Weekly Horoscope For April 1-7, 2024
Week in Overview
The twists and turns of eclipse season continue this week. On Monday, April 1, the Third Quarter Moon Square in serious Capricorn, also involves the Nodes of our collective destiny. What was illuminated by the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Libra last week and what needs to be released so that something new can be born at the Solar Eclipse in Aries on April 8? This will be happening on the same day as Mercury stations retrograde until April 25.
Right now Venus in Pisces is getting ever closer to her conjunction with Neptune in Pisces, which will perfect on Wednesday. All the while Jupiter and Uranus continue to get closer and closer in their conjunction and the Sun is approaching the North Node.
It's a potent, at times surreal and restless start to the week.
Our heads and hearts could be heading for the clouds with rose-coloured glasses fixed firmly on our noses. That strong Neptune, can be full of illusions and unrealistic fantasies making it hard to keep our feet on the ground. Additionally the day Mercury stations is usually when technology, transportation and all areas Mercury rules, begin to act up. So give yourself lots of time to get where you need at the start of the week and watch out for misunderstandings.
With the Sun heading towards the North Node, there's this sense of destiny in the air, as if we're all being pulled towards something bigger. Which is really what eclipse season in many ways is all about - a time of significant insights, pivots and encounters.
But with the waning Moon and Mercury stationing, it's not prime time for launching new projects or starting any relationships or commitments. This week is very much about taking the opportunity to dream, go within and wrap up loose ends - clearing the path for what's to come. So, while some might feel a surge of ambition and drive with the Aries stellium, the Sun so close to the North Node and Uranus and Jupiter getting ever closer - it's wiser to hang tight. Stay open, but don't rush too fast into anything.
Create sublime or profound art, write and connect to something higher through meditation and contemplation in nature, especially on Wednesday when the conjunction between Venus and Neptune is exact and as the Moon joins Pluto in Aquarius. Venus is in mutual reception with Jupiter, itself so close to revolutionary Uranus, which is the dispositor of that Moon and Pluto. Wednesday in particular could be a psychic, profound, beautiful and very fated day. Keep your eyes and ears peeled for karmic connections and clues about new possibilities.
The Aries Sun will be exact in its conjunction with the North Node of destiny on Thursday afternoon, really continuing the fated theme. This is the first time the Sun is lighting up the North Node since it entered the sign of the ram last summer. Now we have a chance to integrate the lessons of the past with the opportunities of the future. Are we stepping forward with confidence and independence? Take a look at your personal roadmap, and see what is pulling or guiding you towards your dreams. Networking, social groups and any connections made at this time could certainly feel destined.
With Venus at the final 29 degrees of Pisces for most of Thursday, expect emotions and also intuition to be at their peak. This is the end of the zodiac, so we might find ourselves saying goodbye to something or maybe grappling with the feeling of just not being able to let go.
On Thursday at 9 pm, Venus slips out of Pisces and into trail-blazing Aries. The first sign of the zodiac, ready to take on the world and to feel that blood pumping again. Her first aspect is a sexy sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, which will perfect Saturday morning. An injection of transformation, depth and passion to all that Venus rules for the next couple of days, whether that be relationships, beauty, art or even finances. A little mystery mixed with adrenaline to bring us back to life.
We now have the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Chiron and the North Node in Aries. The archetype of the ram can get things started, and be bold and independent. Some of the shadow tendencies are impatience and selfishness. However with Mercury retrograde and the dispositor of all the Aries action - Mars in Pisces - getting ever closer to Saturn, some of the fire is dampened and there is certainly the risk of frustration. We may want to get going but things keep getting stalled. Patience could be tested, so pause, breathe and move your body to dissipate any pent-up tension.
By Friday night, April 5, the almost dark, waning Pisces Moon joins Mars, which is within 3 degrees of Saturn in Pisces. A strange confluence of elements... The two malefics, Mars and Saturn, come together to deliver an unwavering determination to stay focused, disciplined and restrained, while the emotionally sensitive Pisces Moon wants to feel, submerge itself and explore all that is hidden and not of this world. It could be murky for some or steadily productive for others.
As of Friday night, the Sun will also be within 3 degrees of its conjunction to Chiron in Aries which will perfect on Monday morning, April 8. We will therefore feel this transit all through the end of this week and all weekend. A time of vulnerability but also strength, a chance to confront our deepest wounds and emerge reborn. But not before seeing our wounds in the dazzling light of day. Open up, and have deep, heartfelt conversations with loved ones about your struggles, allowing yourself to be raw and honest about any pain.
Jupiter and Uranus will also be within 3 degrees of their conjunction, which perfects in a couple of weeks. Each day we are getting the nudge to throw the rulebooks out, break free from old constraints and embrace a radical new philosophy and way of being.
With these heavyweights Mars and Saturn; the Sun and Chiron; and Jupiter and Uranus, all within 3 degrees of their exact conjunctions as we head into the weekend, things will likely be shifting.
Nothing ever stays the same, and it's in facing our wounds, embracing what we can change, and breaking free from old conditioning that we find our greatest growth.
Just be gentle with yourself and others, it can be an unsettling time and a waning Moon, especially in Pisces, is very sensitive, and prone to melancholy. Remember to prioritize self-care, and nurture your emotional well-being. Get some Sun, avoid alcohol and other intoxicants and be sure to enjoy the simple things in life to stay grounded.
To balance out the very mixed energies of Friday, Saturday and Sunday, on Sunday the Moon will be in Aries and although almost dark and heading towards an eclipse, where our natural energies are lower, it will be making good aspects to both Venus and Pluto and give us one heck of an Aries stellium.
Connections can feel more meaningful, passions awoken and life look full of potential. Even amid chaos, there is always the chance of renewal and fresh new beginnings.
On Monday, April 8, at 11:21 am we have the much anticipated New Moon Solar Eclipse in Aries. It will involve not just the Nodes of fate, the Sun and Moon but also Chiron the wounded healer.
The dispositor of this lunation, Mars in Pisces, will be almost exact in its conjunction with Saturn. And Jupiter will be almost exact in its conjunction with Uranus. A rather unstable configuration of elements, but one that is ripe with potential.
We have been on a two-week rollercoaster ride, strapped in, holding on tight, hurtling through the depths of the unknown. Life can't always be smooth, and seismic shifts are sometimes needed to move the needle. We learn not just by pondering, but by putting ideas into action, becoming better and stronger after every supposed failure and usually surprising ourselves by just how effective we are when we take a risk.
Hardly anything we feared in the past came to pass. In the right hands, this Solar Eclipse can be like the universe passing us a golden ticket to make the life of our dreams happen on our terms