Weekly Horoscope For March 25-31, 2024
Week in Overview
We are in the heart of eclipse season now. The reverberations of the Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra will be the theme for this entire week, as we process what has been illuminated and revealed. Check to see where the eclipse falls in your chart for an idea on how it may play out, not just now but in the months ahead as other transits will re-trigger the eclipse point.
As mentioned at the end of last week's forecast, the Full Moon Lunar Eclipse occurred at midnight on Sunday night on the Pacific Northwest, which although technically early Monday morning, was felt building over the weekend. Cardinal placements in the first decan of Libra, Aries, Cancer and Capricorn will be experiencing this eclipse the most.
This week we are primarily letting go and releasing whatever came up around then. Mostly in the way we relate in partnerships.
The Aries North Node and Libra South Node axis, is showing what is working and not working in our relationships. We are trying to find a balance between too much compromise and not enough. The Aries Sun and North node are about freedom, independence and courage to go our own way, while the cooperative Libra full Moon wants us to connect and make peace with partners and even ex-partners.
So this is the important check-in to see how far we have come since the nodes shifted last summer. Both Dispositors of the North Node and South Node - Mars and Venus - are in Pisces, making for an extra sensitive lunation. An ocean of emotions and vague impressions might have enveloped us especially on Sunday night and into Monday, with a need to escape for some. Lunar Eclipses can lead to a kind of crisis of consciousness as if awakening to a brave new world.
Pluto in Aquarius is giving us the drive to think outside the box and be ourselves, as it makes a trine to the eclipse. Embrace the changes and have faith, allowing yourself to feel whatever comes up, not just at the eclipse, but the entire week.
An important note is that Venus, the planet of love, values and money and the ruler of the south node and this eclipse, is building in her sextile to Uranus, which will perfect on Thursday. We might now get brilliant new ideas and resolutions to any stagnation in the areas Venus rules. We could also meet people who give us a fresh new perspective. It's an exciting transit which has the potential to be more inspirational than disruptive.
Monday evening the Moon will pass over the South Node and oppose Chiron overnight. There could be a lot of nostalgia, with our thoughts going to loves lost and other life paths that could have been taken. The trick will be not to run from the emotions, but also not be swallowed up by them. Write, watch a sappy movie, talk to trusted friends and let yourself feel.
Venus and Jupiter are still offering us the hope of a better tomorrow, in love and all the material abundance this reality can bring, as they separate from their sextile and the yod to the South Node. Their mutual reception creates a supportive energy if we open our hearts, soften and surrender to whatever is coming up.
Tuesday is very much a continuation of Monday, where we seek to connect, communicate and make peace where possible. However, it can also have moments of prickliness with the Libra Moon opposing Chiron in the early morning and then Mercury in the afternoon, before going void of course for the rest of the day and night, until it enters intense Scorpio around 2 am Wednesday. Of course, this means it squares Pluto, as it makes its entry. So Wednesday morning could be very intense indeed. However at the same time, Mars in Pisces makes a supportive trine to this Moon. Keep allowing yourself to feel your feelings and express them with compassion and an eye on the bigger picture. However as said at the start, this is not an easy week by any means, and there could be some emotional outbursts, if not by you then by others, especially partners.
On Thursday morning Venus at 20 degrees and 37 minutes of Pisces perfects her sextile to Uranus in Taurus. At the same time, the Scorpio Moon is opposing Jupiter. Big brewing emotions and great desires might be at odds. Keep your eyes, ears and heart open to new connections that can bring a fresh perspective. There could be a devil-may-care restlessness to the air, so proceed with caution especially if there are major commitments to be made. The Moon is waning and is better suited to decluttering and letting go than starting something new. Yet a tantalizing flirtatiousness is also in the spring air...
From Friday and into Saturday things shift a bit once the Moon enters Sagittarius around 1 pm Friday. Saturday morning we begin with a 10-degree Sagittarius Moon with a trine to the Aries Sun. Coinciding with Jupiter now being within 3 degrees of its monumental conjunction to Uranus. All the while Venus approaches Neptune in Pisces. A buoyant, upbeat and perhaps daring start to the weekend. Make the most of it. Aside from an afternoon square between the Moon and Saturn, it's a time of promise, excitement and adventure. The Moon also makes wonderful aspects to the nodes on Saturday night, just avoid ideological squabbles as it also squares Mars.
Sunday there may be more of those lively debates and adventures, but our hearts and minds could be off track. With a glimmering Venus lured ever slowly by the pull of Neptune. Our romantic heads will likely not be on straight for the next week, but what an ideal time to dream, create and enjoy the ride. Mercury is almost completely stationary as we finish out the weekend so avoid making any major decisions and give yourself extra time to get where you need.
Ideally find time to rest and get sorted ahead of Monday, April 1. We will have the third quarter Moon square in serious Capricorn, pushing us to get practical about what was illuminated by the eclipse and where we have to face some grown-up consequences. This will be happening at the same time as Mercury stations retrograde. Not an April fool's joke.
Next week on Wednesday, April 3, Venus will perfect her conjunction with Neptune at 27 degrees of Pisces at the same time as the waning Moon makes its conjunction with Pluto. And on Thursday, April 4 the Sun perfects its conjunction with the North Node. As we head toward the Solar eclipse of April 8, these first few days of next week will be especially potent. With significant connections and signs from beyond the veil.
On Thursday night, April 4, Venus slips out of Pisces and into dynamic Aries. It's a time to be bold, direct and daring in pursuing our desires. Though what runs too hot too fast, usually burns up just as quickly.