Weekly Horoscope July 1-7, 2024
Week in Overview
We start the week with a potent mix of energies, just in time for Canada's National holiday. Happy Canada day if you’re celebrating!
First thing Monday morning, the Taurus Moon will be conjunct Mars, which can bring a surge of determination and drive to be emotionally expressive, but might also trigger impatience or frustration. It's a good idea to channel this energy into something productive or physical to avoid unnecessary conflicts. If you do have the day off, maybe find time to burn off steam with a workout or a physical home project.
Adding to the intensity, Neptune is about to station retrograde, almost standing still in the sky. This can amplify Neptune's dreamy, elusive energy, making it a bit harder to see things clearly. So, be extra cautious around alcohol and other intoxicants as well as bodies of water.
Mercury is moving through the final degrees of Cancer, reaching the critical 29th degree by the afternoon. This often brings a sense of urgency to our thoughts and communications, especially around themes of home, family, and emotional security. It can increase conversations with family members, but these could take on a more emotional and less rational tone.
On a more harmonious note, the Taurus Moon will form supportive sextiles with both Venus in Cancer and Saturn retrograde in Pisces, creating a lovely sextile triangle. This is such a nice stabilizing influence, bringing in emotional balance and practical progress in our relationships and commitments. If you know who you love and value, let them know, whether through acts of service or words of affirmation. It's an excellent time to nurture meaningful connections. It's also great for laying the groundwork for long-term stability in relationships.
However, the other big factor on Monday is the Cancer Sun applying in the square to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra, adding a very serious layer of tension. This may bring up challenges related to our personal growth and relationships. If someone or something feels like a stumbling block to our goals, this might cause some tension or even blow ups. We really need to try and find a balance between our own needs and those of others. Do your best to approach any such conflicts with sensitivity and awareness, especially if you have cardinal sign placements around those 11 degrees of Cancer, Aries, Libra and Capricorn.
Things are no less intense on Tuesday, July 2 and the effects of this day will echo on into Wednesday and Thursday. In the pre-dawn hours, Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces, where it will remain until December 7th. Joining Saturn in its retrograde in Pisces. When Neptune is direct, especially in Pisces and even more so at the very final end of Pisces, it can be overwhelming. The retrograde period means the effects of Neptune are somewhat muted, it’s still a confusing transit but it encouraging us to explore our inner worlds, tap into our intuition, and gain insight into our subconscious motivations and desires. It's good for spiritual introspection, healing, and releasing any illusions or fantasies that may have been clouding our judgment. But with Saturn also retrograde in Pisces, these next months can certainly get a little strange. Clarity and certainty could be hard to find for much of the rest of the year. Surrender and letting go of what we cannot control might serve us best.
Shortly after Neptune stations retrograde, Mercury in Cancer forms a beautiful trine with Neptune in Pisces. This really enhances our intuition and spiritual awareness, making the pre-dawn hours perfect for meditation, creativity, and emotional healing. There could even be psychic and profound aha moments.
Adding to this, on Tuesday morning the Moon in Taurus will form a sextile triangle with Mercury in Cancer and Neptune in Pisces, further amplifying the ethereal and nurturing energy. This creates a supportive flow that can help ground our insights and emotions, giving us a sense of stability and comfort. If you are sleeping there could be some very insightful and even prophetic dreams.
However, the day takes a more intense turn as Mercury quickly moves into Leo just before 6am, shifting our mental focus from introspection to self-expression and confidence. This move from Cancer to Leo takes us from nurturing our inner selves to boldly expressing our creativity and personal truths. Mercury in Leo immediately builds up in the opposition with Pluto in Aquarius which will be exact just after midnight Tuesday night. This intensifies our thoughts and communication, making it more likely that we will voice our concerns and frustrations, especially around relationships or situations that are not meeting our needs. It can also be a day of paranoia, manipulative communication and attempts by some to control the thoughts and expression of others. Early degree personal placements in the fixed signs of Leo, Aquarius, Scorpio and Taurus could be especially ready to blow a fuse if they feel restricted. At its best it can lead to powerful and transformative conversations but also has the potential for conflict if not handled with care.
As Tuesday morning progresses, the Moon will enter Gemini just before 9 a.m., shifting the emotional tone from grounded and stable to very communicative, potentially even combative fueled on by that Leo Mercury fire.
Tonight as the Mercury Pluto opposition is building, the Gemini Moon will be with Jupiter, expanding our perspective and encouraging us to see the big picture. This can help us have a more optimistic and broader view - don't lose sight of hope and all those possibilities out there.
As if there wasn't enough going on, on Tuesday, the Sun in Cancer will be exact in its square to the North Node in Aries and the South Node in Libra. This can be very confrontational, especially if we feel like we need to confront any obstacles or blockages hindering our progress toward our karmic destiny. We can't give up on our dreams, nor can we do everything our way or alone. It's really going to be a time when we need to take a moment to assess how to balance our personal needs with our relationships and even societal expectations.
Venus is also exact in the trine to Saturn on Tuesday and forming a sextile triangle that includes Mars in Taurus, adding stability and commitment to our relationships and values. This can help ground today’s chaotic cocktail - look to who is on the same page with values and emotional support and give your energy there. It's futile to waste precious resources, whether they be love or money, where they are squandered. The right investments will help to create a solid foundation for our connections and goals. Go where you are understood and celebrated.
Having digested a lot of the shake ups that Monday and Tuesday may have brought, we spend Wednesday and Thursday winding things down, aware that emotions might be dark and raw. By the time we get to the end of the week, we arrive at the very nice New Moon in Cancer on Friday, July 5th. It is ideal for setting intentions as it makes a harmonious trine to Saturn and a Sextile to Mars in Taurus. And while Jupiter is applying in a trine to the South Node and sextile to the North Node. This is showing us that the right steps are supported on our karmic path. The trine to the South Node means that we can draw on past experiences and wisdom to guide us, while the sextile to the North Node indicates opportunities for future growth and development.
So over this Friday and into the weekend it's a reminder to remain open to new possibilities and to trust that the universe is supporting our evolution and progress.
New moons are about new beginnings, and Friday’s is for all areas to do with the home, family, emotions, and nurturing. The sextile triangle with the Moon, Mars, and Saturn creates a powerful foundation for manifesting stability and growth in these Cancer-ruled areas. We can take practical steps towards building a secure and nurturing environment, both physically and emotionally. Use this energy to plant the seeds for long-term projects, strengthen your family bonds, and commit to self-care that supports your emotional well-being. You're only as good as your vessel is maintained, this means your body, mind and spirit.
This is however all taking place on the same day as Venus is exact in its square to Chiron. We've been dealing with these Chiron squares; first, there was Mercury, and now the planet of love, soon it will be the sun. Friday, can bring up wounds and insecurities in relationships - but what triggers us can also help us to heal old emotional scars. While the New Moon's energy is supportive of new beginnings, the Venus-Chiron square may require us to address and release past hurts to fully embrace the fresh start that the New Moon offers. Be gentle with yourself and others, and use this time to focus on healing and nurturing your own emotions.
Friday's New Moon will also be just a few hours after the dark Moon squares the nodes, following in the steps of the Sun's exact square to the nodes on Tuesday. We might want to confront any lingering emotional baggage or outdated habits that are holding us back from fully embracing the present moment and moving forward on our path. New Moons are a time of fresh starts and planting seeds for the future, and in the nurturing sign of Cancer, the focus will be on emotional security, connection, and lots of self-care. So despite any emotional upsets and possible brooding feelings, see if you can carve a little space for yourself. Don't miss this potent time to set intentions that prioritize your emotional well-being and the creation of a safe and supportive environment for yourself and your loved ones.
Saturday morning looks to be quite emotionally charged with the Cancer Moon joining Venus and both squaring Chiron. We could be feeling extra sensitive, with old triggers especially around how we give and receive love, self-worth and security. There is of course also the potential for emotional healing through introspection. As we reach the midpoint of Cancer season, we're reflecting on the lessons learned from the recent squares involving the Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Venus with the North and South Nodes. So even as we move on from the dark moon, some lingering heaviness might remain. Recent events have likely brought to light issues related to our past and future paths, and now we're in a phase of processing and integrating these experiences.
Jupiter's building sextile to the North Node and trine to the South Node all through the weekend and into next week, as well as its sextile to Mercury, is like a glimmer of hope. It's a nice window of optimism, after all those recent cardinal squares to the nodes as well as Chiron. Encouraging us to expand our horizons, embrace new possibilities, and align with our higher purpose.
Sunday, is probably the best day of the week and for a while, with the Moon in Leo joining Mercury in Leo, both sextile Jupiter, and trine the North Node while they also sextile the South Node. We can expect a day of optimism, enthusiasm, and expansion.
The Moon in Leo brings out our playful and expressive side, making it ideal for being creative or socializing. Paired with Mercury in Leo, we are confident, charismatic, and filled with passion. Add Jupiter into the mix and it’s easier to be upbeat and believe in our abilities, making it a great time to think big and explore new opportunities - and of course network. So have meaningful conversations, set future-oriented intentions, and enjoy the positive atmosphere.
Venus is also applying in the sextile to Uranus, making this a somewhat wide sextile triangle with Neptune in Pisces. This can mean some interesting twists and turns in relationships, likely not too chaotic, but certainly unusual and perhaps a little out of this world. It can be a time when we relate in new and more intuitive ways with those we love. It can also bring shifts in finances and our values, where we are guided to make money in more creative ways. Though we could of course be starting to don some of those romantic rose-coloured glasses...
Next week, things get tense when Venus enters Leo, on Tuesday, July 11 and begins to oppose Pluto. Whatever has been buried or festering, especially in relationships, might just come exploding to the surface. The tension will continue well into the following week as Mars will be getting up close with disruptive Uranus, all the while the Sun, our very source of vitality squares Chiron the keeper of all our old wounds and triggers. Many will really be feeling the urge to speak up, speak out and break free.