Weekly Horoscope For April 8-14, 2024
Week in Overview
We’re now at the culmination point of eclipse season. The key to this coming week will be rest, patience and paying attention to even the smallest signs around us. These can be really important down the road, their significance only becoming apparent after some time has passed.
On Monday, April 8, at 11:21 am we have the New Moon Solar Eclipse at 19 degrees and 24 minutes of Aries. As the Moon obscures the Sun the totality of the eclipse will cover stretches of North America. Since it is coinciding with Mercury retrograde, expect there to be potential communication and technology glitches and traffic delays. Give yourself lots of time and others the benefit of the doubt. Look to the house where you have 19 degrees of Aries for an idea of what is being seeded and where you will feel the eclipse not just this week but over the next 6 months. Chiron the wounded healer will be at the same degree, so it is a very powerful opportunity for us to move beyond roadblocks of fear, lack of faith in ourselves, codependency and any scripts that have us stuck in powerlessness.
There is no definitive consensus on how to approach eclipses, with some believing that the solar eclipse is like a supercharged New Moon, perfect for manifesting. While others think it is too risky and unstable to perform any rituals and is better spent in quiet contemplation. In my opinion, each of us has to listen to our intuition and experience, to decide how to best use this lunation.
There is a contradictory energy at play at this time. An Aries stellium spurring us on to act, and Jupiter and Uranus getting closer in their conjunction promising sudden windfalls and expansion. However, the dispositor of all the Aries action is Mars. Mars is in Pisces and almost exact in its conjunction with Saturn. Saturn and Mars here will be pumping the breaks on anything we might feel motivated to set in motion. Do we have the grit and determination it takes to make our dreams come true? The eclipse can have many feeling frustrated if things aren’t moving quickly.
The likely takeaway is to pay attention to those small signs of what you are planting. Who crosses your path at the Eclipse? What inspires you that day? It could be something very small, or simply a thought that arises. Here is where you will be slowly, but surely applying yourself, perhaps making a sacrifice of time and energy, to yield those great rewards down the road.
At the same time, getting brighter in the early evening sky is the "Devil Comet." The comet might be visible in areas of totality at the time of the eclipse. Elsewhere if the weather is clear, look to the northwest by Jupiter just after sunset. The brightest evening to see the comet will be Wednesday, April 10, when it will appear just beneath the Crescent Moon and to the right of Jupiter. Coinciding with the presence of two malefics (Saturn and Mars) coming together exactly on Wednesday, April 10, this could be when some doubt and self-defeating thoughts take hold. Comets are often seen as messengers of change and chaos. This can of course be unsettling. But remember, where there is chaos, there is also opportunity.
While it may not be immediately apparent, every small step taken, can result in great progress down the line. Even if the finish line seems far off. You don't attain a skill overnight, though the inspiration can appear in an instant. Daily steady application is what will create success. The most important thing is to begin.
On Thursday, April 11, the inferior conjunction between the Sun and Mercury at 22 degrees of Aries can offer us some very needed insights and clarity about where we are liberating ourselves. Earlier in the morning the Gemini Moon will help with a beautiful sextile to Neptune and then trine to Pluto, before making a sextile to Venus later that night. On Thursday, our minds, hearts and intuition are likely going to be far more in sync than they have been in a while. Pay attention to what is coming through, trust your instincts and communicate your feelings and ideas.
There are no new major transits as we finish out the week. The Moon makes its way through Gemini on Friday, getting us talking and planning, though watch out for butting heads on Friday morning as it squares the separating Mars and Saturn conjunction. Saturday, relax and get close to those you love with the cozy Cancer Moon. Recharge those batteries after the intensity of the week.
Sunday is an interesting day to end on. The Cancer Moon squares Venus in the morning and then also forms a T-square in the afternoon to the lunar nodes. A setup that echoes some of the themes of the cardinal eclipses. In the morning there could be tension in relationships or finances. Someone wanting freedom and to march to the beat of their drum and someone else perhaps desiring to hunker down and get closer.
The afternoon lunar node T-square could set up tension around destiny, growth, our life path and karmic lessons. The good news is the Moon will at the same time be in a very supportive trine to both Mars and Saturn. This suggests that despite any tensions or conflicts, we have the resources and inner strength to overcome them and make progress, as long as we are calm, and take practical action rather than just reacting emotionally. The key is balance. The cancer Moon is in its home sign, so really listen to your intuition, don't be afraid to feel and then make a solid plan on any further steps you want to take.
On Friday, April 19, the Sun enters Taurus, a Venus-ruled sun, when we get to enjoy more of the pleasures of life, while we make practical progress towards securing our future comforts. However, at the start, it will make a square to Pluto in Aquarius. Where have we been too rigid or controlling in our need for stability?
Certainly an end to the week and a weekend to mark in our calendars. Mercury will also come together with Venus in Aries, sparking communication and perhaps breakthroughs in how we pursue what we love. And Mars will make a sextile to the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction - all our efforts might just yield an unexpected and well-earned reward sooner than we could have imagined. But first, we have to put in the work…