternoon the anaretic 29° Taurus Moon is sextile Neptune in Pisces. This can be very intuitive, sensitive and psychic. It's ideally spent meditating, going into nature or getting creative - or doing whatever nourishes your soul and surrounding yourself with people who respect and support you.

The Moon then enters Gemini a couple of hours later and trines Pluto, making it easier to see the truth and to explore hidden dynamics, but without getting bogged down.

There could be some very interesting conversations and disclosures from Wednesday night and into Friday. The social airy Gemini Moon makes great aspects to the Nodes on Thursday and on Friday this Moon is also sextile Mercury in the morning. All the while the Taurus Sun gets ever closer to Uranus. Talk, socialize, explore your neighbourhood and keep your eyes and ears open for connections that can unexpectedly change your life direction.

Saturday, May 11 can be a little unstable, the cancer Moon is first squaring Mars in Aries in the morning and then the nodes at night, all the while the Sun is within a degree of its conjunction with Uranus. Slow down, don't get caught up in needless fights. If you can channel any excess emotional energy into physical activity. Sprucing up the home or going for a hike could be a good way to use the charge to initiate change.

Sunday in the middle of the day, the same Cancer Moon makes a gorgeous sextile to the building Sun Uranus conjunction - which is exact around 2 am overnight into Monday. Many could be feeling very inspired, creative and motivated. All of us might experience breakthroughs in emotional understanding, find innovative solutions to long-standing issues and feel compelled to break free from old patterns. Trust your intuition, embracing change with an open heart and a willingness to explore new possibilities.


Next week on Wednesday, May 15, Mercury enters Taurus. Pointless and scattered conversations give way to being to the point and only talking if the result will be something profound. But, first, as with all those ingresses into Taurus, it will be squared by Pluto retrograde. The ingress also coincides with the first quarter Moon square in Leo, which not only squares the Sun but also Uranus and Jupiter - reinvigorating that conjunction.

So Wednesday, May 15 can be very reactive. With so much going on with the Mercury ingress into Taurus, there could initially be some miscommunication, perhaps reading a little too much into other people's motivations. Be sure to give yourself and others lots of grace and avoid getting too judgmental.

Then we get one of the most exciting and positive days of the year on Saturday, May 18. If you can plan a party or get together for that day it may be ideal. The two benefics, Venus and Jupiter are being energized. The Sun is conjunct Jupiter and Venus is with Uranus. It can be exciting, abundant and even euphoric - especially as Neptune makes a fabulous sextile to this Taurus pile-up. Not only that but Mars will be right by the North Node. Activating our drive and potential. This could be a day when dreams really can come true.


Weekly Horoscope May 13-19, 2024


Weekly Horoscope April 29 - May 5, 2024