Weekly Horoscope For December 25-31, 2023
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:36 Overview
00:03:20 Monday
00:05:48 Tuesday
00:08:03 Wednesday
00:11:03 Thursday
00:14:11 Friday
00:16:37 Saturday
00:19:05 Sunday
00:20:22 Coming Up...
Amidst the holiday festivities, the week unfolds with a series of contradictions, with the potential for both glorious blessings and the pitfalls of chaos.
Venus, Neptune, and the Capricorn Sun create a magickal Christmas morning, marked by love, stability, and abundance.
However, by evening the Gemini moon triggers a thorny and possibly explosive T-square, with Mars, Mercury and Neptune.
The Full Moon in Cancer the next day, on December 26, is a moment of overflowing and for some - overwhelming - emotions, but it also full of healing potential, with the stationing direct of Chiron.
That same day the interplay of conflicting transits, including Mercury retrograde with Mars dealing with a Neptune square, wants us to reflect on our goals, dreams, and communication, but we have to be cautious.
There is a very strong risk of confusion, lies, delusions and fighting for positions and beliefs which later turn out to be based in falsehoods.
Midweek the contradictions continue with a beautiful trine between the Capricorn Sun and Jupiter in Taurus, but alongside the ongoing tension of Mars, Mercury and Neptune.
More sensitivity, but hopefully also receptivity, occurs before Venus leaves the watery depths of Scorpio. She makes soulful music with the Cancer Moon, Neptune and Pluto. What is love without passion and fearless transformation?
Then on Friday, December 29, Venus enters Sagittarius. Love and finances become more expansive, we seek freedom and are ready to go explore all the areas Venus rules. But to begin we will have to contend with a square to Saturn reminding us to get our ducks in a row and be responsible.
On Saturday, December 30, we have not only a fantastic grand fire trine, signaling enthusiasm, creativity, and courage, but also Jupiter stations direct, after being retrograde since September, at last promising opportunities and growth in the weeks and months ahead.
And on the final day of 2023, although the morning may be off to a tense start, the night finishes with a fabulous yet also very grounding grand earth trine involving the Sun, Moon and Jupiter with the exact trine between the Sun and Moon just in time for the New Year.
Monday, December 25
Happy Holidays! Hopefully, you are enjoying a perfect combination of fun and relaxation.
The daytime hours are filled with a delightful blend of comfort, tradition, compassion and sparkle.
The early morning sees the moon make a sextile to Chiron, helping us to heal old wounds and show ourselves and others more understanding.
Around 9 am Venus is exact in her trine to Neptune. Bask in a gentle and affectionate mood.
Now connections with others can deepen, and the boundaries between the material and the mystical soften.
Kindness and expressing love through thoughtful gestures comes more naturally and a rare magick fills the air.
Adding to this harmonious mood, the Capricorn sun, Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, form a stabilizing minor grand trine.
The dispositor of the sun is Saturn, which is being disposited by Neptune.
And the dispositor of Jupiter is Venus.
Both Neptune and Venus are in their sublime trine.
So there's the chance of a truly special Christmas morning where the energies of love, stability, and abundance converge.
When it's easier to embrace the present moment, nurture our connections, and savour the beauty that surrounds us.
Things get more complicated and possibly tense by the evening. The inquisitive Gemini moon is the trigger. It is opposite Mars and Mercury retrograde in Sagittarius and therefore sets off a T-square with Neptune.
But at the same time, there are really positive aspects being made by the planets and the moon to the nodes.
The way tonight's energy plays out will very much depend on each individual, it could be very polarising with some ready to fight for their beliefs, while others are getting fired up over a misunderstanding or an outright deception.
Hopefully more balanced souls will feel inspired, passionate and with a clearer understanding of their goals.
Especially as Mercury is here wanting us to revisit our beliefs, dreams and life philosophy.
The almost full moon then goes void of course just before midnight and will stay that way until just after 7 am tomorrow when it enters its home sign of Cancer.
Tuesday, December 26
Boxing day, Tuesday, December 26 starts with that void of course Gemini moon before it enters its home sign of Cancer just after 7 am, so enjoy a sleep-in if you can.
We are of course in the full moon phase, the lunation will be exact at 4:33 pm today.
Much like yesterday, the energies could go several different ways, because some conflicting major transits are happening and it could be one of the loveliest, nourishing and inspiring days for some, or a quagmire of emotion and tension for others.
Not only is there a full moon in its home sign, which is very sensitive, emotional and potentially healing, but we also have Chiron finally stationing direct after being retrograde since the summer.
Bountiful Jupiter and Saturn are making very supportive aspects to each other and this lunation.
But Mercury retrograde and Mars are, spurring us on to examine our ideals and goals, and are in a square to Neptune.
Confusion, lies and misunderstandings as well as delays are all possible.
Yet Venus and Neptune are still in their trine, filling the air with beauty and something rather ethereal.
So will Love win the day or will there be ideological spats or frustrations around goals and that delicate family vs work-life balance?
The potential is there for many very different roads to be taken.
Be sure to find some time for yourself if you feel overwhelmed, full moons by nature are a time of culmination and release and tend to bring up strong emotions.
And this one in Cancer may be very potent, occurring during the holidays and with so much going on in the sky, not forgetting that we also have transformative Pluto at the final degree.
Really pause and reflect before you speak and react. There’s the risk of causing lasting rifts and regrets.
When we stay grounded and compassionate, this can be a beautiful lunation and emotional harvest of good will.
Wednesday, December 27
Wednesday, December 27, in the morning the Capricorn sun is exact in its trine to Jupiter. A very beautiful and uplifting start to the day.
The moon is waning taking some of the intensity out of those emotional sails, meaning we are more likely to enjoy an upbeat morning rather than crying into our morning brew.
With Saturn still making harmonious sextiles to both the Sun and Jupiter, this is stabilizing, grounding and very encouraging.
We may feel inspired today to look to our ancestors, talk to a trusted elder or revisit an old tradition.
It's also perfect for crafting a roadmap for ambitions. Whether it's outlining career goals, financial strategies, or personal aspirations, this is ideal for methodically building the foundations of our dreams.
Mercury retrograde is exactly conjunct Mars in Sagittarius, which is also propelling us to rework and revisit our goals, ideals and communication. This is so we can take bold steps towards our future.
Neptune is squaring both so while it might be very inspiring, almost prophetic, the information coming in may be less than accurate.
Sagittarius wants to see far off into the distance, but at the moment it's like looking through fog.
So definitely watch for impulsive actions, speaking before all the facts are in or believing everything you see and hear. When the air clears in a few days things could look very different.
Today the cancer moon makes the first aspect to the newly stationed chiron with a midday square.
Something could happen, likely in an interaction with someone else, that prompts us to explore the depths of our feelings, particularly those connected to past wounds and vulnerabilities.
It's important to not overreact with defensiveness, which is common with a cancer moon, but to take the opportuning to look inside and see what areas have been illuminated and that may benefit from emotional healing, inner child work and self-nurturing.
By loving ourselves now in the ways we needed when we were little, we can gain the confidence we crave to make our way in this world with courage.
This evening could have some unexpected emotional insights or perhaps we get to connect with someone new and exciting, as the moon makes a sextile with Uranus.
Be open to having your emotions stirred in ways that could be surprising, but which lead to a deeper inner understanding.
Very late into the night and into the overnight hours the cancer moon squares the nodes, showing areas of tension between emotional needs and karmic currents.
What's keeping us stuck in the past and what kind of future are we manifesting? While sleeping the downloads could be very insightful.
Thursday, December 28
Thursday, December 28, is rather intense but can be incredibly powerful and deepen connections - particularly if you appreciate something more than the most superficial friendships.
The first half of the day has a beautiful grand water trine between the Cancer moon, Venus in Scorpio and Neptune in Pisces.
Open your heart, have meaningful conversations or rest in sublime silence with the one who understands you at the deepest level.
This is a time to surrender to the ebb and flow of emotions, dreams and the mystery of what it means to be a living, feeling human being, yet also an eternal soul.
This could be when romance transcends time and the material realm. Just what Venus and Neptune do best. And in water signs it may be very otherworldly indeed.
By the middle of the day, the intensity goes up a notch with Pluto in Capricorn getting involved especially when it opposes the cancer moon, as it approaches the anaretic 29 degrees of Cancer and while Pluto builds in a sextile with Venus in Scorpio.
For some, the profound energy of Pluto challenging the cancer moon and that all-or-nothing tone of the planet of love, may feel like a tidal wave of emotions stirring in the depths of the subconscious.
This is the final day of Venus in Scorpio and she is at the anaretic 29 degrees from just after 4:30 pm so the next twenty hours could bring out some of those more scorpionic, to-the-death-and-beyond tendencies.
If this weren't enough, the square between Mars and Neptune is also exact at this time and Mercury retrograde is still in the picture.
There's a tension between assertive action and imaginative inspiration.
For several days we have been trying to navigate a misty landscape where our goals and desires may be fueled by idealism, or even delusions or deception.
It's important to tread lightly, and while appreciating Neptune's intuitive wisdom, be mindful to avoid the pitfalls of illusion or too much idealism. We are swimming in some very deep water today.
The moon then goes void of course just before 3 pm before entering Leo just before 4:30 pm switching things up with a bit more playfulness and confidence.
This day can truly be a cathartic experience, with an opportunity for profound emotional healing, soul connections and transformation.
We can confront deep-seated emotions and let those buried feelings comes to the surface, but it's important to stay mindful of overdoing things or falling prey to unrealistic fantasies or false promises.
Those with courage and self-awareness may find that today they can release what no longer serves them, paving the way for an emotional rebirth and much stronger connections.
Friday, December 29
Friday, December 29, in the overnight hours and into the morning the Leo moon is squaring Jupiter in Taurus.
If you have to work it might be hard to find the motivation to apply yourself in a practical steady way. There may be a desire to head off into the weekend and go and express yourself with fun and creativity. As if it's not challenging enough to get anything done in a holiday week!
Venus is in the critical 29 degrees of Scorpio and still sextile Pluto. There's an air of culmination and destiny, not only is the year ending, but so are these intense Planets in their prospective signs.
We can find a lot of depth and transformation in our relationships this morning, and creativity and intuition could also be heightened. Just watch for the pitfalls of obsession and being controlling.
Mars is still close to Mercury and both squaring Neptune, we are working through our beliefs, and goals and going over old plans and communications.
But not everything is as it seems and what may appear to be intuitive downloads or revelations could turn out to be nothing more than delusions or outright lies in a few weeks. Slowing down and using discernment will be better than rushing in.
Then just before 12:30 pm, Venus enters Sagittarius. Love, finances and our values are more expansive, freedom-oriented and upbeat.
We might be drawn to explore new cultures, and aesthetics from abroad or simply be more willing to expand the borders of our emotions.
First, however, Venus will have to contend with the square from Saturn, as have all the ingresses into Sagittarius since Saturn went into Pisces.
So the initial few days of Venus here could be a bit less jovial than we normally expect.
The good news is that from tomorrow the dispositor of Mercury, Mars and Venus in Sagittarius will be stationing direct.
Jupiter should have us feeling luckier and more optimistic as it picks up speed over the coming weeks and months.
Later tonight the Leo moon is trine Chiron in Aries, which is now direct. It's as if the moon's radiant glow enhances our confidence and courage, allowing us to embrace our vulnerabilities with a newfound strength.
There's nothing more freeing than to be your authentic self without the fear of what anyone else might think.
Saturday, December 30
Saturday, December 30, the Leo moon starts the day off with a square to Uranus in Taurus.
Do we want to curl up and snuggle or jump up and do something unpredictable and spontaneous?
Be open to trying the new and maybe break up the routine. There could also be unexpected disruptions so stay flexible.
In the later part of the morning and into lunch, the Leo moon makes a fabulous grand fire trine with the north node in Aries, the Mars and Mercury duo in Sagittarius, tying it all in a karmic kite formation with the south node included.
Here we have enthusiasm, creativity, passion and the horizon beckoning us into a bright future.
There's a sense of adventure, exploration, and the fun of expressive communication.
Mercury is of course still retrograde but backing out of that confounding Neptune square.
It's as if the universe today is telling us to speak our truth, act with passion, and pursue our goals with optimism and courage. A reminder that fortune favours the bold.
The big news of the day is that after being retrograde since September and in shadow since June, Jupiter, our planet of luck and abundance, is finally stationing direct at 6:40 pm.
It will still be in the post-retrograde shadow til March 23, but the doors of opportunity should begin to open up.
And as the dispositor of Mercury, Venus and Mars, which are the personal planets currently all in Sagittarius, it amplifies the fiery, adventurous and optimistic side of love, physical drive and communication.
Venus, being the exception for a few days as she is building in the square to Saturn. Saturn is first reminding us to be responsible whether in matters of the heart or our wallets.
Still, take this opportunity to align with your highest dreams and see how the universe conspires to make things happen.
Stay open to new experiences, meet people from different walks of life, seek knowledge, and welcome the abundance that follows.
The trine from the Leo moon to Mars in Sagittarius will be at its peak by this evening so it could be a great time to spend out and about or having fun with friends and family.
The moon then goes void of course just after 9 pm before entering Virgo overnight just before 4 am.
Sunday, December 31
The final day of the calendar year might start a little cold and prickly.
The moon enters Virgo just before 4 am and then triggers a morning t-square with Venus in Sagittarius and Saturn in Pisces.
We might be overly critical of ourselves or others, feeling hemmed in and locked into a situation we don't feel fully aligned with. Desperately looking for a way out while practical responsibilities build and loom.
Some could be feeling emotionally cut off and irritated all at once.
But in the afternoon there's a palpable shift in the mood. The moon is trine Jupiter now moving forward again, and this builds into a beautiful grand earth trine as the evening goes on.
As the clock strikes midnight the moon is in an exact trine with the sun. And we are only hours away from Mercury stationing direct tomorrow.
There's optimism and hope in the air.
Venus and Saturn are reminding us to be sensible and practical in those matters of the heart and finances but there's so much to look forward to.
In the company of those we love and trust this is a great night to ring in the New Year.
Coming Up…
On Monday, January 1, 2024, Mercury stations direct, bringing more clarity to all our communication and lessening those travel and technology hiccups.
And on Thursday, January 4 Mars enters Capricorn. Shifting our warrior spirit from adventure and the sometimes scattered energy of Sagittarius, to a more focused and strategic approach to our goals and actions. Expect an increase in stamina and persistence.