Weekly Horoscope For March 18-24, 2024
Week in Overview
With a glorious farewell to winter with the inspirational Sun and Neptune conjunction in Pisces over the weekend, there's the promise of spring filling the air.
The week starts off dynamically for the very last day of the astrological calendar. In fact every single day this week is packed with activity. Quite the difference from last week’s mellow forecast.
Monday may feel like a pivotal day for many, as the Cancer Moon triggers a cardinal T-square with the nodes and Mercury, while Mercury is exact in its conjunction with the north node and is itself now in the retrograde shadow. The waxing Moon in its home sign will however be making good aspects to both Saturn and Jupiter.
There could be a sense of finality or a moment of culmination. Conversations might be very direct and revolve around partners and our life goals. Are they on the same path and aligned? Tune in to the mature and compassionate side of Saturn, Neptune and this Cancer Moon, all in water signs, to slow down the urge to take instant action, which Mercury in Aries could be pushing for. We will be coming back to this point when Mercury is retrograde in a few weeks, so there will be plenty of time to make revisions.
By evening the Sun will be at the final 29 degrees of Pisces, which can be very sensitive, psychic and creative. Avoid falling prey to sombre thoughts or using intoxicants, but meditating, taking a soothing bath and connecting to the otherworldly energy with grounded healthy activities is a perfect way to say goodbye to winter.
As the Sun lingers at those final degrees of Pisces on Tuesday morning, the Cancer Moon inspires us to soften, and connect with our hearts open, when it makes lovely trines to both Neptune and the Sun. Pay attention to your intuition, and spend time in calm and safe energy to make the most of this transit. By the end of Tuesday, the Moon shits into Leo and opposes Pluto, almost readying us for the big transformation that is arriving tonight. A bit like a lion with a thorn in its paw, this can be extremely sensitive and even painful especially for early degree Leo, Scorpio, Taurus or Aquarius. Compulsions, moodiness and frustrations ready to boil are all possible, our egos being tested to see if they can withstand the scrutiny of self-reflection.
Mercury is getting ever closer to its conjunction with Chiron the wounded healer as it sits between it and the North Node, all three opposing the South Node. And Venus is approaching her conjunction with Saturn in Pisces. While we are just days away from the lunar eclipse in Libra. Therefore relationships and finances are starting to feel even more pressure.
On the one hand, there's that pull of the Piscean dream with the Sun, Neptune and Venus all in the wistful sign, and the Libra south node of the past. Perhaps we are idealizing an old love and old way of relating and being. But there's the opposite pull of Mercury in Aries with the north node and now Chiron, wanting to change something. Say it like it is, face the wounds and doubts with courage and make a move in a new direction. The definition of insanity is of course doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result. We will be clearing and clearing some more between now and next week.
At 8:06 pm Pacific, the Sun enters Aries. Spring is officially here and the dynamic, go-getter energy of our first fire Sun since Sagittarius last year. Here we are reborn, as the first seedlings and spring flowers begin to emerge from the damp soil. It's that time of year when our energy begins to pick up with longer daylight hours and more forgiving weather. Aries is vital and physical, so if you want to kickstart your workout routine, this is the time to do it. We are more courageous, willing to take risks and headstrong. Where Pisces season may have had us adrift, in a sea of fantasies and at times doubt, the ram is off on a head start, with no patience for regret or over-analysis. Therein lie the gifts and risks of the Sun in Aries. Make the most of it by getting physical and putting your plans and goals into action, but try to also pause before rushing in too fast.
The launch of Aries season begins with a motivating trine to the Leo Moon and sextile to Pluto in Aquarius. Emboldening us to embrace change and have confidence in our deep reserves of inner strength. There’s no need to hide behind a pretence of bravado. The most powerful individuals do not say, they do. As we continue to make our way through the week, that courage will be needed around our relationships and or finances, facing some potential hard reality checks and a need to voice and deal with issues.
Mercury will be exact in its conjunction with Chiron on Wednesday morning and Venus perfects her conjunction with Saturn on Thursday afternoon. Perhaps it’s time to accept that not every desire is coming right away. Some practicalities can feel stifling, though for others this could be a day of renewed commitment.
Water signs of Pisces, Cancer and Scorpio around the 12-degree mark may feel like they are walking on cloud nine, but with the awareness that there is a nice sturdy staircase in sight that they can use to make their way back to the ground anytime they need. The Leo Moon will also be squaring Uranus in the morning and opposing Mars as it finishes up in Aquarius on Thursday. So patience for some could be very thin on the ground. Thursday could be a red hot day in particular for late-degree fixed signs of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius.
The Aries Sun will perfect its sextile to Pluto in Aquarius on the same day, so breathe, get outside, and be honest about your desires to change and revolutionize your life. There's no need to play it small. If we can avoid ego battles (and remember to drive carefully!), the middle of the week can be a time to harness incredible inner reserves and go for our goals.
On Friday afternoon around quarter to 5 Mars enters Pisces, leaving only Pluto and the South Node in air signs, as all the planets congregate in Pisces, Aries and Taurus. Mars is not exactly comfortable in the final sign of the zodiac. At home in Aries, where it likes to initiate, in Pisces, doubts, delusions and avoiding being decisive are some of the problems. It will now be the dispositor of that fiery Aries Sun, which may feel like fog rolling in to chill and dampen a sunny spring day.
For the next few weeks, it may be more challenging to take fast action, especially as we also slip into Mercury retrograde and retrograde shadows for other planets. We will have to pay more attention before we leap, make sure we aren't saying yes just to go with the flow and spend more time looking inside with the chance to direct that energy for inner growth which is something Pisces placements can excel at.
As we head into the weekend we are in the thick of it. Saturday the Virgo Moon will make its way around the Pisces stellium opposing Venus and Saturn first. A Saturn that is now in the retrograde shadow.
However, Venus in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus which are in their mutual reception, are forming a yod to the South Node in Libra. As Jupiter leaves the post-retrograde zone today.
While at the same time, the Virgo Moon is in a trine to Jupiter. A fated time indeed.
Here we have a rare opportunity to compassionately and calmly release old patterns in relationships that no longer serve our growth. If our dreams and desires are grounded in reality and aligned with the spirit of love, Jupiter will expand them. However, we have to be ready to let go of past habits and embrace new paths.
Saturday is a pivotal day to get ourselves ready and steady before the lunar eclipse. Today may be especially loaded for mutable sign placements, Pisces, Sagittarius, Gemini and Virgo around the 12-15 degree mark. As well as those with Libra around those 15 degrees. Although the full Moon eclipse occurs at midnight on Sunday night, technically Monday morning, we will be feeling this intensity all day Sunday.
In the morning Venus and Jupiter will continue to offer the hope of a better tomorrow, around love but also financial satisfaction if we can only let go of the past, as they perfect their sextile and form the yod to the south node. Gorgeous Venus in Pisces, resonating with earthy Jupiter in Taurus, their mutual reception creating a supportive energy that can give us hope and faith.
Lunar eclipses are a time of letting go. Here on the Aries North node and Libra South Node axis, it is all about relationships. A check-in to see how far we have come in not losing ourselves, while also knowing when to compromise since the nodes shifted last summer. Where do we want to be this summer, a year on?
Pluto in Aquarius is making a very nice trine to the eclipse. We are more powerful than we might think and our tribe, our friends and real radical authenticity can be where we draw more strength.
This is a good time to evaluate which of your relationships empower and nurture you and which are outdated, relics of the past.
Are they someone who shows up or do they just talk a good game? Don't be afraid to cut some ties. As we know when you release something old, it makes room for the new. The birds are singing, the Sun is shining and there's so much to look forward to!