Weekly Horoscope June 3-9, 2024

Week in Overview

A lot is happening this week! The start is very exciting, social and very Gemini. Then at the end of the week and into the weekend things might get a bit more serious.

On Monday we are in the thick of the Gemini pile-up with Mercury joining the Sun, Venus, and Jupiter. Mercury is at home and firing up our mental and social skills. Expect lots of conversations, trips around your neighbourhood and new plans being seeded. The Sun and Venus are almost exact in their conjunction and both are exactly sextile the north node and trine the south today.

These next couple of days can bring opportunities related to our life path or destiny. It’s a good time to connect with people who can help our progress and new significant or fated relationships could be starting. And with Mercury, exactly trine Pluto Monday night, deep conversations and transformative ideas are on the table.

This is happening under a waning Taurus Moon, so while things might be very exhilarating and fast-moving, there's an undercurrent of also closing some chapters. Before something new can begin, something else needs to end. The planets are aligning in such a way that it may be easier for us to understand what relationships or communication patterns no longer serve our growth.

Monday and Tuesday, Mercury, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus and Neptune will also be in a rare parade of planets at dawn. Though not quite visible because of the Sun, we might be able to sneak a peek at Saturn and Mars before sunrise. The waning crescent Taurus Moon will also be a part of this line-up. We could all experience heightened intuition and "downloads" over these two days.

Tuesday, June 4, Venus is in the superior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees and 29 minutes of Gemini. This is happening on the same day as Mercury is in a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini. A very auspicious and important moment with the two benefic planets involved. This is the end of the Venus cycle, whether we look as far back as 2016 or only to last fall. Whatever timeframe feels most relevant to you, areas of love, values and finances are coming to a close and a new chapter is beginning. The culmination of this new cycle that begins on Tuesday, will be anywhere from next April, to 8 years from now.

The Mercury conjunction with Jupiter happening at the same time as Venus is in the heart of the sun, in a mercury ruled sign, could bring with it big, expansive ideas about love and relationships.

While the Sun/Venus cazimi not only makes us more charming, social and flirty, it also signifies the importance of the changes ahead, getting us to look at love in the bright light of day. Tuesday, June 4, sets the stage for a new era in how we experience love, beauty, and harmony in our lives.

One thing to be cautious of on this day, as magnificent as it may feel and be, is a tendency to say or promise too much. Watch out for grand declarations without actions to back them up. Overall it looks set to be a beautiful day and one of the best of the year.

Wednesday, June 5, though under an almost dark Moon and mid-week, could also be one of the most fun, flirty and social days of the month. The Moon joins the Gemini stellium of the Sun, Mercury, Venus and Jupiter. It promises to be a vibrant, social, and active day filled with lively conversations and playful banter. Expect to feel more curious and open to new experiences, making it an ideal time for connecting with friends, meeting new people, and exploring fresh ideas. Go for a lunchtime walk around your neighbourhood and be open to talking. The energy will be light-hearted and fun, perfect for anything that stimulates the mind and bring us joy.

Thursday, June 6th's New Moon in Gemini, just after 5:30 am, brings a powerful moment for new beginnings, fresh connections, and setting our intentions, as the Sun, Moon, and Venus all converge at 16 degrees of Gemini. This is not the usual sleepy introverted New Moon. It is all about curiosity, social interactions, and lots of local exploration, perfect for starting new ventures or relationships. Connect, write, talk to those around you and be ready to be busy!

However, the New Moon is also applying in a square to Saturn in Pisces at 18 degrees, and this morning there may be some tension or obstacles to navigate. Saturn's influence can bring a sense of responsibility, discipline, and the need for realistic expectations, reminding us to balance all this newfound enthusiasm with careful planning and patience. Perhaps we think we have found our soulmate, dream career or new social circle, but before rushing ahead, it might be a good idea to take a small step back and observe a little more carefully.

As we close out the work week, the looming presence of cold Saturn begins to creep in. With the Sun and Venus applying in a square to Saturn in Pisces, we might feel some tension or restrictions, particularly in areas of love, creativity, and personal expression. Mars is in the final critical degrees of Aries on Friday and much of Saturday, which can make us want to take action, feeling like it's now or never. Watch out for impatience and frustration. With all the giddy social fun of Gemini season, we need to balance that with responsibility and discipline. Maybe something isn't quite as authentic as it initially sounded, or maybe we are very clear about our desires, but can't make them a physical reality yet. It's better to have some self-control and get things in order before charging ahead. We are planting seeds, not harvesting.

The Cancer Moon invites nurturing, comfort, and emotional connection, making Friday an ideal day for self-care and spending time with loved ones. Take part in activities that give emotional support, like a peaceful walk in the park, a heartfelt conversation with a trusted friend, or simply indulge in some grounding and healing home-cooked comfort food.

Saturday, June 8, is a day to tread carefully from sunrise to sundown. The tension is palpable, with Mars at the critical 29 degrees of Aries for most of the day, fueling impatience and impulsiveness. Adding to this, Venus perfects her square to Saturn in the early morning hours, casting a shadow over love and finances and possibly bringing feelings of restriction or dissatisfaction. Meanwhile, the Gemini Sun continues to build in its square to Saturn, adding to the feeling of obstacles, frustrations and delays. The Cancer Moon adds another layer to all this, forming a T-square to the nodes of destiny, creating emotional tension and potential conflicts around our life paths and relationships. Maybe we feel like someone or something is holding us back from a dream way of living, an ideal job or a relationship. The feeling of being backed into a corner or without realistic options could be strong.

Then, just after 9:30 PM, Mars enters Taurus and begins to apply in its square to Pluto, setting the stage for potential power struggles and intense clashes. As Mars moves into Taurus, the fiery drive of Aries gives way to a more steady and determined energy. Mars in Taurus is about persistence, focusing on practical matters, and working tirelessly towards our goals. However, this can also bring stubbornness and resistance to change. When Mars begins to square Pluto, the tension escalates. This can feel intense and demanding, pushing us to confront deep-seated issues and power struggles. The key is to channel this energy constructively, using the determined nature of Mars in Taurus to emerge stronger and more resilient.

The good news is that on Saturday, Mercury is applying in a sextile to the North Node and a trine to the South Node. This offers opportunities for insightful communication and mental breakthroughs. It's ideal for reflecting on past lessons and using that wisdom for future decisions. Conversations can be particularly enlightening and open doors that align with our true path.

On Saturday, move slowly, try to spend it with like-minded people, those that feel like "home" and do your best to be patient.

Sunday, June 9, begins with the Sun perfecting its square to Saturn in the predawn hours, casting a serious and somewhat heavy tone over the day. This can bring feelings of restriction, responsibility, and the need to face reality. It’s a time to confront any obstacles or limitations that have been hindering progress and to take a disciplined, pragmatic approach to overcoming them. While this energy might feel challenging, it also offers a valuable opportunity to build resilience and strengthen our resolve. Nothing worth having comes easily.

Mercury is exact in its sextile to the north node and trine the south, so keep your eyes and ears open to ideas and conversations that can connect you to a more aligned path.

There's a dreamy moment from midmorning until around noon when the Cancer Moon at 29 degrees makes a trine to Neptune in Pisces at 29 degrees. We could suddenly feel lighter, guided by a higher power and full of creativity and compassion. Make the most of it.

Once the Moon shifts into Leo just before 12:30 PM, we encounter a potent fixed T-square involving the Leo Moon, Mars in Taurus, and Pluto in Aquarius. This is a dynamic and intense energy, with a clash between our desires for self-expression, stability, and transformation. The Leo Moon wants recognition, to be fun and creative, and of course in the spotlight, while Mars in Taurus is determined to assert its will and preserve security. Meanwhile, Pluto in Aquarius is urging us to break free from old patterns and embrace change.

The good news is that on Sunday evening, the Moon is also sextile Jupiter, so stay focused on the big picture and trust in the abundance of the universe.

Sunday can bring power struggles or a need to confront deep-seated fears. Breathe, get outside, and channel the energy constructively.


We will have some more challenges to tackle, with Mars applying in the square to Pluto well into next week. Compelling us to keep confronting deep-seated issues, and break free from limiting patterns or control structures.

The First Quarter Moon Square in Virgo, on June 13, will be very mercurial and want us to get our hearts and minds on the same page.

On Friday, June 14, the Sun and Mercury cazimi should give us some of the answers we may have been seeking this Gemini season.

And on Sunday, June 16 into Monday morning, just before Venus and Mercury enter Cancer, both will square Neptune in Pisces. Bringing potential illusions, sweet words, and confusion. Blurring the lines between reality and fantasy and stirring up romantic idealization, with a tendency to see and hear what we want, rather than what is really there.


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