Weekly Horoscope July 22-28, 2024

Week in Overview

Compared with last week and where we have recently been, things might feel less confusing and more like the summer we have been counting on. The week does kick off with a bang as the Sun moves into Leo just after midnight. This Leo Sun, full of confidence and charisma, will immediately face a tough opposition with Pluto in Aquarius, which will perfect late Monday night. This can stir up some intense power struggles and confrontations, especially around issues of control and authority. This can feel like you're up against a wall, especially for fixed sign placements in the very early degrees of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio, and Aquarius. It may seem as though you are dealing with hidden forces that challenge your sense of self. There might be a struggle to assert your individuality while facing resistance from others or dealing with deep-seated fears.

However, the Sun is strong in Leo, its home sign, and will be in a harmonious sextile with Mars in Gemini, adding a boost of courage and motivation that lasts for the next week or two. So if we can stay grounded and manage conflicts constructively at the start of the week, this energy can be quite forceful and transformative. On Monday, the Moon remains in Aquarius, offering a nice trine to Jupiter overnight, which could bring some uplifting dreams and a sense of optimism. By the evening, the Moon will sextile Chiron, giving us an opportunity for some healing and reflection. Despite the initial tension from the Sun-Pluto opposition, the overall energy of the week should start to feel more manageable and positive as we move past Monday and begin to integrate the intensity from the weekend’s full Moon.

By Tuesday, July 23, the Sun is quickly moving away from that intense Pluto opposition, though we might still feel some residual tension. But the Sun in Leo, in harmony with Mars in Gemini, is setting a really vibrant, energetic tone. This combination is all about getting out there, making connections, and really shining. Mars in Gemini is curious and dynamic, pushing us to explore and engage with others, while the Leo Sun bumps up our confidence and desire to be seen and appreciated. It's fantastic for socializing, networking, and making an impact.

However, early Tuesday morning, as the Moon enters Pisces, it squares off with Mars in Gemini. This can create a bit of friction. The Pisces Moon is dreamy and sensitive, while Mars in Gemini is restless and chatty. This might make the morning feel a bit disjointed, with our emotional and imaginative sides feeling at odds with the drive to take action and communicate. It could feel like we're being pulled in different directions, wanting to stay in our dreamworld, but also feeling pushed to be active and engaged. Once we get past that initial tension, the day should smooth out. The ongoing Sun-Mars aspect is perfect for socializing, making connections, and keep on getting out there. The world can't come to you, you must put yourself out there. With Mercury finishing up in Leo, it's still a great time to express ourselves and enjoy the vibrant Leo energy all around.

The middle of Wednesday, July 24, brings a bit of an edge with the sensitive Pisces Moon meeting up with Saturn in retrograde. This conjunction can feel quite dreary, when the dreamy, emotional nature of the Pisces Moon bumps into Saturn's serious rules and restrictions. It might feel like an emotional roadblock around lunch, making it harder to stay upbeat or motivated. Once this passes, things ease up. Mars in Gemini and the Sun in Leo continue to provide a steady stream of energetic and creative potential. It's such a great time to get things done and make meaningful connections, even if the middle of the day feels a bit heavy.

Adding to the mix, Mercury is at the critical 29th degree of Leo, which can make communication intense and possibly dramatic. People might be more prone to over-expressing themselves or getting a bit too emotional. So keep your cool, and stay grounded as much as you can. Thursday, July 25, is packed with energy and activity. The day starts off dreamy and intuitive with the Pisces Moon at twenty-nine degrees conjunct Neptune. It’s a perfect morning for some meditation, yoga, or just enjoying a cup of tea on the porch, listening to the morning stir awake, feeling spiritually connected and maybe a bit whimsical.

Around 8 a.m., the Moon shifts into fiery Aries, bringing a burst of motivation. This Aries Moon makes a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, inspiring us to dig deep and uncover some authentic truths, but without getting stuck in the mud. Midday brings a powerful sextile triangle with the Aries Moon, Leo Sun, and Mars in Gemini all working together. This is truly ideal for getting out, meeting people, taking action, and having very spirited conversations. Mercury is at the critical twenty-nine degrees of Leo, which can make communication a bit over the top and also unpredictable given it’s in shadow. But overall this is a brilliant day for making things happen. And tonight, the Aries Moon will conjunct the North Node, giving us hints about our future direction with a burst of courage and confidence. Just be aware that as Chiron in Aries prepares to station retrograde tomorrow morning, some old wounds might surface, making things feel a bit sensitive for some today.

Later in the afternoon, Mercury enters its home sign of Virgo at 3:42 p.m., setting the stage for clear thinking and organization, though remembering that Mercury will go retrograde soon. Having both Mercury and the Sun in their home signs is fantastic. Mercury in Virgo means our thinking and communication are at their sharpest. Virgo loves details, organization, and practical solutions, so this is great for planning, analyzing, and clearing up any misunderstandings. Pair this with the Sun in Leo, and we get a boost of confidence and creativity. The Sun in Leo wants us to shine, be bold, and express our true selves. So now we can not only have grand ideas but also better communicate and implement them.

On Friday, July 26, Chiron stations retrograde just before 7 a.m. Chiron stationing retrograde in Aries is about reflecting on our wounds and how they affect our sense of self and confidence. From July 26 until December 29, we get to look inward and address old hurts, especially those related to our identity, independence, and courage. We might come across situations over the rest of the year that get us to revisit past experiences that left us feeling wounded or insecure. So be gentle with yourself and acknowledge that true strength comes from not only facing those inner struggles but also accepting that there's no such thing as perfection.

Despite Chiron’s introspective influence, the Sun sextiling Mars continues to provide us with this vibrant, energetic backdrop. The Aries Moon's sextile to Jupiter on Friday morning brings a surge of confidence and optimism, making us feel abundant and ready to take on the day. Later, the Moon’s trine to Venus in Leo adds a layer of passion and fun. Once the Moon goes void of course just before 3:15 p.m., it’s best to avoid making any major decisions. Instead, take this time to relax, soak up the Sun, and enjoy some downtime with friends. Go downtown or to the beach, sit on a patio and make the most of the summer.

On Saturday, July 27, we wake up with a void-of-course Moon, maybe making the morning feel sluggish and unmotivated. The Moon moves into Taurus around mid-morning, and this usually brings some stability and even decadence, but today it is quickly overshadowed by the Moon’s square to Pluto. This can mean tension and power struggles, especially around values and comfort zones. However, the Taurus Moon’s trine to Mercury in Virgo offers a chance for clearer thinking and problem-solving, hopefully before we get caught up in a battle of wills.

The third quarter Moon square, which is exact just before 8 p.m., can also pack a punch, a kind of revisit to the intensity of last weekend’s plutonic full Moon. It's about reassessing our lives, especially in terms of our values and comfort. Taurus, ruled by Venus, wants quality, luxury, and what truly makes us feel secure and fulfilled. But now we have to dig deeper into what these concepts mean for us, beyond the surface level. Is what we are pursuing aligning with our genuine sense of self-worth and inner satisfaction, or are we chasing superficial comforts that don’t bring lasting joy? Are we investing in things and people that offer real, meaningful value, or are we caught up in fleeting trends and external validation? This square pushes us to release what no longer serves us, particularly in areas related to personal values, financial stability, and our sense of security. Can we distinguish between what genuinely enriches our lives versus what merely fills a temporary void?

Sunday, July 28, might feel a bit subdued after the intense few weeks we've had. With the Sun slowly moving away from its sextile with Mars, and a waning Taurus Moon, the energy could feel like it's winding down. The Moon will sextile Saturn in Pisces in the evening, which could be grounding and stabilizing, making it a good time for practical, long-term planning or connecting with someone in a meaningful way. Relax, enjoy yourself, tend to things around the home, be with good company and soak up the Sun. Also, the Sun's approaching trine to the North Node and sextile to the South Node means that we might start gaining clearer insights into our future direction and what we want to build moving forward. This can be a really helpful guide as we move into the next week.

With Venus in Leo starting to trine Chiron in Aries, Sunday could be quite meaningful for healing and forgiveness in love. If you have major fire placements, especially around 21 to 23 degrees, you might experience breakthroughs in resolving past romantic wounds or frustrations. Over the next few days, this could be a great opportunity to address and heal any lingering hurts in relationships, giving us a more compassionate and understanding outlook moving forward. Just be mindful of the Taurus Moon squaring Venus in Leo late at night. This could stir up tension or minor disagreements, so try to keep things calm, don't overindulge and avoid letting any conflicts linger before bed.


Next Sunday, August 4, is a significant day. In the morning, the New Moon in Leo, which makes favorable aspects to Jupiter, promises fresh starts and opportunities. It will be perfect for setting intentions around self-love and creativity. Leo is heart-centered, so surrounding ourselves with loved ones who uplift us will amplify this energy.

With Venus entering Virgo that Sunday evening, we will be shifting our focus from socializing, having fun, and being seen, to sorting out details, getting organized, and cleaning up our relationships and finances. We might become more discerning but also picky. The dispositor of this Venus, Mercury, will also station retrograde just hours later on Sunday night. This can bring communication issues, especially in relationships, as well as the usual travel delays and technology glitches. So try to avoid making important decisions in your relationships, don't make assumptions, and give yourself lots of time if you have travel plans the first weekend of August.


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