Weekly Horoscope May 27 - June 2, 2024
Week in Overview
This week we are reveling in the freshness of the Sun, Venus and Jupiter all in exciting, communicative Gemini. With the powerful backdrop of Jupiter in Gemini applying in the trine to Pluto in Aquarius creating an atmosphere ripe for powerful breakthroughs.
Whether in understanding complex ideas, uncovering hidden truths, or making significant changes in our personal development. Expect moments of clarity and insight, where long-standing issues might suddenly seem solvable and we see new opportunities for growth.
Mars will be coming together with Chiron in Aries, creating a strong impulse to tackle insecurities head-on and to move beyond old wounding and conditioning. This can be productive, but also at times uncomfortable.
Venus will be under the Sun's beams all week, so all areas Venus rules such as love and finances can be difficult to discern. So, if you're dealing with matters of the heart or financial decisions, it might be a good idea to proceed with extra caution and patience this week.
Focus on yourself, and your growth and self-care to make the most of this week’s energy.
The week starts on Monday, May 27, rather gently at first, with the Capricorn Moon making a sextile to Neptune in Pisces at the final 29 degrees. So the morning might have an inspiring energy. Helping us to believe in possibilities. It could be a good morning to write in a gratitude journal for example.
The Moon then moves into Aquarius just before 2 pm, shifting the calm mellow mood to innovation and breaking free from old patterns.
This coincides with Mars approaching Chiron, echoing moving past old obstacles. The Moon's conjunction with Pluto adds in deep transformation, helping us to uncover hidden aspects of ourselves.
Both Pluto and the moon will be activating a trine to Jupiter and then Venus. Jupiter is about growth and big ideas, while Venus adds love, beauty, and harmony. In essence, this can be an afternoon and evening with deep emotional transformation potential. Especially in working on our own inner growth.
Mercury is exact in its sextile to Saturn, this helps to bring more grounded clarity to help us think and communicate more effectively and logically. So, while love and finances might feel a bit foggy, our ability to communicate and plan will be strong.
A very similar energy extends from Monday through to Tuesday. These days are great for digging deep, discovering truths, and communicating those insights effectively. It's a powerful time of heightened sensitivity and intuition, so don't shy away from your feelings. By connecting with the deeper currents of our emotions and thoughts we can make some potentially powerful changes. The air Moon and Gemini stellium also make the start of the week perfect for networking and connecting to our tribe and community. On Tuesday the Moon will make good aspects to the nodes, so keep your eyes and ears open for potential life path or career connections.
Wednesday, May 29, may be sensitive and is probably best spent getting things that need to be done finished and avoiding making major decisions or life changes.
Mars is exact in its conjunction with Chiron, which can make us feel more raw and vulnerable around old insecurities or wounds. It can also inspire us into action to tackle those sore spots, but the Moon is void of course from just after 7 am until around 5:30 pm.
When it then enters Pisces, it amplifies emotions, with a square to Jupiter. Mercury is also applying in its conjunction to Uranus in Taurus, making it increasingly likely we might say something unexpected or rash in the heat of the moment.
And Venus is under the Sun's beams, so love and finances are not clear.
This midweek period can be very tricky and we might regret actions or communication made in haste. Stick to routine work and tie up loose ends and when you get a moment, focus on self-care and nurturing your well-being rather than looking outside of yourself for clarity.
Thursday, May 30, can also be taxing. The third quarter Moon square in Pisces calls for reflection and reassessment as we reach the final phase of the lunar cycle. It is time to review our goals and intentions set at the beginning of the month.
With Venus under the beams of the Gemini Sun, and this morning squared by the Pisces Moon, conversations and thoughts around love and finances continue to be unclear, while emotions may be in flux.
Adding to the mix, Mercury will be exactly conjunct Uranus tonight, bringing excitement and unpredictability to our thoughts and conversations. It can be fun to get a surprise text or have a sudden insight, but tread carefully, things can go sideways fast with the mutable Sun and Moon activated and Uranus is after all known as a radical shakerupper. Be prepared to stay flexible and try not to take the words of others too seriously. Focus on your inner development.
It's worth remembering that we have the powerful backdrop of Jupiter in Gemini applying in the trine to Pluto in Aquarius helping us to make some deep personal transformations. Despite the electrifying energy, it's best to spend the day in calm, quiet contemplation, avoiding making hasty decisions.
It might be hard to sleep Thursday night, so take a bath, watch something relaxing and do your best to unwind.
The working week ends rather beautifully, with Friday, May 31, being one of the best days.
The Pisces Moon is making a sextile to the Mercury and Uranus conjunction in the morning. So if you are working on a creative project this can be fantastic. The day is brimming with intuition and innovation, full of insights and unexpected solutions. Friday we might feel like we have more emotional sensitivity, imagination, originality and can think more quickly.
Jupiter in Gemini applying in the trine to Pluto in Aquarius adds expansive, transformative energy to this already special day. Our intuitive flashes can be not only vivid but also carry the potential for significant personal and intellectual breakthroughs. It's a morning made for brainstorming, creative projects, and thinking outside the box.
Just before going void of course, around 8 pm, the Moon joins Neptune at 29 degrees of Pisces, amplifying intuition, psychic sensitivity, and emotional depth.
On Friday night, once the Moon enters Aries just after 8:30 pm it is in a sextile triangle with Pluto in Aquarius and Jupiter in Gemini. The energy is electrifying, offering a perfect opportunity to let loose, go out, and have some fun. It's ideal for doing whatever ignites your passion and energy. There is a sense of adventure and possibilities. Even if you don’t hit the town you can perhaps channel newfound inspiration into tackling a project.
The good vibes of Friday night carry on into the first day of the month on Saturday, June 1 and to some extent into Sunday too.
The Aries Moon is full of gusto, and by Saturday afternoon is making great aspects to the nodes, and the building Sun and Venus conjunction. Mercury is applying in the sextile to Neptune in Pisces, allowing for beautiful intuitive communication and ideas all weekend long. If you're not buzzing around meeting people, you might be writing or creating.
On Sunday morning the Aries Moon can make us a bit combative or sensitive when it finds itself with Chiron and Mars. Burn off the energy by getting in a hike or doing something physical.
Remember all weekend, Venus continues to be burned out by the Sun, so avoid making major decisions around love or finances.
Instead enjoy socializing, networking and the self-development and insights that the applying Jupiter and Pluto trine is bringing and the potential to connect to your life path destiny, since the Sun is now make good connections to the nodes.
By Sunday afternoon just after 3 pm, the Moon is void of course for the rest of the night, so relax and let the whimsical intuitive 29-degree Mercury and Neptune sextile take you away to a fantasy of your making.
After midnight Mercury enters Gemini, its home sign and the pace of life kicks up another notch.
On Tuesday, June 4, Venus forms a superior conjunction with the Sun at 14 degrees of Gemini, coinciding with Mercury being in a conjunction with Jupiter in Gemini. A gorgeous day, amplifying the themes of love, communication, and expansion. Expect expression of love, creativity, heightened self-worth, optimism, and the potential for expansive thinking and meaningful connections.