Weekly Horoscope For December 18-24, 2023
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:36 Overview
00:03:21 Monday
00:04:21 Tuesday
00:08:06 Wednesday
00:10:24 Thursday
00:13:28 Friday
00:15:14 Saturday
00:16:44 Sunday
00:18:05 Coming Up...
As many of us busy ourselves for the Christmas season, navigating the details and travelling alongside a retrograde Mercury, the week begins with the Sun in the Galactic Center. Open yourself to the downloads and make time to sit with the quiet that's inside.
On Tuesday, the First Quarter Moon Square in Pisces calls for self-care and to check what's in alignment and what needs to go, in order to set our New Moon in Sagittarius intentions of last week, on the best trajectory to fruition.
The same evening Pluto enters the final 29 degrees of Capricorn. It will be here for the next four weeks until it enters Aquarius on January 20.
The collective is working to dismantle archaic and restricting authorities and structures, but of course power can also make a grab to maintain itself.
The last time Pluto was at the anaretic degree of Capricorn was between
11 February - 22 March 2023
11 June - 26 July 2023
So cast your mind back then for an idea of what transformation might take place for you on a more personal level.
This week we could also see possible disruptions or electrifying excitement to love and money when Venus opposes Uranus, the aspect exact on Wednesday, December 23. Just how stable and nourishing are those relationships and or finances?
The Winter Solstice arrives on Thursday, December 21 with the Sun's entry into Capricorn. Heralding the start of winter, but also meaning that between now and June 20, the number of daylight hours will steadily grow longer.
The goat is the hard worker, watching over the seeds that are buried deep in the cold soil while toiling away almost unaware that at the same time light and warmth are slowly returning.
On Friday, December 22, just a few hours after its inferior conjunction with the Capricorn Sun, where we will receive valuable codes, retrograde Mercury slips back into Sagittarius.
Giving us another opportunity to reassess our beliefs and broaden our perspectives. The activity of Mercury around this day can be extra unstable, so double-check communication and give yourself more time to get where you need.
The trine over Christmas between the goddess of love Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces, under a grounding Capricorn Sun reminds us of the magick in everyday circumstances and among open hearts. Just in time for the Boxing Day family and home-centered Full Moon in Cancer.
Monday, December 18
Monday, December 18, could be a very bountiful and optimistic day.
First thing this morning Mercury and Jupiter, although both retrograde, are in a lovely sextile. It's easier to make amends, have conversations with forgiveness and understanding and see the better side of life.
The Sun is also in the Galactic Center, allowing us to experience delightful downloads and appreciate the blessings all around us.
The trine between the Pisces moon and Venus opens up our hearts, with intuition and there’s a feeling of love and compassion in the air.
Things could take a bit of a turn by the late afternoon and evening when that moon squares Mars. So drive safely and avoid getting bamboozled or caught up in theoretical Sagittarian-style debates.
Late tonight the sextile between the moon and Uranus could also have more sudden insights and intuitive downloads as well as hopefully pleasant surprises or encounters.
Tuesday, December 19
On Tuesday, December 19, be sure to take care of yourself and practice slowing down since this day could be a little unsettling.
We are in the darkest time of the year, ahead of the winter solstice and today the heavens come with several potential challenges.
First thing this morning the moon makes its regular conjunction with Neptune in Pisces.
And the Sun is in the Galactic center so the inspiration, downloads and psychic potential are very high.
It's a perfect morning to meditate, go for a sunrise walk and allow for some peaceful alone time.
Then around 10:30 am, we have the first quarter moon square in Pisces.
Under the upbeat and frenetic Sagittarian Sun, the Pisces moon invites us to of course dream - it is what the two mutable signs do so well - but to also reflect.
We are releasing whatever is not in alignment with our New Moon in Sagittarius intentions set last week.
Because the Sun's energy is waning, it's easy to get worn out now, especially with Mars egging us on.
Sagittarius and Pisces can also easily get caught up in their minds, losing touch with practical realities and their physical body.
If you can, soothe yourself with warm beverages, a bath and anything that settles the nerves.
The moon is also sextile Pluto which is about to head to the 29 degrees of Capricorn this evening.
We want to extend empathy and understanding to others while trusting our intuition.
Mercury is of course retrograde so give yourself extra time to get where you need to, ask for clarification and avoid jumping to conclusions.
Fortunately, it is still trine Jupiter, even if both planets are retrograde, there is more grace here for ourselves and others and a tendency to be a bit more optimistic and forgiving.
The Pisces moon goes void of course at 1:03 p.m. before entering Aries, at 2:47 p.m. It will square Mercury tonight so be very careful with misunderstandings and again, jumping to conclusions.
Those with fewer reserves could be all too eager to fight and blow off steam.
Venus is also applying in her opposition to Uranus in Taurus, which can over these next few days deliver unexpected blows or surprises to relationships or finances - perhaps both. A kind of stress test, which shows how solid and sustainable things are.
Pluto then enters the final 29 degrees of Capricorn around 5:30 pm and it will be here for the next four weeks.
Cast your thoughts back to the period between 11 February - 22 March 2023
and 11 June - 26 July 2023.
The last time Pluto was at the anaretic degree of Capricorn.
What transformative currents swept through your life during Pluto's previous stint at this degree?
Those with placements in the Cardinal signs of Aries, Cancer, Libra, and Capricorn in the late degrees will most feel the potent shift.
Collectively Pluto here will be shaking up structures and systems that will not withstand the move into Aquarius that will begin once more on January 20.
This period with Pluto at 29 degrees of Capricorn serves as a kind of reckoning, forcing us to confront the consequences of unchecked authority.
Of course, this can also be a time when authority pushes back, with even more measures of control and outward displays of power, in a desperate attempt to hold onto that power.
As Pluto prepares to transition into Aquarius, these weeks can be a time of radical change and upheaval. Dismantling the old to make way for the new, at its best inviting us to actively participate in co-creating a future that aligns with the evolving needs of humanity.
Wednesday, December 20
On Wednesday, December 20 we are 24hours away from the winter solstice and it's a mixed bag of a day that could be challenging for relationships and or finances or a fantastic time to have aha moments, breakthroughs and even gain some wisdom.
Venus in Scorpio is opposite Uranus in Taurus, the aspect exact just after 11 pm tonight, those with fixed placements around the 19 degrees of Taurus, Leo, Scorpio and Aquarius could really be feeling this transit.
Expect a surge of unpredictability and excitement in matters of love, relationships, finances and values.
Venus in Scorpio adds intensity and depth, while Uranus in Taurus is there with surprises and innovation. There could be a very strong urge to break free.
The Sagittarius Sun steps over into the 29 degrees this evening and could also be shaking things up, with a restlessness to head on a big quest.
Mars in Sagittarius which will be trine the Aries moon this evening might want some more exciting greener pastures.
The moon is also with Chiron later in the day, so our responses could be coming from old areas of wounding which want acknowledgement and resolution.
And Pluto is at 29 degrees. So there is a lot of possible volatility and uncertainty.
At the same time, Mercury retrograde and Jupiter retrograde are in a supportive minor grand trine with Saturn.
This is telling us to slow down before reacting and making wild changes. Take a reflective pause, reconsider and fine-tune ideas before forging ahead.
Paired with Jupiter's retrograde, this can be the perfect time for profound personal and intellectual growth.
We can gain a lot of wisdom now and learn from our past experiences. Saturn is acting as a stabilizing force, giving us more discipline and a steady foundation for the changes we might want to make.
Whether it's a sudden shift in romantic dynamics, a revelation in values, or an unexpected financial twist, go into it with openness and adaptability, but make sure to stop and think before making a dramatic and possibly life-altering decision.
Thursday, December 21
Thursday, December 21, there's electricity in the morning air. The fiery waxing Aries moon is with the north node and making positive aspects to Mars.
The Sun is in the very final moments of Sagittarius and there's the palpable urge for exploration, bold action and courage.
Uranus and Venus are still opposing each other and powered on by the Sun and Moon many will want to seize opportunities, pursue their passions, or embark on a journey - whether on the road or in self-discovery.
But be aware that the ruler of this Sun - Jupiter - is retrograde and so is Mercury. Give yourself extra time and be cautious about making sudden impulsive decisions.
Both planets are still in the very grounding and practical minor grand trine with Saturn in Pisces.
The best decisions and actions will be thought out and strategic opportunities grabbed when they appear, rather than reacting to impulses and emotions.
In the evening the Aries Moon squares Pluto at that anaretic degree. This echoes the similar lunar transit we experienced on July 10 of this summer.
It can be very unpredictable and fraught with explosive reactions especially for those with cardinal placements (Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn) in those late degrees.
The Moon is trine the Sun around the same time, so it adds a more positive touch and philosophical outlook. Try to channel this potent energy constructively and burn off steam with healthy physical exercise.
The Moon then goes void of course for a couple of minutes at 6:47 pm before entering Taurus at 6:50 pm.
This puts it into the minor grand trine with Saturn, Jupiter and Mercury - which is in the final moments in Capricorn before retrograding back into Sagittarius tomorrow.
The planets are reminding us to appreciate stability, wisdom, and healthy communication.
Here our emotions are in a more harmonious rhythm with our thoughts, and what we want to do is supported by a sense of purpose.
It's a perfect evening to settle in, have a deep meaningful conversation and enjoy the present moment.
The Sun then enters Capricorn at 7:27 pm, heralding the Winter Solstice. The shortest day of the year, which also means that until the Summer Solstice on June 20, the amount of light will increase each day.
For now, we are called to embrace the stillness and the grounding earthy atmosphere.
Interestingly, we celebrate with parties and festivities under a sign that's more suited to planning and hard work.
Like the determined goat ascending the mountain, we, too, are called to make our way through the challenges of harsh winter with strategy and by laying the groundwork for the future.
Saturn-ruled Capricorn knows that the clock is always silently ticking as time marches on.
The Winter Solstice is therefore a wonderful moment of not only celebration but also reflection - a recognition of the cyclical nature of life.
Friday, December 22
Friday, December 22 begins with an optimistic and very abundant conjunction between the Taurus Moon and Jupiter. It's easier to feel good, appreciate the pleasures of life and revel in the holiday atmosphere.
Before it leaves Capricorn, Mercury makes its inferior conjunction with the Capricorn Sun just before 11 am this morning.
Both are in a supportive Sextile to Saturn. There could be something we've been needing to resolve or go over that might get some clarity today.
With a conjunction between the Sun and a Mercury that's retrograde it can also go another way with more confusion, but the presence of Saturn, the ruler of both planets under Capricorn, is very positive.
This might be the time to lay a foundation for plans. The important thing is to use discernment, discipline and to consider things carefully.
This is not a moment to rush but to allow the universe to offer illuminating guidance. If you need to, this is a better time to have possibly challenging and serious discussions and communication before Mercury retrogrades back to Sagittarius tonight.
Then at 10:17 pm, Mercury enters Sagittarius, where it will be into 2024. Mercury is in detriment in the sign of the archer, which means that the areas Mercury rules - like communication and our thoughts - may face challenges such as exaggeration, impulsivity or missing important details.
And of course, because Mercury is now retrograde that can exacerbate these challenges, and result in miscommunication, misunderstandings, or delays.
Double-check everything, ask for clarification and give yourself lots of extra time to get where you need over the holiday period.
Saturday, December 23
Saturday, December 23, could have an electrifying and surprising start, the moon is with Uranus and then opposite Venus.
There may be sudden epiphanies about our finances, values or love life.
Go into the morning with curiosity and a readiness to adapt, in order to sidestep the possibly disruptive nature of these transits.
Hopefully, any revelations will lead to newfound clarity and a fresh perspective.
Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius continues at 29 degrees, so don't jump to conclusions and take your time going where you need to.
The building sextile between the Sun and Saturn is a stabilizing influence. Not every wild idea or suggestion needs to be jumped on. Which can be tempting with Mars in Sagittarius building in a trine to the North node.
Today it's good to remember to mix the excitement of unexpected revelations and restlessness to do something, with responsibility and foresight.
Things get a bit more ethereal later in the day with the waxing Moon's sextile to Neptune which itself is building in a trine with Venus.
Love, beauty and magick are in the air.
Later on, the trine to Pluto brings in extra depth, intimacy and the desire to enjoy the present moment.
Tonight we can sense that there's something beyond our simple senses that permeates the subtle spaces of our existence.
The moon then goes Moon void of course just after 10:30 p.m. before entering Gemini just after midnight.
Sunday, December 24
Sunday morning, December 24, could be a bit tense to start. The Moon squares Saturn in the early on. Maybe use this to quietly sort things on your own ahead of the Christmas festivities. Getting up and out of bed could feel harder than usual.
The sextile between the Sun and Saturn is exact just before 10:30 am. It's a perfect time to appreciate stability, family and traditions. We feel more mature, practical and able to connect with our history, our ancestors and the hard work that got us where we are.
Mars is trine the North Node, so there's some excitement, courage and optimism as we contemplate our journey ahead. Perhaps connections or epiphanies come over this holiday season that point the way forward.
Through all this, the gorgeous, mystical and loving trine between Venus and Neptune is building.
Venus in Scorpio has done a lot of dark inner work and investigating. Now it's time to open up to the beauty, wonder and magick all around.
Do activities that nourish your soul, whether it's being creative, or simply savouring moments with loved ones. This transit is a gift which reminds us that we find the divine not just in the grand, but also in the ordinary.
Coming Up…
The final week of December is jam-packed.
The moon continues to wax over Christmas day, the daytime hours full of Neptunian magick and Venusian love.
However, things will begin to intensify into the evening, when the almost Full Moon, Mercury retrograde, Mars and Neptune all lock into a potentially confusing and combustible mutable T-square.
Avoid jumping to conclusions or blowing your cool over what will likely turn out to be incomplete information or a misunderstanding.
On Tuesday, Boxing Day, December 26, we have a Full Moon in Cancer illuminating where we feel at home, the family ties that bind and that important public and private life balance.
The same day as Chiron stations direct. After being retrograde since late July. It's time to find courage and move beyond old wounding and conditioning.
On Friday, December 29 Venus enters Sagittarius. A more comfortable place for Venus after the heavy depths of Scorpio.
In Sagittarius, Venus seeks inspiration and freedom. The energy becomes more lighthearted, encouraging us to be spontaneous, explore new horizons and have a more optimistic outlook on love, relationships, values and finances.
And on Saturday, 30 December Jupiter stations direct. This shift in motion of the present ruler of Mercury and Venus in Sagittarius can also mean more growth and wisdom in the areas of finances, love and communication.
Over the next 5 months, we will want to seize the opportunities that Jupiter in Taurus can bring to make the most of its potential for abundance.