Weekly Horoscope For March 4-10, 2024

Week in Overview

Was your mind ablaze with ideas on Sunday, or perhaps there was an epiphany of some sort, around finances, values or relationships? Even with the darkening Moon the energy from Friday on was rather frenetic, but it all seemed to lift by Sunday night. Hopefully staying flexible and adaptable kept life flowing smoothly.

With Mercury following on from Venus by making aspects to Uranus, but this time a harmonious sextile, and with a Pisces stellium, our intuition and psychic powers could be getting an extra boost. Mars is helping things along with its exact sextile to the North node and trine to the south, which is also exact to start the week off.

Monday could be the day to get our ducks in a row. Tuning into not just the linear left brain, but also that all-important right brain to hone in on what is the best next step forward.

This week we are in the waning Moon phase, which is great for eliminating and releasing, so that we are ready to step into action as the Moon waxes again after March 10. Getting rid of needless baggage, decluttering, streamlining and perfecting that pitch.

Mars is also sextile Chiron at this time, giving us the drive to more easily overcome old scripts and wounds. We are getting an opportunity to let go of fears and limitations that hold us back from our potential. We can't carry everything and not every plan is worth the time and energy to bring it to fruition. It will be easier to be decisive but also tuned in to start this week off.

From Wednesday to the weekend, some confusion and possibly restlessness will begin to creep in. A host of transits are sweeping through that will be pushing many to make dramatic changes, but not everything will be quite as it seems.

The darkening Aquarius Moon is with Pluto on Wednesday afternoon, intensifying our emotions, and the drive to uncover hidden motivations and dig for the truth. It can mean more intimacy for those willing to be honest and reveal their true selves.

On Thursday making its rounds through Aquarius, this same Moon will make challenging aspects to Jupiter, Uranus and be with Mars. Cold fury and explosions of frustration are possible. Especially where we have repressed our freedom. Often it is easier to place blame on the outside trigger than to accept that our choices may have backed us into a corner. So breathe, get outside, show yourself compassion and avoid making sudden rash decisions.

At the same time, from mid-week on Mercury as it speeds through Pisces, will be conjunct Neptune, exact on Friday morning - a gloriously inspirational aspect, with the potential for profound insights, and dreams that sweep us away to other worlds and which will help artists find their groove. It is however not the clearest place for the messenger of the gods, and the ruler of thought and communication.

And with a void of course Moon for most of Friday, although the desire to shake something up will be strong, it's best to hang tight. Drafting contracts or making major decisions where the logical mind needs to dominate will be particularly tricky.

Mercury with Neptune in Pisces, during a void of course Moon can be not just dreamy, but deceptive and full of illusions. By Saturday the 29-degree anaretic Mercury in Pisces will be off with the pixies, wandering down to strawberry fields...

Also during this same timeframe, Mars will square Uranus from Wednesday and this will be exact on Saturday afternoon. A bit like having the foot on the accelerator and making a sharp right-hand turn at the last minute - all on a foggy day with the road slick after the rain. Some of the choices and actions being made by ourselves or others, could cause whiplash and throw us into a tailspin. Be flexible, calm and don't rush into anything, especially in reaction to someone or something. Be extra careful in traffic and try not to partake in any risky activities.

There is a sparkling glittering backdrop though, reminding us to stay kind, open-minded and aware of the neverending potential to reinvent ourselves and our lives, when we tune into something deeper and eternal.

The Pisces Sun will sextile Uranus in Taurus, exact on Saturday afternoon, just minutes after Mars squares Uranus and during the final hours of Mercury tripping through the tail end of Pisces.

Saturday afternoon, therefore, though potentially edgy, chaotic and very nebulous, can have its magick in the hands of an alchemist. You are the author of your own story and every passing minute is another chance to turn it all around.

Just after 8 pm on Saturday, March 9, Mercury enters Aries. It will be here longer than recent Mercury ingresses, because of the upcoming retrograde. Staying in the fiery sign until May 15. Our minds go from floating in the realm of feelings, vague impressions and fluid connections: to quick-thinking, fast talking and independent decision making. The ram could also have us feeling a bit more combative and competitive than the recent live-and-let-live Piscean mindset.

It is however, to begin, in a sextile to Pluto in Aquarius, which can effortlessly reveal deep truths or hidden power dynamics and give us the mindset to deal with what we uncover head-on, this aspect will perfect on Sunday afternoon. The ruler of this Mercury is Mars, and it is squaring Uranus. So the weekend could see some significant shake-ups.

The New Moon in Pisces is at 1 am on Sunday, so its potency will also be felt on Saturday night. Saturday and Sunday are therefore set to be very intense, possibly a tad dark and unpredictable.

The blessing of the New Moon will be the ability to let go of whatever we don't want to drag with us into the spring and summer ahead. Uranus is making good aspects to this lunation, saying "let it go." Pisces is the final sign of the astrological year and the New one is just around the corner when the Sun enters Aries on March 19.

Letting go can also be about surrendering to whatever is inevitable and there is nothing more inevitable than change. Nothing stays the same, neither us nor the world around us. A good way to use this lunation is to visualize becoming more relaxed to accepting the currents of life as they come. To have faith in our intuition, the compassion of those who love us and faith in the flow of life. Not needing to control every single moment and trusting that what is meant to stay will stay and what slips away was meant to go.

On Sunday night Venus in Aquarius will be at the final 29 anaretic degrees, which can cause relationships and finances to be that extra bit fickle and freedom-hungry. Adding to the Uranian, unstable signature of the weekend.

Coming Up…

On Monday, March 11, Venus enters Pisces. This is a very natural place for the receptive planet of love and all the things we value. It will be easier to open up about what we truly desire and for those brave enough to dive into her swirling watery depths, to find out whether they are willing to be in it for the long haul and have the chance to discover the hidden technicolour world dancing beneath those waves.


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