Weekly Horoscope For March 11-17, 2024

Week in Overview

After a fated, psychic and very sensitive weekend, with the New Moon in Pisces, we begin this week with Venus moving into Pisces on Monday afternoon just before 3 pm. Our hearts soften and love has pink-toned hues of romance with a touch of fantasy.

With Pisces, the last sign of the zodiac a lot of relationships might also be facing a culmination of sorts, is this something that will keep going and be reborn with Aries season, or dissolve into memory?

Venus also rules our aesthetics, beauty, fashion and design. We can work with the Piscean energies by incorporating more whimsical and creative elements.

Don't be surprised if you feel a mysterious urge to brighten up any sad beige room with antiques, second-hand finds and swirls of colour. Fresh flowers might be just what’s needed…

Neptune after its potent conjunction with Mercury last week, which likely had many of us reeling with visions and downloads that crossed the boundaries of what is typically seen as "real", is now in the retrograde shadow, ahead of its summer station. Be discerning around what you see and hear in the media and try to stay grounded.

Neptune rules the screen and airways and with the leaps and bounds in technology, all will not be as it seems.

Fortunately, the working week is rather "easy" compared to what has just passed and where we are going with eclipse season.

There are no major new transits with only the Moon making aspects. This means this forecast will largely focus on these Moon transits, which usually only last a couple of hours at a time and so their influence passes quickly.

Mercury is now of course in Aries, making communication more direct and our minds less confused than they might have been last week.

Monday evening the Aries Moon brings a drive to be emotionally direct as it joins the north node and Chiron. A good evening to take some action on the goals and dreams we might be longing for. Venus in Pisces will be opening up our hearts and that Aries Moon and Mercury can help us voice our mystical desires out into the open. Saying what we want sets the universe in motion to deliver.

On Tuesday the Moon is void of course all day until it enters lovely Taurus just before 5:30 pm. So relax, and make no major decisions or commitments. The evening could be tempestuous with the Taurus Moon making a sextile to Venus, but at the same time a square to Pluto. In the right company, this can be very passionate, or with someone else, very brooding and moody. Try not to eat or drink your emotions away tonight and give each other breathing room if the atmosphere gets too intense.

The evening of Wednesday, March 13 might be one of the nicest in a long time! The delightful Taurus Moon joins Jupiter, the expander of all that abundance. At the same time, the Pisces Sun will be within 3 degrees of its annual conjunction with Neptune. Euphoria, gratitude and compassion and are some of the emotions that might come up.

Of course, the effects of the very powerful building Sun Neptune conjunction depends on your placements: a 24-27 degree Virgo for example will feel this rather differently than someone with a Sun at those degrees in Scorpio. The Virgo faces a potentially confusing and challenging time, while the Scorpio can revel in the magick. Which is why it's always best to know your own chart! However, generally speaking, for the collective, this is a beautiful evening to either spend time with your favourite people or just appreciate all you have.

The early morning of Thursday might start a little chaotic or with some surprise or sudden insight. Hopefully the latter. The Moon is with Uranus and squaring Mars, but slowly emerging from this to make good aspects to the Sun and Neptune. So be careful on the road, don't jump to any conclusions and go into the day with patience. Things will lighten up and possibly have a very compassionate and dreamy vibe by noon. Get creative, enjoy coming up with beautiful ideas and see if you can make something real. By night the waxing Moon is in Gemini, which can have conversations flowing, texts flying and our minds buzzing wanting to connect.

Tomorrow and Saturday this mutable Moon might cause some trouble as it squares all that Pisces in the chart. For tonight, enjoy the feeling of the universe supporting you even if you fly off into the clouds for a while.

Friday, March 15 The Gemini Moon first squares Venus very early in the morning and later Saturn, which might have us coming to reality with a jolt. It will also be sextile Mercury, so our minds are sharp and able to recalibrate quickly. Keep an eye on details, and plans and accept that sometimes there are stumbling blocks. They usually help us to refine our vision and head towards something more aligned. While sleeping, pay attention to your dreams, the Gemini Moon is trine the south node and sextile the north, there could be clues about where to go next.

Saturday, March 16, just after 9 pm we have the First Quarter Moon Square in Gemini. While the Sun and Neptune are both at 27 degrees of Pisces. This can be very visionary with our minds reeling and pulsating all while drifting along a technicolour current. What is even real The ruler of the Moon, Mercury is in speedy, no-nonsense Aries. Maybe we want answers and want them now. But the Sun with Neptune in Pisces is anything but decisive. It says trust, flow and imagine. And Gemini and Pisces have their skittishness to commitment in common. It might be very hard to sleep or make logical decisions. Emotions and impulses may be unpredictable. Steer clear of alcohol or any other intoxicants. Ground, journal and spend time with good friends that won't lead you astray. Creative outlets are a fantastic way to channel this energy.

While many are asleep overnight just before 4:30 am on Sunday, March 17, the Sun and Neptune perfect their conjunction. Dreams might be truly out of this world.

We then awaken to a possibly breathtaking day, with the Moon in Cancer and that Sun Neptune conjunction in the sky. If that were not gorgeous enough, the Moon is trine Venus this afternoon and then Saturn at night. This is such a perfect day to spend with friends and family who you love, who understand you and who you can talk to without too much reservation. Appreciate all the wonderful comforts of home, the stability of your foundations, as well as the magic that weaves this fabric of reality together.

Mercury is getting very close to the North Node, and we are just days away from the spring equinox. So expect there to be lots of conversations and ideas about what's possible and where we can initiate to make our lives more fulfilling.

Coming Up…

After a relatively smooth week, all things considered, the heat is on! On Tuesday, March 19, just after 8 pm we have the first ingress into fire for the Sun since Sagittarius season. Aries season is here and so is spring and the new Astrological year. It's time to be brave, to initiate and fearlessly take those risks that move life along!

On Friday, March 22, Mars, the last personal planet, leaves Aquarius and joins the Pisces stellium. This will dampen some of the fire of the Sun, since the dispositor of the Aries Sun is now in the sensitive and nebulous sign of Pisces. It will be important for things to "feel right", before we are inclined to act.

And we are now in the pull of eclipse season. Just after midnight on Sunday night and into Monday, March 25, the full Moon lunar eclipse takes place at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra. Strongly affecting those with cardinal placements around those degrees of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn.

This is a check-in for all of us on how we have been integrating the lessons of the North Node in Aries and South Node in Libra since last summer.

How are we doing relationships - which we all need to survive and thrive? It's all about balance, between compromise and remembering who we are, and knowing where the "we are" and the "I am" merge and also separate.

This could be a very revealing full Moon and lead to some powerful revelations and conclusions.


Weekly Horoscope For March 18-24, 2024


Weekly Horoscope For March 4-10, 2024