Weekly Horoscope May 13-19, 2024

Week in Overview

What a weekend we just had, with some very powerful energy. Talking with friends it was restless, exciting, but also tiring for many. These powerful geomagnetic storms interestingly coincided with the electrifying Sun-Uranus conjunction, which also included expansive Jupiter - magnifying everything.

This is going to be an interesting week, full of great potential for good fortune, sudden windfalls and boundless optimism. A bit too much of a good thing and euphoria could make some lose their heads though. Others could be very fired up about their cause, or way of heading into the future, without wanting to make any kind of compromise: a my way or the highway sort of attitude. Communication will be a possible stumbling block, amid a lot of revelry. So proceed with caution while enjoying these heady last days of Taurus season.

Monday, May 13, we start the week coming off the Sun Uranus conjunction, which may have brought sudden epiphanies and perhaps even jolts. Something unexpected that we didn't see coming, but that's making things a lot clearer. This brings the Sun between Uranus and Jupiter, essentially reigniting the Jupiter-Uranus conjunction and making it important to think of these heavyweights as acting together. Think BIG desires, philosophical outlooks, and downloads - even revolutions where we seek more of our share of the plenty. Heady Neptune in those final 29 degrees of Pisces will be making a beautiful sextile to Jupiter for these last two weeks that it is in Taurus - wanting us to explore all the possibilities of our great dreams and of course desires.

The waxing Leo Moon will be opposing Pluto, at the start of the day, which can be a time where some roar and get rather fired up. Watch out for conflict and manipulation especially where group and collective needs push off against those who would be kings and queens. The good news is Venus - happy in her home sign of Taurus - is exact in her sextile to Saturn today, stabilizing healthy partnerships and finances. And Mercury has finally left the post-retrograde shadow, so we are covering new ground in our communication and even ways of thinking. The messenger of the gods will zip through the final degrees of Aries, so conversations might get faster too and possibly a little heated.

Tuesday is a continuation of much of the themes of yesterday. A building in the triple conjunction between the uranus, the Sun and Jupiter as the Sun slips to within 3 degrees of Jupiter. Bringing an expansion to joy and possibilities. In the first half of the day, the Leo Moon will make great aspects to the nodes, inspiring us to follow our hearts.  There may be some risk of conflict though, especially if you have fixed sign placements of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius around the 15-20 degree mark because the Moon will also be squaring Venus. Frustrated desire could rear its ugly head. A kind of tug-of-war between passion and practicality could force all of us to reassess what we truly value and where we're investing our emotional energy. By the end of  Tuesday Mercury will hit the final anaretic 29 degrees in Aries, so avoid getting too caught up in any heated debates.

On Wednesday, May 15, just before 5 am we have the First Quarter Moon square in Leo and because of the proximity of Uranus and Jupiter, it could be a very intense morning indeed. By 10 am Mercury enters Taurus, but even though it is out of the fiery domain of those unstable 29 degrees of Aries, it now has to contend with a building square to Pluto. There's potential for some very unexpected twists to the first half of the day. It is a time when being mindful of our words and actions could prevent later regrets. Drive carefully, give yourself lots of time and remain aware.

Wednesday is also Mercuralia - a Roman celebration known also as the "Festival of Mercury." Feasting and celebrating Mercury or Hermes on his namesake day might be just what's in order. Perhaps approaching the day with an open mind, warm childlike Leo heart and taurean Sun decadence is not a bad way to go. The company you are with will help and hopefully bring out the best in you. Also because the square involves the Sun, Jupiter and Uranus, really be flexible and avoid getting too rigid in your expectations of how it will unfold - if you're feeling judgemental or too critical take a breath and perhaps go move your body. The Moon will also be void of course from just before 10 am until it enters Virgo just after 2:30 pm, so avoid any major decisions, as restless as things might feel. Once in Virgo it is in a trine to Mercury, the first exact aspect for the planet, bringing more grounding and clarity to finish the day.

Thursday is technically without any major new transits, but worth mentioning because things are heating up. Mars will be very close to the north node, amplifying our desires and maybe making some less than patient for compromise. Mercury is applying in the square to Pluto, so communication, while slower and more methodical than while the planet was in Aries these last few weeks, will be no less intense. There could be an actual squaring-off between fixed positions in a battle for power and control. Venus is awakening revolutionary urges and sudden new ways of doing relationships or even finances as she gets ever closer to Uranus. And this evening the Sun at 26 degrees and 41 minutes of Taurus will be not only nestled between Uranus and Jupiter but conjunct the demon star Algol. The key as with yesterday will be not to lose our heads. It's easy to get caught up in the energy and with Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces sending out some very ethereal signals, to feel like we know exactly what to do and above all to believe. But there's the risk of not seeing quite clearly, of being so full of convictions which when the fog lifts show were not exactly rational or practical - or even true.

Thursday night into Friday morning, in the early hours just after midnight Mercury will be exact in the square to Pluto and the waxing Virgo Moon will oppose Saturn. Hopefully, you can sleep through this one, because it could be very tense and restless. Try not to overthink!

Friday from noon on right into the night, we start to get into some of the very exciting and hopefully optimistic astrology. The Virgo Moon will make great aspects to the applying Venus and Uranus conjunction, stabilizing some of the sudden changes that might be occurring around finances or love lives. Helping to bring more realism even as things are exciting. The Virgo Moon will also trine the applying Sun-Jupiter conjunction later on. Great things are possible and with hard work and perseverance comes much-deserved abundance and an expanse of opportunities.

Then comes one of the most exciting and positive days of the year on Saturday, May 18. Just before dawn Venus and Uranus are exact in their conjunction. Bringing sponteaty to relationships, finances and all things that are beautiful and hopefully reinvigorating the Taurus sector of our charts. This is under a harmonious Libra Moon that makes good aspects to Pluto to start the day. Helping us to connect more deeply and make healthy soulful connections, rather than trauma dumping or trauma bonding. All the while the Sun is exact in its conjunction to Jupiter and both are applying in the sextile to Jupiter. We could feel very confident and energetic because we can't forget that Mars is within a degree of its conjunction with the north node.

While each chart and experience is different, overall, Saturday could feel like a day filled with positivity, growth, and a sense of expansion. We are all struggling with different parts of our lives, but this Saturday see if you can take a moment to embrace the abundance that surrounds you and to seize the opportunities that come your way with confidence and optimism. With the sextile from Neptune adding an extra layer of compassion and divine blessings, you might find some doors opening effortlessly as you navigate this day. It is also a wonderful day to get together with loved ones and to do whatever brings you joy.

On Sunday, May 19, we have the final full day of the Sun in Taurus, and it will perfect its sextile to Neptune this afternoon, while Mars will be exact in its conjunction with the north node tonight. It is an unconventional combination of dreaminess and forward momentum. But the Moon will be void of course from just before 9 am until Monday afternoon, so the best way to spend this Sunday is in luxurious Taurus relaxation. Venus will be within the influence of the Sun-Jupiter conjunction, adding to this heady Taurus pile-up. A soft, hazy glow will settle over everything, inspiring feelings of compassion, creativity, and spiritual connection but also a level of escape and comfort. While the universe is whispering to us the secrets of the soul and lulling us into a dreamworld of the imagination it will also be calling us to savour the pleasures of the present moment and revel in the beauty of the tangible world. Have a bath, read a good book, pour yourself a glass of something delicious, play soothing music and absorb those Taurean delights.


Next week, on Monday, May 20, the Sun enters Gemini and the pace of life will start to pick up. Short trips, flitting from one event to another and seeking new stimulation are all the hallmarks of the season.

On Thursday, May 23, in the morning we have the Full Moon in Sagittarius on a packed day in the astrology. That same morning Venus in her final degrees in Taurus joins Jupiter and both are sextile Neptune. This should give our spirits a nice jolt of confidence and beautiful optimism - something both Gemini (the Sun) and Sagittarius (the Moon) love. Venus will enter Gemini a few hours later and we can feel the anticipation of all that's to come building.

On Saturday, May 25, Jupiter enters Gemini, where it will be until June 2025 - expanding our minds, and networks and reminding us that it's time to get curious.


Weekly Horoscope May 20-26, 2024


Weekly Horoscope May 6-12, 2024