Weekly Horoscope For December 11-17, 2023


  • 00:00:00 Intro 
  • 00:00:36 Overview 
  • 00:02:10 Monday 
  • 00:03:21 Tuesday 
  • 00:05:37 Wednesday 
  • 00:08:18 Thursday 
  • 00:10:16 Friday 
  • 00:11:25 Saturday 
  • 00:13:02 Sunday 
  • 00:14:28 Coming Up...


This week as we travel through some of the darkest days of the year, the highlight will be the powerful manifesting New Moon in Sagittarius on Tuesday, December 12.

Coinciding with Mercury stationing retrograde on the same day, the lunation will be making positive aspects to the nodes.

At the same time, it will also be in a square to Neptune. A real balancing act to know what’s real and what is an illusion, but the possibilities are there to dream big and broaden our minds and perspectives. When we open up and let go of fixed ideas it’s easier to align with what actually matches our energy. This way we can bring in a more abundant and creative physical reality.

As the week goes on and the Sun applies in its square to Neptune - which will be exact on Saturday, December 16 - there’s the chance of getting lost in deception and feeling cast adrift in a sea of beliefs. With each passing day the Sun will get ever closer to its yearly visit to the galactic center. Open minds can find breathtaking inspiration and revel in the Magick of divine downloads, but a higher level of discernment will also be needed.

Gurus and teachers may be leading us astray, or perhaps it’s our own individual rigid paradigm of reality that’s the trap. Having faith in our philosophy and not getting caught up in dogma will be the challenge.

It will serve us well to remain aware that however intelligent, we all have our blind spots. We don’t know what we don’t know.

Monday, December 11

On Monday, December 11, we could awaken feeling a little low. Around 3 am the void of course Moon enters Sagittarius but is squared by Saturn right through the morning. This balsamic Moon is running out of energy ahead of the new Moon, the days are also getting shorter and darker and Mercury is about to station. There could be delays, roadblocks and disappointments creeping in.

On the bright side Mercury in Capricorn is exact in the sextile to Venus in Scorpio today, making it easier to talk, spend quality time with loved ones and handle finances more thoughtfully.

The Sagittarius stellium of the Sun, Mars and the Moon could make some restless, eager to get out of dodge and possibly stand on a soapbox. But the connection between Venus and Mercury is grounding, sensible and reassuring. We don’t have to cut loose to find satisfaction.

Because of the darkening of both the Sun and Moon, it’s a good evening to settle in, get cozy and try to have an early night.

Closer to midnight and overnight the Moon will be with Mars which can get emotions heated, so unwinding before bed will help with sleep. Avoid late-night debates if you can.

Tuesday, December 12

Tuesday, December 12, is a complex day which is also full of possibilities to set a new cycle in motion.

The morning Moon is dark, nestled between the fading Sun and Mars.

Yet there’s the Sagittarian optimism and expansiveness too.

The Moon’s trine to Chiron opens the way to deep healing of old wounds. To start the day take some time out to channel that Sagittarius energy of truth-seeking and exploration by looking within, perhaps with a solitary walk, meditation or by quietly journaling.

Around 3:30 pm the New Moon in Sagittarius takes place with Mars in the mix.

This is a potent New Moon to manifest the things Sagittarius rules such as a broader philosophical outlook, higher education and of course travel, freedom and adventure.

Picture yourself having whichever of these Sagittarian qualities or things you desire, already in your life as you set those intentions.

The new Moon is also in a great configuration to the nodes, making it perfect for getting life on track with more fun, adventure and independence.

There is a twist to this lunation, however, it is squaring Neptune. And Mercury is stationing retrograde tonight. So be aware that not all the facts may be apparent and twists and turns are possible over the coming weeks.

We could also be full of ideals and visions only to have to face some starker realities by the year’s end.

Be cautious about attaching too strongly to dogmatic beliefs or hanging on the words of teachers, coaches and gurus.

Saturn in Pisces has been showing us that not all who talk the talk, walk the walk.

With a strong Neptune in its home signs, now direct, and in a challenging aspect to the Sun over these next few days, euphoria and spiritual certainty can lead to disillusionment down the road as more facts come in.

Today be sure to also slow down and double-check everything, especially around those travel plans, contracts and communication.

The Moon goes void of course just before 11 pm for an extended period right through to 7:30 tomorrow morning.

Mercury stations retrograde just after 11 pm, so it could be very foggy and rather low in energy.

Keep that dream alive today, but be mindful about making any major decisions.

Wednesday, December 13

The early morning of Wednesday, December 13, could feel rather lethargic and a little disoriented with a void of course Moon and Mercury that stationed retrograde last night.

Mercury will be retrograde until the new year, which could create some travel and communication snags through the holiday season. It will be back in Sagittarius shortly encouraging us to revisit its recent journey there.

Over these next few weeks give yourself lots of extra time and double-check the details.

The Moon enters Capricorn just after 7:30 am and is in a stabilizing sextile with Saturn.

Merging structure and sensitivity. The Moon, although not entirely at ease in Capricorn, benefits from Saturn’s influence, which softens the typically pragmatic approach.

This gives us a great grounded sense of responsibility with compassion.

We know we need to get things done, but it’s easier this morning to be aware of how our actions might have long-term consequences.

Our primary luminary, the Sun, in the third decan of Sagittarius is shooting the arrows of truth and hope toward the Aries north node.

This is a wise Sagittarius Sun which doesn’t know what it knows. A wisdom born from experience, where connections and predictions can be made seamlessly often giving the appearance of intuition.

The adventure of a lifetime is on the horizon now and many will feel the call to go somewhere new and exciting whether in their mind through a broader philosophical outlook or by actually booking a flight or hitting the road.

However, the Sun is also having to contend with Neptune. A strong Neptune that is direct and in its home sign of Pisces. Compassion and the hunger for spiritual truth can be very high right now, with our imagination soaring, but so can delusions.

Avoid claiming absolute certainty or attaching too rigidly to someone else’s ideas. This way you can sidestep some of the pitfalls of the next few days and reap the benefits that will come with an open mind.

Especially as the Sun slowly approaches 27 degrees of Sagittarius which marks its yearly visit to the galactic center where divine inspiration comes streaming into our consciousness.

As evening descends, the Capricorn Moon is trine Jupiter in Taurus, giving us a tangible sense of stability and growth.

And later it is conjunct Mercury retrograde. We might want to have some meaningful conversations that are focused on practical ideas and solutions to lingering issues.

Jupiter is helping here to keep us focused on what enhances emotional well-being and material abundance. It’s also another good night to get cozy, connect with your senses and take care of yourself.

Thursday, December 14

Overnight on Thursday, December 14, the Moon was sextile Venus, hopefully delivering a restful night's sleep with some beautiful dreams.

The Capricorn Moon squares Chiron in Aries during the mid-morning which could make emotions a touch sensitive and old wounds and sore points around self-worth and independence creep up.

Mars in Sagittarius thought is energizing us to release these areas of wounding and to forge a new path ahead with its building trine to Chiron.

Perhaps there’s a hobby or career move you have thought about but felt restricted by inner fears and doubts. This aspect is encouraging us to be brave, silence the inner critic and take some risks.

However, there are very real bumps too. Tonight our two luminaries are not on the same wavelength. While the Sagittarius Sun is trine the north node, it is square Neptune. Meanwhile, the Capricorn Moon is squaring the nodes and sextile Neptune.

The Sun is illuminating a bright way forward. The nodes have shifted to 22 degrees and destiny seems to be calling us on the road to adventure.

The Moon is also trine Uranus this evening so unexpected insights, sudden epiphanies and even psychic moments are possible.

But it might also be hard to see ourselves clearly over these few days. It’s as if we’ve missed an important emotional or spiritual step along the way.

Are we really connecting to an aligned path, or is this a rush in search of something new to distract ourselves?

Have we been placing the blame for our limitations on something external, when it’s our very selves we need to understand and where the shift has to occur?

The strong Neptune can also have us deceived, sure we might believe we are on track as we stumble along in the dark, only to discover we’ve strayed way off course by dawn.

Tonight take a moment to pause in reflection and as inspiring as the downloads may be, think twice before jumping the gun.

Friday, December 15

On Friday, December 15, the early morning starts with some intensity. The Moon finishing up in Capricorn is with Pluto. We feel a pull to explore the layers of our emotions, and as the day begins there could be candid discussions that unearth some hidden truths.

The Moon goes void of course just after 8 am before entering Aquarius just before 10 am.

Today the Sagittarius Sun is separating from the trine to the north node, but as it gets deeper into the galactic Center inspiration about our soul journey is coming.

It is however also applying in that potentially confounding square to Neptune in Pisces.

Who are we, what do we truly desire and is it realistic or a pipe dream?

Mars in Sagittarius is exact in the trine to Chiron spurring us on to be brave, believe in our dreams and trust that we can overcome old self-limiting scripts.

This evening the Moon is also square Jupiter which can bring a tension in our desire for material comfort and security and the hunger for freedom.

It’s a balancing act right now to know when to dream and when to spot a delusion; when to push for freedom and when to hang tight.

Saturday, December 16

On Saturday, December 16, the Aquarius Moon coming off the overnight square to Jupiter is in a somewhat wide t-square that includes Venus in Scorpio.

We have some very deep desires and are trying to feel into where and with whom we want to commit.

There is a tension between freedom and stability while we figure out what is worth our emotional investment.

Mercury now retrograde is applying in a stabilizing trine to Jupiter which is also retrograde. There’s something we are being called to revisit and to rethink.

What needs to be tweaked or renegotiated so we can stake our claim to abundance?

Around mid-morning and into lunch the Moon is in a sextile triangle with Mars and Chiron.

We sense that we really can overcome old limiting beliefs, childhood wounds and programming.

This can be a very positive time of day when we extend compassion for ourselves and others without getting too overwhelmed. A certain level of detachment serving us well.

This is happening with the Sun near the Galactic Center full of divine downloads and inspiration, but at the same time, while it is also squaring that potent Neptune in Pisces.

This evening could feel very charged, with electricity to it, but it might be dizzying.

Avoid intoxicants, swimming and bodies of water could be a little iffy and try to keep your feet on the ground even as you allow yourself to dream.

Late into the night and into the overnight hours could be very magickal and full of downloads.

As the Sun and Moon connect harmoniously with the nodes. Stay open, and see what the universe delivers. Be sure to note your dreams if you remember them tomorrow morning.

Sunday, December 17

On Sunday, December 17, we are coming off those rather inspiring configuration between the Sun, Moon and Nodes.

Hopefully, you were able to dream or get some powerful downloads while sleeping.

Today the Sun is still approaching the heart of the galactic centre bringing a lot of light into our consciousness, even as these days are some of the darkest of the year.

The Moon goes void of course just after 4 am. The morning can feel rather slow so make it a leisurely start to Sunday. It enters gentle Pisces just before noon.

Later this afternoon the Pisces Moon while coming off a grounding and perhaps somewhat restricting conjunction with Saturn, is in a very nice sextile triangle between retrograde Jupiter in Taurus and retrograde Mercury in Capricorn.

This is a beautiful aspect. Consider tapping into your intuitive side which will be getting some helpful grounding and practicality.

The Sun is still squaring Neptune but it is separating so along with this positive lunar alignment we can get more of those Piscean benefits.

Why not paint, write or create? Bringing more creativity in can make this life more fulfilling.

Today is perfect for artists to manifest visions into concrete physical reality.

It also encourages us to communicate with a blend of sensitivity and practicality, deepening connections and aligning souls in a common purpose.

Coming Up…

Next week as the northern hemisphere journeys through the darkest days of the year, the Winter Solstice arrives on Thursday, December 21 and the Sun enters Capricorn.

Encouraging us to embrace structure and discipline to carry us and our dreams through the harshness of winter, as slowly more light begins to seep in.

And at the end of the week, on Friday, December 22, just a few hours after its inferior conjunction with the Capricorn Sun, retrograde Mercury slips back into Sagittarius.

Giving us another opportunity to reassess our beliefs and broaden our perspectives.


Weekly Horoscope For December 18-24, 2023