Weekly Horoscope For January 15-21, 2024
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:29 Overview
00:04:13 Monday
00:06:48 Tuesday
00:09:46 Wednesday
00:12:19 Thursday
00:14:10 Friday
00:16:03 Saturday
00:19:59 Sunday
00:21:52 Coming Up...
The week starts with the Pisces Moon and Capricorn Sun harmonizing with Neptune in Pisces. Dreams become tangible, and compassion finds a practical anchor in reality. If we can imagine it, tune into our intuition and go forward with a down-to-earth approach, the deepest desires will be within reach. As barriers fall away the fabric of reality works in our favour.
At the same time, there is the unmistakable presence of a powerful force as the Capricorn Sun approaches the conjunction with Pluto, reaching its climax by Saturday. The energy in the days ahead surges, calling for transformation and a deep exploration of personal power, death, rebirth and a seismic shift through the collective.
No ordinary transit, this will be the final Sun and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn in our lifetimes. An event not to be repeated until 2254, and even then, not at the final anaretic degree. The closest parallel was in 1778 and Pluto at the time was not a part of our conscious awareness. So this is a very historic week.
Towards the end of the week, Mercury in Capricorn will be beautifully aligned with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, tracing the path Mars has worn before it. Commit to what's logical, and well-thought-out and see those long-term rewards come.
By Saturday, Mercury will also be out of its post-retrograde shadow, so there's a perfect opportunity this week to showcase our ideas and plans since they hold the potential for substantial success down the road.
Yet, a note of caution in affairs of the heart and finances: Venus, will at the end of the week, be in her twice-a-year square with Neptune, exact on Friday. Watch out for potential confusion, deception, and the tempting allure of an offer that's too good to be true - it likely is.
On a positive note, this is excellent for artists, so get creative! Venus and Jupiter are in the last days of their mutual reception while the planet of love finishes up in Sagittarius, so there are still wonderful benefits to be had for finances and love, it just requires discernment, especially at the end of this week.
Saturday, January 20, is the day we have all been talking about. First thing in the predawn hours the Sun is with Pluto at 29°59' of Capricorn. This is the peak-out moment, calling for societal as well as individual transformation and a deep exploration of power - where it resides and where it is used or misused.
Emotionally, the Taurus Moon will be supporting us with a harmonious trine to both Pluto and the Sun, reminding us to not give into fear or relapse into old patterns. To have faith in our emotional reserves.
Then on the same day just before 5 pm, Pluto moves into Aquarius until September 1, offering a longer preview of the transformation ahead, than just the few weeks in the spring of 2023. It will finally move into Aquarius for its 20-year stay, on November 19 this year.
With the Aquarian archetype opposing Leo, we could see a reactionary pushback against individuality and leadership. Groupthink is one of the possible pitfalls. Those eager to grab power may stake their claim with a promise of a collectivist utopia.
Time will tell what this transit will mean, but now that Pluto, the slow-moving planet of transformation will be disposited by Uranus the shaker-upper, expect things to become more unpredictable, especially around innovation, technology, networking, power distribution, and the societal vision of the future.
Monday, January 15
On Monday, January 19, the morning begins with a palpable air of excitement, a rare moment in time when dreams and mysteries feel within reach.
As the Pisces Moon approaches Neptune it pulls the Capricorn Sun and Uranus in Taurus into a minor grand trine. Intuitive visions, sudden epiphanies and a melting of the boundaries of physical reality are all possible.
The Pisces Moon will also square Venus in Sagittarius in the early hours. That watery Moon craves depth and romantic idealism, with the archer attracted to freedom.
It could be challenging to find that sweet spot between emotional fulfillment and the thrill of the unknown. Our hearts might feel wide open but not everyone is eager to connect on that level.
Venus is slowly separating from her harmonious connection with the nodes. Who we want along for our journey as well as how we want to take care of our appearance and finances is becoming clearer. Perhaps there were people met or clues found over the weekend.
This afternoon, the Sun in Capricorn and Neptune in Pisces form their exact sextile at 25 degrees.
The Moon's earlier conjunction with Neptune adds an extra layer to this harmonious aspect, enhancing all that is ethereal and sensitive.
Here we are blending Capricorn's practicality and grit with Pisces' imaginative and compassionate depth.
Creating a beautiful atmosphere for creative pursuits and enhanced psychic powers. Helping us feel the balance between the tangible and the mystical.
We can be realistic but also sense the deeper meaning in what we do. Understanding that while we operate in this physical reality, there’s also a mystical fabric that is beyond our comprehension weaving itself through every mundane experience.
Tune in and enjoy the feeling of being one with the rhythm of the universe.
Just before it goes void of course, the Moon and Pluto form a sextile at their final degrees. It's a potent blend, urging a profound connection with intuition. Expect a surge of emotional depth, where emotions can be the guide around what needs to be released.
The Moon goes briefly void of course just after 8:30 pm before entering Aries a few minutes later just before 9 pm.
Late at night and overnight, the Moon in Aries and Mercury in Capricorn square off suggesting a potential for arguments or heated debates.
Try to get an early night, though there could be restlessness, possibly leading to some turbulent dreams or a sense of unease. So do your best to unwind before bed.
Tuesday, January 16
Tuesday, January 16, kicks off with the remnants of the Aries Moon squaring Mercury overnight. Sleep might have been a bit restless, which also sets the tone for the day. It’s not quite the soft spiritual energy we could have been swept along with yesterday.
In the first half of the day, the same waxing Aries Moon squares Mars in Capricorn. Emotions might be wrestling with action in these assertive cardinal signs. It's a time when passion and drive may be heightened, but with the potential for conflicts to arise.
Be mindful of your reactions, there might be heated exchanges. If you can, channel this assertiveness into productivity, focusing on individual tasks that require determination and motivation to propel yourself towards your goals.
Though we do still get to enjoy the lingering influence of the Capricorn Sun's ethereal sextile to Neptune in Pisces, today, giving us a blend of practicality and dreamy imagination - a more potent transit is building.
As the Capricorn Sun heads toward a powerful conjunction with Pluto (exact by Saturday), the energy intensifies, urging transformation and a look into the essence of personal power.
This is the last Sun and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn that we will ever experience in our lives. The next will not be until the year 2254 and even then not at this final degree.
The closest parallel was on 19 January 1778. This is no ordinary week. Embrace the profound shifts and know you are part of a historical moment.
Simultaneously, for the rest of this week, Mercury in Capricorn is forming a minor grand trine with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, following in the path worn before it by Mars. Our minds catching up with the action we have recently taken.
This is very supportive. Encouraging us to apply logical thinking to our projects and plans, which will pave the way for long-term benefits and rewards. No longer retrograde, as Mercury applies in the trine to Jupiter, don’t be afraid to put solid ideas out there, they could go far and wide.
While our minds might be getting on track, of course, nothing ever runs quite so smoothly.
Venus in Sagittarius is gearing up for a square with Neptune in Pisces. Brace for potential delusions, ideological clashes in relationships, and money matters shrouded in confusion.
While rose-coloured glasses may be in play, artists often find this energy particularly inspiring.
Just be mindful for the rest of this week, especially around relationships and financial decisions. If it sounds too good to be true it probably is.
Later tonight the Aries Moon conjuncts Chiron. This is an opportunity for self-healing and understanding as the night unfolds. It could be intense and bodywork can be an ideal way to release any bottled-up emotions.
Wednesday, January 17
Wednesday, January 17, the pressure but also excitement, is building. In the morning, the Aries Moon is with the north node, steering us toward destiny and whatever leads to future independence. It's as if our feelings are holding the compass to our life direction. Breathe and feel into your body to see where there’s tension and where there’s ease.
Through the day and into the evening we have the First Quarter Moon Square in Aries, which will be exact just before 8 pm. The Moon will square not only the Capricorn Sun but also Pluto.
A bubbling excitement and pent-up energy is pushing us to start something new. But here's the key – practicality cannot be overlooked, the new isn’t always the answer and at the same time it's also important to let go of things that no longer serve us.
Go over whatever you planned during last week’s new Moon in Capricorn and see what can be revised or changed to be more streamlined.
Right now of course Venus is building in the twice-a-year square to Neptune, adding a cloud of confusion, especially around love and money.
Maybe we want to run away or become lost in a fever-dream. Watch out around love and finances; it’s probably not an ideal time to make sudden decisions in either area.
She is still enjoying the mutual reception with Jupiter in Taurus, letting us draw inspiration from everyday life. The magick when we blend the enthusiasm of Sagittarius with the stability of Taurus. For the next few days it just means using some extra discernment.
While the Sun still basks in the glow of Neptune's influence – the beautiful energies of spirituality and compassion – it's also shining a light on those Plutonic shadows.
What's been hiding? Who's tapping into divine power, and who's draining it away? There could be revelations coming on the personal and collective levels.
Just be wary of personalities that promise to reveal all, discernment and critical thinking are the best tools now.
Meanwhile, Mercury in Capricorn is in the exact sextile with Saturn in Pisces and getting close to the exact trine with Jupiter in Taurus, forming a minor grand trine.
This combination is perfect for getting long-term projects going with maximum rewards.
Mercury is no longer retrograde, so as it aligns with Jupiter, throw those solid ideas out there – they could go very far. This transit is very supportive, encouraging us to think logically while we dream big and apply ourselves.
The Moon then goes void of course just after midnight and enters Taurus only a few minutes later. Hopefully rewarding us with a more restful night’s sleep.
Thursday, January 18
On Thursday, January 18, The Taurus Moon joins forces with Jupiter in Taurus, in that very supportive minor grand trine.
Mercury in Capricorn is in sync with Saturn in Pisces and closing in on the trine with Jupiter that will be exact overnight.
There are feelings of abundance and steady confidence, making it easier for us to express ourselves.
It's ideal for launching long-term projects with the promise of maximum rewards. This is pushing us to think logically while we dream big and apply ourselves. Share your vision, and talk to people – the energy is perfect for collaboration.
And with the waxing Moon Conjunct Jupiter in sensual Taurus, we not only have a sense of grounding and stability to our emotions, it’s also great for manifesting abundance and results.
It can be rather indulgent, but with the presence of Saturn, feel free to enjoy some fine foods, soft luxurious fabrics and anything that elevates your spirit.
However, stay lucid around love and finances – Venus is gearing up for the square with Neptune in Pisces which is exact tomorrow.
Beware of confusion, deception, and the allure of those rose-coloured glasses. On the bright side, it's fantastic for artistic projects like painting, writing, or any creative outlet. And that mutual reception with Jupiter lets us appreciate the beauty and abundance found in everyday earthly pleasures, we don’t have to shoot those arrows quite so far and wide.
As the day unfolds, the Sun inches closer to Pluto in Capricorn, coming to 28 degrees. The curtain on hidden forces is lifting, and revelations around power on personal and collective levels might be in the cards.
By evening, as the Moon trines Mars, it's time for action – get things done or go out on the town in good company to enjoy a high-quality meal or entertainment.
Friday, January 19
We begin Friday, January 19, with
our two luminaries, the Sun and the Moon, with two powerful outer planets.
The Moon is with Uranus in Taurus, bringing sudden epiphanies, emotional insights, and a dash of restlessness.
There may be changes which will hopefully be for the better and maybe even a chance of meeting someone unexpected.
Meanwhile, the Sun hits 29 degrees of Capricorn, the final anaretic degree and is within minutes of Pluto.
Tomorrow morning’s exact conjunction with Pluto hasn't happened in living memory, heralding massive shifts and illuminating power, death, and rebirth – both on a collective and individual level.
Those with cardinal placements in Aries, Libra, Cancer, and Capricorn around the 27-29 degrees are likely feeling the cosmic shake-up.
Venus is also exact in its square to Neptune today. Caution is the name of the game in love and money – watch out for confusion, deception, and the allure of pipe dreams.
If it sounds too good to be true, it probably is. But for artists, it's still an ideal setup to get those creative juices flowing – let it out, create, and express yourself.
Overnight, Mercury was exact in its trine to Jupiter, and we still have that lovely supportive minor grand trine with Saturn, Mercury, and Jupiter. Long-term plans lead to results, so talk with the right people about big ideas and see them come to life.
Later tonight, the Taurus Moon plays another important role, its sextile Neptune in Pisces and trine the Sun and Pluto.
This is particularly beautiful given the intense Sun-Pluto configuration above.
Deep insights, profound spiritual truths, and guidance from beyond this physical reality help us to see what's been hidden. Power dynamics come to light, and visionary dreams take centre stage. It's a night for profound experiences and connecting with the higher realms.
Saturday, January 20
Saturday, January 20, is a day we have been talking about for some time. Before dawn, at around 5:45 am the Sun aligns with Pluto at the last anaretic degree of Capricorn, 29 degrees and 59 minutes to be exact. Unleashing an energetic surge that demands transformation and a profound exploration of personal power.
Who has it and who is using or misusing it? We should be prepared to face our own shadows around this topic and wherever you have those final degrees of Capricorn is sure to feel the shift.
This is no routine transit – it marks the ultimate Sun and Pluto conjunction in Capricorn for generations. A historic moment in Astrology. The next won't be until 2254, and even then, not at the final anaretic degree. Rewind to January 19, 1778, for the closest parallel.
Our other luminary, The Taurus Moon is here too, forming a harmonious trine with both Pluto and the Sun. Emotions find equilibrium, grounding and assuring us to trust in our emotional reserves. Whatever unfolds or is bid farewell, rest assured, we're strong enough to handle it.
The Moon then goes void of course at 5:57 am, before slipping into Gemini just a minute later.
Then the Sun shifts into Aquarius just after 6 am, changing our focus from Capricorn's disciplined structure to Aquarian innovation, networking and forward-thinking.
With the Gemini Moon continuing to trine the Sun, both luminaries in air signs, it's like a breath of fresh air after being without planets in this element since Venus was finishing up in Libra in early December.
Buckle up for a swifter pace – information will begin to zip by, our connections increase and opportunities to meet new people abound.
Despite the shift in energy, the remnants of Venus squaring Neptune linger. Exercise caution in matters of love or money to avoid getting entangled in deceit or delusions. As with yesterday, use it to be creative rather than commit with money or a ring.
Fresh off its exact trine to Jupiter, Mercury is today out of its post-retrograde shadow, and covering new ground. It still beckons us to have open yet logical and practical communication. Share your dreams and plans candidly with the right people, and see them become reality.
As we head into the afternoon, there's tension brewing with the Gemini Moon squaring Saturn in Pisces.
There may be the sensation that someone is dictating how we should feel or leaving us simply unheard. Given Saturn's current residence in boundary-less Pisces, it's essential to establish clearer limits, especially with those who might not realize they're encroaching on ours.
This is of course occurring during those very final moments of Pluto in Capricorn, so the tension could be very intense.
Just shy of 5 pm, Pluto moves into Aquarius, where it will be here until September 1. It was briefly here last year between March 23 and June 11.
With Pluto in Aquarius, we get a longer preview of the transformation awaiting us during its 20 years in the sign of the water bearer, which will begin November 19 this year.
Stay tuned for what today’s ingress will mean. Pluto is a slow-moving planet, and now in Aquarius, which is ruled by electrifying Uranus, the changes will be unpredictable, to say the least.
The next seven months laying the groundwork for profound shifts in among other things: what we consider progress, innovation, technology, how we network, distribute power and our collective vision of the future.
Given its opposition to the sign of Leo, this can manifest as extreme pushback against those who stand out and the archetypes that the sign of the lion represents.
It will be important to be aware that those looking to wield power, something which Pluto represents, may wrap it up in a promise of levelling the playing field and bringing people together.
Sunday, January 21
Welcome to the first full day of Aquarius season, this Sunday, January 21, with the very unique presence of Pluto in Aquarius.
What this will mean for the collective and each individual is yet to be determined but expect a period of transformative energies, pushing us to break free from old patterns and to embrace the unconventional.
Expect to also see much more communication, networking and the pace of life begin to pick up.
Today, the Gemini Moon engages in a harmonious sextile with Chiron in Aries, sparking emotional curiosity and helping us address underlying wounds.
This is good for summoning the courage to face ourselves and is ideal for meaningful yet not too heavy conversations about our vulnerabilities.
As Chiron gets closer to the north node in the coming days and weeks, embarking on a month-long transit, a profound potential for not only individual but also collective healing unfolds.
Themes of the future, life direction, bravery, and addressing old wounds take center stage, resonating particularly strongly for those undergoing their Chiron return right now: those Gen Xers who recently turned or are approaching fifty.
The Gemini Moon continues doing good work into the afternoon and evening, forming positive aspects with the lunar nodes.
A trine with the south node and a sextile with the north node emphasizes the importance of learning from the past while keeping an eye on the future.
Curiosity and effective communication become essential tools for navigating this landscape.
Mercury in Capricorn, acting as the dispositor of the Moon, is out of its shadow and catching up to Mars in Capricorn, providing logical thinking and supportive energy for our goals and ambitions.
This sets the stage for a day of clarity and open communication. Clearing those cobwebs and letting the Sun and fresh air in.
Coming Up…
On Tuesday, January 23, Venus steps into the pragmatic sign of Capricorn, giving our relationships and finances a sense of responsibility and a desire for stability.
On Thursday, January 25, we have the Full Moon in Leo. It finds itself entangled in a dynamic T-square with the Aquarius Sun, Pluto in Aquarius, and Jupiter in Taurus at the apex.
Brace yourself for a potentially explosive lunation marked by ego clashes, as battles unfold over who deserves the spotlight or a share of the abundance.
Urging us to navigate the tensions and find a balance between self-expression and collective growth.
As we move into Friday, January 26, there is a significant shift. Uranus, the last retrograde planet, stations direct after being retrograde since August 28, 2023.
This brings a surge of forward momentum and unexpected revelations especially as it stations. With the dispositor of the Sun and Pluto moving forward expect a speeding up of innovative energy as Uranus propels us into the future.