Weekly Horoscope For January 8-14, 2024


  • 00:00:00 Intro 
  • 00:00:29 Overview 
  • 00:03:30 Monday
  • 00:05:45 Tuesday
  • 00:08:38 Wednesday 
  • 00:10:42 Thursday
  • 00:13:06 Friday
  • 00:14:29 Saturday
  • 00:16:42 Sunday 
  • 00:18:46 Coming Up...


This week unfolds under a waning crescent Moon, as the Sun and Mercury make contact with the outer planets - Neptune and Uranus. Even with a stable and practical Capricorn Sun, and Saturn sextile Mars in Capricorn, things are far from settled. Uranus the wild and unruly liberator and instigator is saying “try something different, why not take the unconventional route so you can stand confident in your unique identity?”

Mercury already weakened in Sagittarius is exact in the square to a very strong Neptune in Pisces by Monday. Fanaticism, ideological dogma, lies and even mania can create a fog that's hard to pierce. Artists can enjoy being swept away in creativity, but it can be a bit challenging for those navigating the everyday.

On Wednesday the Sun squares the nodes, marking the midpoint of the eclipses and a crossroads for many. Where are we going and what do we need to leave behind to get there?

Thursday, 11 January brings the first lunation of the calendar year, with the New Moon at 20° and 44’ in the cardinal sign of Capricorn. This is a very important New Moon and ideal for getting clear on where we want to channel our drive and energy.

It is out of bounds, trine Uranus retrograde and squaring the nodes - a very strong signature of liberation and breaking free from stagnation or restrictions that might be holding us back. Despite being in practical Capricorn and therefore a Moon in detriment. We will likely be inclined to draw further inward, not to mourn, but so that we can plan and set the exciting course ahead.

A lunation about change and new beginnings, which can be exciting, but also uncomfortable, not only for ourselves but also for those closest to us. Venus will also be trine Chiron helping to soothe and heal our hearts and old wounds. While that out-of-bounds, very determined Mars in Capricorn will be building in a trine to Jupiter, giving us a lot more confidence about what's possible. It's the ideal day to set New Year Resolutions and a good opportunity to visualize where you would like to see yourself in the next twelve months.

Set your intentions and in Capricorn fashion commit to sticking to your goals, step by step, one day at a time.

And on Saturday, January 13, Mercury makes its return to Capricorn, where it will be until February. Now, direct and gaining speed, it joins the Sun and Mars in this grounded sign. Encouraging us to remain focused on our goals and helping us discern what's worth our time and energy.

And the weekend finishes with Venus pointing the way as she aligns harmoniously with the Nodes. We are not islands, and the right partnerships can help us get much farther along and make this journey a lot more rewarding.

Monday, January 8

Monday, January 8 is a bit of a mixed bag. The Moon is waning, so our energy is naturally at a lower point.

But the Sagittarius Moon joins Venus in the first half of the day, bringing a burst of enthusiasm, optimism and opening up our hearts. Together they also trine Chiron, which Venus is applying to over these next few days. It's easier to forgive, make peace and take a philosophical approach to the times we have been hurt.

The Sun in Capricorn is also applying in a trine to Uranus in Taurus, inspiring us to think and step outside the box. These are earth signs, so breaking out of routine and the norm might not look like we could expect. Perhaps the radical route is to go outside and connect to nature or start a mindful exercise routine like yoga. Whatever it is, it's good to be open to change.

Our actions are getting support from Saturn and Mars in their sextile. Prompting us to put our nose to the grindstone and get things done. Though Mars is currently out of bounds, so watch out for burnout, overwork and overdoing things. Making time for fun and relaxation is also important.

The major transit of the day is the square between Mercury in Sagittarius and Neptune in Pisces that we have felt since last week and which is exact this evening around 5 pm. Here we are challenged to confront potential pitfalls such as lies, delusions, and even mental instability.

Similar to a fun house mirror, we might be coming face to face with reflected distortions. It will be a challenge to discern between factual clarity and the alluring haze of illusion.

Miscommunications and misunderstandings are also possible, so avoid relying on mind reading, slow down and get clarification. Without losing hope or creativity, look at whatever is being projected with a critical eye.

It can at the same time be a very creative day to write, paint or express yourself artistically, with Neptune blurring our boundaries and Mercury shooting arrows of inspiration towards our dreams into the far-off horizon.

And if you don’t take yourself too seriously there can be some unexpected fun, with wild fits of Sagittarius laughter, combined with a Neptunian curveball of off-the-wall jokes and pranks.

Tuesday, January 9

On Tuesday, January 9, the waning crescent Moon joins Mercury in the square Neptune. This can be a moment where we think we understand our feelings or those of others, yet be completely misguided and off course, thanks to the presence of Neptune. Maybe our intuition is indeed on point but it's better to ground that ethereal wisdom with cold hard facts. Ask questions, slow down and be prepared to be wrong.

This can of course also be a very creative and spiritual start to the day, with our connection to the infinite beyond heightened. Just be aware that all may not be as it seems and stay grounded in your physical body.

The Moon then goes void of course just before 10:30 am before entering Capricorn just after 5:30 pm so for most of this day, given this long void-of-course phase, the waning Moon and the strong Neptune, avoid making major decisions. Much like yesterday, it's a mixed day energetically.

The major transit is the trine between the Sun and Uranus which we have felt building and that is exact just after 4 pm. This is where we can expect the unexpected, especially in our self-identity and expression. Urging us to break through any stagnation around how we perceive and present ourselves to the world. In earth signs, there could be a desire to disconnect from the digital noise, as an act of rebellion. Whatever shape this takes, be open to new meetings, and surprises.

The Sun is also starting to square the nodes, so there's a lot of restlessness to get ourselves on track. This might begin to show up as friction, especially in partnerships and situations where we have given up on ourselves for fear of change or in keeping the peace.

Saturn, Jupiter and Mars are forming a very supportive minor grand trine. Abundance, whether on the material or spiritual plane is attainable, but we want to make sure we are applying ourselves to the right goals. It's not about luck or quick results. We are reminded that success comes when imagination, hard work and ambition combine, and when we know how to discern real gold from fool's gold.

While we sleep tonight the almost dark Capricorn Moon will join Mars in this configuration, so with the connections between the Sun and Uranus and Mercury and Neptune, dreams could offer insights about where we want to go and what we want to be manifesting.

The Moon enters Capricorn just after 5:30 pm, where it is not the most comfortable. We could feel like going inward, and be less inclined to socialize.

On top of the long void of course phase, a waning Moon and still the confusing presence of Neptune, it can be a very low energy time, despite the presence of electrifying Uranus. A kind of wired but tired day. So be gentle with yourself and take lots of rest as needed, grounding with yoga, walks or stretching and then get an early night.

Wednesday, January 10

On Wednesday morning, January 10, we are coming off the supportive and grounding overnight minor grand trine between the Moon, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn. A reminder to draw strength from long-term, practical action and to have faith in the path we are on. Perhaps while you slept you received downloads about where you want to direct your efforts. There’s only so much time, food and resources you have in a day so the universe is saying use them wisely.

There is still the complicated wired but tired energy of a waning Moon, the Sun trine Uranus, but building in its square to the nodes which is exact this evening just after 5:30 pm. Marking the midpoint of the eclipses. We sense that a big shift is in the air and we need to be making plans. Relationships and partnerships could be feeling the challenge, especially those with the cardinal placements around 20° of Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries. Have we been making too many compromises to keep the peace?

Uranus and the North Node are inviting us to embrace change, and to claim more independence and authenticity. This can be unsettling for those in situations that have become stagnant.

In the evening, the waning Capricorn Moon, already rather cool and reserved, engages in a challenging square with Chiron in Aries. Sensitivities might be heightened, making it crucial to tread gently. There's a risk of unintentionally causing emotional harm, either to others or ourselves.

At the same time, Venus in Sagittarius is applying in her trine to Chiron, allowing us to approach these situations with compassion, understanding, optimism and an open heart. Nobody is perfect, often we are clumsy and that's OK, we are perfectly imperfect humans.

The New Moon will take place while we sleep for those on the West Coast, just before 4 am. Before this, it is also trine Uranus and squaring the nodes, so it could be a bit of an unsettled night's sleep with some potent and visionary dreams.

Unwinding, soothing and supportive rituals before bed could be very helpful.

Thursday, January 11

On Thursday, January 11, just before 4 am the New Moon in Capricorn at 20°44’ and the first lunation of the calendar year takes place. This is a potent signature for New Beginnings. It may have an eclipse-like feeling, with a strange edge because we are at the mid-point of eclipse season with both the Sun and Moon squaring the nodes.

It can be challenging for relationships and partnerships that are in some respects holding us back. As with yesterday, especially for those with cardinal placements around 20° of Libra, Cancer, Capricorn and Aries.

Fortunately, Venus is exact in her trine Chiron this morning, taking some of the harshness away around old wounds that could be triggered by important conversations, especially to do with boundaries, independence and freedom.

This new Moon is also in a trine to Uranus in Taurus. Making it ideal for setting in motion not only our long-term goals, but also clearing stagnation and firing up the imagination. However for something new and radical to arrive, something old must go. This can make it unsettling if we have avoided necessary changes.

The new Moon is a time for going inward, and a winter lunation in Capricorn means having patience. We have a strong Earth presence in the chart today, with the Sun, Moon, Mars, Jupiter, Uranus and Pluto. It’s time to go slow but with steady focused determination.

The minor grand trine is still active between Mars, Saturn and Jupiter, so practical planning, combined with hard work can bring great rewards.

Uranus might make things move swiftly, but most likely this will be in the form of sudden epiphanies.

This morning the Moon is also sextile Neptune and will come to join Pluto in its final moments at 29° of Capricorn, as the day unfolds. Intuition, imagination and a desire to go deep into our subconscious are all activated. Therefore take the opportunity today to visualize the profound transformation you want to see in your life.

It's likely not a time to make drastic sudden changes, though it is possible with the unexpected nature of Uranus. Remain flexible, use your imagination, set your intentions and be ready to do the work needed to make those dreams a reality.

The Moon then goes void of course briefly just after 6:30 pm before entering Aquarius just after 7 pm.

Friday, January 12

We could wake up feeling very motivated on Friday, January 12. The intensity of the New Moon fading somewhat and Mars is exact in the trine to Jupiter.

The Moon will however be squaring Jupiter at the same time. This might amplify emotions, leading to a clash between our ambitions and the need for emotional harmony. Someone could be feeling left out or run over. The Aquarius Moon is generally detached and has a live-and-let-live attitude, but other people’s feelings could get hurt if we are pushing ahead. There's also a risk of overestimating possibilities and our abilities. So it's a good idea to moderate this burst of enthusiasm with practical realities.

By evening we can mend a lot of those broken hearts when the Moon forms a very nice sextile triangle with Venus and Chiron. The Aquarius Moon delivers a much-appreciated breeze as the only air in the chart, aside from the south node. Breaking up some of the earthy density. Forgiving, seeing the bigger picture and not getting caught up in old slights is much easier as the Sun sets.

With one caveat, Mercury enters the final Anaretic degree of Sagittarius just after 8 pm, and some of the wilder, more over-the-top features of Sagittarius could appear over the next 24 hours. This can mean a good time, tall tales and those classic archer arrows of brutal truth.

Saturday, January 13

On Saturday, January 13, while we slept the Moon went void of course just before 2 am. It then enters Pisces just before 7:30 pm. This means that for the majority of Saturday, the Moon is void of course. Take this as an opportunity to slow down, relax and avoid making any major decisions.

This is the final day of Mercury's journey through Sagittarius. Meaning the potential for the more extravagant and unrestrained aspects of this fiery sign to come out. It might translate into some entertaining debates and conversations, filled with big tales (and exaggeration) and the characteristic archer's lack of tact.

Right now Venus is applying in the trine with the North Node helping us connect with the relationships, creativity, and expressions of beauty that align with our karmic journey and life's purpose. Embrace love and aesthetics that resonate with your authentic self - we aren't islands and the right connections make all the difference on our life's journey.

Mercury then re-enters Capricorn at 6:49 pm where it will be until February 4.

However, it's worth noting that even though Mercury is moving forward, it's still in the post-retrograde shadow period until January 20, compelling us to revisit and retrace the steps and decisions taken since December last year.

With Mercury now in Capricorn, communication becomes matter-of-fact and efficient. Ruled by serious Saturn, the challenge will be to find balance, to know when to be focused on facts and when to find time to relax and lighten up.

This also means we have a Capricorn stellium, with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto all in this sign.

This pattern will continue into the summer, with the Sun and planets clustering in individual signs, inviting us to engage deeply with their resonance and lessons.

The Moon then enters Pisces, at 7:29 p.m. and makes a very nice sextile to Mercury now in Capricorn. Pisces' intuitive and compassionate nature intertwines perfectly with Capricorn's grounded and organized approach. It's a moment where feelings and thoughts find balance allowing for some very meaningful conversations.

Sunday, January 14

On Sunday, January 14, while we slept the Pisces Moon was conjunct Saturn which might have left a bit of a sombre mood.

Fortunately, as we awaken, the Moon is in a Sextile triangle with Mars in Capricorn and Jupiter in Taurus. The heaviness of the previous night dissipates, replaced by a more optimistic and invigorating atmosphere. Inviting us to embrace the day with a renewed sense of motivation and to see the expansive possibilities. We are more inspired, with intuition on point, more sure that the steps we are taking make sense and there's confidence that the universe is supporting us.

Venus is also exact in the trine to the North Node and Sextile the south this afternoon. Connecting with the right partnerships, our creative expression and even the financial decisions we need to make, are all facilitated right now. We make greater progress in life when these areas that Venus rules are in alignment with what resonates with our life path.

For example if one person dreams of a home and family and the other of travel and adventure, this will only lead to disappointment and frustration, despite the love shared. The configuration of Venus to the nodes now is highlighting those connections, ways of expressing ourselves, and handling our finances that are in fact in our best service. We just need to be open and act from a place of integrity.

And to add to the magick of the day, the Sun is building in a sextile to Neptune. Capricorn's discipline meets the Piscean dreamy and intuitive nature. This aspect brings a subtle but transformative influence, urging us to tap into our creative depths and explore a more spiritual dimension to our ambitions.

It's a gentle realization that our goals, and the brush we paint our identity with, mustn't stray too far off into the ethers nor get bogged down in only the pursuit of the physical. The balanced middle path, as we chop wood and carry water, allows us to ground and sustain ourselves so we can safely make the forays into the wide unknown.

Coming Up…

Sunday, January 20 is a long-anticipated big day in the Astrology. The Capricorn Sun makes its exact conjunction with Pluto in Capricorn at 29 degrees and 59 minutes, at 5:46 a.m. This is a moment of intense transformation and regeneration, as Pluto merges with the illuminating force of the Sun.

Occurring at the final degree of Capricorn, it symbolizes the culmination of a cycle, offering a profound opportunity for rebirth and evolution.

Those with Cardinal placements of Aries, Cancer, Libra and Capricorn in those later degrees could be feeling this extra strongly, but it will be reverberating through the collective.

The Sun shortly after then enters Aquarius. This shift brings a change in focus from the disciplined and structured energy of Capricorn to the innovative and forward-thinking qualities of Aquarius. It also means we will begin to see the pile-up of planets in this sign in the days ahead.

And then Pluto enters Aquarius, at 4:56 p.m. where it will be until September 1. This transition of Pluto into Aquarius carries far-reaching implications. It sets the stage for a period of profound shifts in how we approach progress, technology, and the collective vision of the future.

We will only have a little over two months left of Pluto in Capricorn in the fall of this year, before it enters its 20-year stay in the sign of the water bearer from November 19. So January 20 becomes an important juncture, symbolizing both the completion of a transformative chapter in Capricorn and the preview of what's to come with Pluto in Aquarius.


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