Weekly Horoscope For January 1-7, 2024
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:29 Overview
00:02:46 Monday
00:04:25 Tuesday
00:05:24 Wednesday
00:06:56 Thursday
00:08:17 Friday
00:10:01 Saturday
00:11:16 Sunday
00:12:21 Coming Up...
We're off into a new calendar year with what may in many ways feel like a frustrating stop-and-go.
Jupiter is now direct, Mercury stations direct on Monday, January 1, leaving only Uranus still retrograde, we have a Sagittarius stellium, and a Capricorn Sun ready to get down to business.
This is all fantastic news and a prime opportunity to get going and put those plans in motion.
However at the same time the major aspects this week are all challenging squares.
These are not insurmountable, more like stress tests that will make us and our vision all the more likely to come to fruition if it's in alignment.
As Mercury, the cosmic messenger, throws off its retrograde cloak and stations direct, - and we expect more clarity in our communications - it once more starts applying in the confounding square to Neptune which will intensify as we finish out the week and be exact next week.
Delusion, deception and confusion are all possible with this transit.
The third quarter Moon square in Libra on Wednesday, January 3, could be testing for partnerships, particularly since we start the week out with Venus squaring Saturn, tearing off rose-coloured glasses around love and finances.
We need to be practical, serious and mature in the areas Venus rules, which is not easy for the happy-go-lucky, carefree nature of Sagittarius - where Venus now finds herself.
The Capricorn Sun is also applying in its square to Chiron in Aries toward the end of the week. Many old wounds to do with confidence, courage and the way we take our place on the public stage, will be coming up for resolution.
On Thursday, January 4 Mars enters Capricorn further emphasizing the get down to business theme.
We are moving from the wanderlust traveller to a determined pathfinder. Sagittarius had us setting our sights on a distant star and Capricorn now says, "Yes, we can embark on that journey with unyielding resolve - once we are clear on the path ahead."
There's no jumping over the details, so bring out your map, set your compass and get ready to go. Just be aware that Neptune will once more be sending down some fog to test our intuition and discernment.
Monday, January 1
Happy New Year! Hopefully, you had a fabulous New Year's Eve with Jupiter direct and the very positive and also grounding overnight trine between the Virgo Moon and Capricorn Sun.
As we awaken there may be a bit of coldness and those reality checks around love, values and finances when Venus in Sagittarius makes her exact square with Saturn.
We could feel the weight of responsibility and perhaps there are some serious decisions to be made. This has the feeling of an emotional hangover.
Don't let things get you down, Saturn appreciates practical action, so clean up, make your bed and tackle what you can.
This evening just after 7 pm, Mercury stations direct. While it will still be in shadow for the next 3 weeks, communication, technology and our mental processes should begin to move forward, with fewer stalls and hiccups. Though it will still need to deal with Neptune by week’s end and early next week.
While it was retrograde in Sagittarius we had a chance to reassess our philosophy and those lofty ideals, while during the retrograde in Capricorn, our careers, status and areas of responsibility were under revision.
Remember, as Mercury stations things can get extra haywire, so give yourself more time today and double-check everything. Avoid jumping to conclusions and if you can, hold off on signing paperwork.
Around the same time as Mercury shifts gears, the Moon is trine Uranus, expanding our minds, stimulating conversations and possibly giving us some fun spontaneous moments.
Jupiter will be fueling things along now too, so don't be afraid to open your mind, dream big and make powerful connections.
Tuesday, January 2
Tuesday, January 2 in the morning we could really struggle to get going or to see things with clarity and eye to eye.
Although Mercury is now direct, the Moon locks it in a very early T-square with Neptune, a precursor to the exact Neptune square next week. Avoid making major decisions, deception is very possible.
Then as the day continues, Mars is in that Lunar, Neptune T-square. The right decisions may be illusive, and actions taken in haste fill us with regret later on. Practice patience and don't try to rush over the details.
Once separating from this configuration, the Moon is trine Pluto at 29 degrees around 3 pm. Maybe we get insights that were hard to see earlier in the day, of what we need to release and shed like old skin to transform, stronger and more resilient.
Venus is still squaring Saturn but slowly separating from this tension but there might still be some thorns and weight around love and finances for a little longer.
Wednesday, January 3
On Wednesday, January 3, the early morning starts off with a lovely boost from the Libra Moon to Venus in Sagittarius.
After the square to Saturn, this is a pleasant nudge to stay positive. It's easier to feel optimistic this morning, to be supportive of our loved ones and to create an atmosphere that's fun and encouraging.
The Sagittarius stellium of Mercury, Venus and Mars, with their dispositor - Jupiter - gives this Capricorn season a touch more joy, bravado and curiosity.
This is the final full day of Mars in Sagittarius so that energy is amplified. People may feel bolder and more expansive than usual, ready to take risks, go on journeys and kick up their heels.
Tact could also be thin on the ground, the archer always shooting arrows of truth regardless of their impact.
Today we also have the third quarter Moon square in Libra which will peak around 7:30 pm.
Let go of whatever the emotional full Moon in Cancer had illuminated. As we head into the new year, what do we want to drop so our hands are free to receive something new?
How can there be more peace, cooperation and balance in our relationships as we build our structures?
Supportive connections can help us achieve goals, while those that are draining hold us back.
Take the time tonight to visualize what a harmonious partnership means to you and what the future might be like with the right person with you on the journey.
Later tonight if you are still up, the Moon opposes Chiron which can trigger old wounds around confidence and self-worth.
So try to get an early night and practice lots of self-care, take a bath, journal or watch a fun movie.
Thursday, January 4
On Thursday, January 4, we say farewell to adventurous Mars in Sagittarius and welcome hard-working, pragmatic, Mars in Capricorn.
It's time to get serious about our work. We are more disciplined, organized and matter-of-fact.
There's no time to waste in folly, idle dreaming and wild adventures. What do we need to do to get a physical reality on the ground?
This is the perfect day to plan, be mature and above all realistic. One thing to watch for is taking healthy skepticism to the point where the joy is sucked out of our labours.
Overall though this is perfect for pouring the concrete foundations of our future dreams.
This morning the libra Moon is with the south node, potentially triggering sentimentality and nostalgia, a longing for what once was especially in the realm of partnerships.
Fortunately Mercury now direct in Sagittarius is sextile the south node and trine the north node in aries. But at the same time it’s applying in the square to Neptune.
If we can keep our head on straight, with Mercury's influence, we can find a way to extract valuable lessons from those moments, but while keeping our gaze fixed on the future.
Whatever once was is in the past for a reason and even then our memories are just that, they are not precise snapshots, but layered visions and impressions worn smooth by time.
Friday, January 5
Friday, January 5, may begin with some heaviness. While we slept the Moon at 29 degrees of Libra, squared Pluto. We could wake up feeling a lot of mixed emotions, especially around partnerships.
This is the last Libra Moon that will square Pluto until September. So it can feel extra potent and brooding.
The Moon went void of course just before 3:30 am before entering Scorpio, just after 4:30 am. So it's an intense start to the day.
The Sun is also applying in a square to Chiron which will be exact overnight.
We are being called on to address any lingering wounds around our identity and self-expression. We all have parts of ourselves we try to hide because they are less than perfect, especially as we try to maintain our status in the public world.
These next few days are an invitation to look at those wounds and accept that we are all in our own ways on a healing journey of acceptance. However successful the outer appearance may be.
For the first half of the day, the Moon makes good aspects to both Mars and Saturn, forming a very grounding and motivating minor grand trine. Channel that emotion into achieving your goals.
It's also a perfect morning to make a deep commitment and strengthen bonds that have proven that they will go the distance.
Be careful about overdoing things by the afternoon when the Moon opposes Jupiter. It could be easy by then to overcommit and then burn out down the road.
Emotions could also be in excess with the tendency of Jupiter to amplify and the Scorpio Moon reading too much into things at times.
Mercury is also starting to apply in the square to Neptune in Pisces. Communication and thinking could begin to get a little foggy, prone to delusions and confusion, similar to Mercury retrograde.
Saturday, January 6
On Saturday, January 6, the spotlight sharpens as the Capricorn Sun precisely squares Chiron in Aries, prompting us to address those wounds around confidence and how we appear in the public sphere.
It's a good day to remember that we are each grappling with insecurities and this can help us feel less alone in the world.
By acknowledging and embracing our vulnerabilities it's much easier to feel compassion for ourselves and others.
Nobody is flawless and perfect and therein we find true beauty.
This morning the Moon is also sextile the Sun, increasing our confidence and feelings of mastery.
Those at times turbulent waters of Scorpio are given support by the Capricorn Sun. We've got this! Spend time with people you trust and who always have your back.
Things get rather more erratic by the evening when the Moon opposes Uranus.
There could be a desire to break free, emotions could be explosive and some feeling very impulsive.
Be careful on the roads, and watch for recklessness.
Otherwise meeting new people, or trying something out of the ordinary could be a positive way to use this energy.
Be aware that Mercury is starting to square Neptune, so really watch for foggy thinking and misinformation over the weekend and into Tuesday next week.
Sunday, January 7
Sunday, January 7, we could have some very prophetic dreams and visions in the morning and into the lunch hour.
The Moon is first trine Neptune and then builds into a Sextile with Pluto. It's also easier to connect on a deeper, more meaningful level.
Perhaps have a coffee stroll with one of your favourite people and share some of those secrets that only the closest friends dare to.
Mercury is of course building in the square to Neptune, so try to keep your wits about you. It could be easy to get lost in delusions and illusions for the next few days. But it can also be very inspiring for artists, dreamers and wordsmiths.
The Sun is also starting to apply in a trine with Uranus in Taurus. A restlessness and desire to break open the doors of opportunity with an unconventional route is increasing.
The Moon goes briefly void of course just before 12:30 p.m. before entering Sagittarius just after 1 pm.
It is squared by Saturn, putting a damper on some of the feel-good vibes that a Sagittarius Moon can bring. It's not a bad night to stay in and get ready for the week ahead.
Coming Up…
On Thursday, 11 January we have the first lunation of the calendar year, the New Moon in the cardinal sign of Capricorn. A fantastic day for manifesting those long-term career goals.
And on Saturday, 13 January Mercury re-enters Capricorn again where it will be into February. Now direct and building in speed, it joins the Sun and Mars in the earthy sign, giving us a no-nonsense approach and helping sort out what's truly important.