Weekly Horoscope For January 22-28, 2024
00:00:00 Intro
00:00:27 Overview
00:04:06 Monday
00:06:34 Tuesday
00:08:59 Wednesday
00:11:14 Thursday
00:14:49 Friday
00:17:55 Saturday
00:20:55 Sunday
00:22:33 Coming Up...
We are now working away with the transformative energies of Pluto in Aquarius, under the electrifying and at times radical humanitarian Aquarian Sun.
There are two major transits that we will begin to feel this week, that are going to be slowly transforming us for a while.
Until the spring, with the peak of the conjunction in February, Chiron and the North Node will be together in Aries.
Urging us to break old cycles of trauma, especially to our identities, so that each of us, one at a time, can heal the collective.
By doing this we can even unlock powerful healing gifts and step forward into a more aligned path with confidence.
To add to this transit, Mercury and Mars are applying in their conjunction in Capricorn, which is exact on Saturday, January, 27, and all week they will be squaring the Nodes and Chiron. Adding a dynamic drive for us to finally put the ghosts of old programming to rest and head into a new direction.
And Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus will be moving together at a similar pace forming a long stabilizing sextile.
Making this winter ideal for putting our plans and goals in motion.
Jupiter is direct and in the abundant sign of Taurus, expanding Saturn’s hard work and discipline.
This can also give us the optimal blend of pragmatism and optimism.
We can touch the sky, opening our minds up to the unseen and the greater philosophies of life, while remaining grounded in physical reality.
On Tuesday, January 23, Venus enters Capricorn, joining the personal planet stellium of Mercury and Mars, with all three under the rulership of Saturn, the lord of restriction, but also maturity.
The Showstopper of the week is the Full Moon in Leo on Thursday, January 25. It involves the great expander Jupiter. While typically associated with abundance and good feelings, the planet enlarges whatever is present.
Here with hard aspects to the Leo Moon and Aquarius Sun, it could cause some dramatic ego-centric skirmishes.
During this lunation, the other T-square will be between Mercury, Mars and the Nodes with Chiron. So there is the risk of old wounds and insecurities being awoken and inflated under the light of the Full Moon.
On Friday, January 26, within minutes of the exact square between the Aquarius Sun and Jupiter in Taurus, the dispositor of the Sun and Pluto - Uranus in Taurus- stations direct.
This can be a dramatic moment, as the shaker upper and revolutionary unleashes its force. Be nimble, stay flexible and try not to bite off more than you can chew. There could be dramatic revelations, shocking news and technological snags.
Overall this week, aside from some speed bumps, is Full of opportunities to face insecurities, niggling doubts, feelings of being overlooked, or run over. There’s a lot of support to do this with a calm, somewhat detached and rational approach.
This doesn’t mean numbing out. By feeling our emotions rather than blindly reacting or simply running away, we can then move through them and find we are once again on solid ground, ready to take concrete steps into a brand-new story.
Monday, January 22
On Monday, January 22, we begin the working week in Aquarius season accompanied by Pluto's transformative influence. It’s a time to delve into our communities, friendships, and networks, examining power dynamics and the impact of technology on society.
This is the final day of Venus in Sagittarius and at the final 29 degrees of Sagittarius, there could be a hunger for freedom and restlessness in love and finances.
As the Gemini Moon forms a T-square with Venus and Neptune, potential challenges arise. Watch out for delusions, oversharing, sensitivities, and partners acting hot and cold. Be curious rather than assuming anything, ask questions, and get clear on what's going on.
At the same time, Mercury and Mars in Capricorn are applying in their conjunction. Grounding the mind and body and allowing our thoughts, words and actions to get in sync.
But there might be some old doubts starting to creep in. Both are applying in a square to Chiron, which is itself very close to the North Node.
Fears of imposter syndrome, of not being good enough, and feelings of hopelessness about the future are all possible.
However there is also the opportunity to work through these old wounds and programming, steadily and logically.
The Gemini Moon goes void of course just after 12:30pm before entering Cancer just before 2 pm.
As we transition into the evening and overnight, the Cancer Moon forms a harmonious minor grand trine with Saturn in Pisces and Jupiter in Taurus, both applying in their sextile which will be with us for several weeks.
This brings emotional stability and a reassuring sense of security. We feel more at home in the world and the body.
With the presence of the Cancer Moon, relationships should feel better, despite Venus getting antsy at those final degrees of Sagittarius.
When on solid ground, genuine expressions of care and understanding come more easily tonight.
Just before 1 am overnight, Venus leaves Sagittarius and enters Capricorn. This is a shift towards stability, loyalty and quality, in love, finances and aesthetics.
We are now more likely to approach relationships and resources with a practical mindset, valuing commitment, high quality and long-term security.
Tuesday, January 23
On Tuesday, January 23, the Sun is slowly pulling out of the Plutonic pull, so some of that probing intensity is leaving, but more testing formations are building in the sky. As the Moon waxes and our souls continue to evolve.
While most of us slept Venus entered Capricorn just before 1 am. There's now a focus on building solid foundations, both romantically and financially.
Does this make sense in the long term?
Venus here invites us to appreciate enduring connections, where dedication and responsibility become key elements in creating and nurturing, long-lasting and meaningful bonds AND investments.
Mercury and Mars in Capricorn continue on their journey within a few degrees of each other in Capricorn.
Both planets are closing in on a square with Chiron, right by the North Node, with Mars very close to an exact square. And this afternoon the waxing Cancer Moon joins in forming a cardinal grand cross, well into the night.
It's not an easy evening as old wounds can resurface, emotions run rampant and some feel uneasy about the future.
Right now, it's a mixed bag, with all the personal planets and luminaries making major aspects. The challenging square energies however are dominating, propelling us to grow.
The Aquarius Sun is starting to square Jupiter which can give us just enough of a boost to face any doubts or fears with detached confidence.
Though as always with a hard aspect to Jupiter, it's important to keep those feet on the ground and not get too carried away.
Fortunately, Jupiter IS applying in the sextile to Saturn, that very stabilizing transit that is the backdrop to all the celestial events unfolding over these coming weeks. There's the potential to make a lot of steady progress and reap great rewards as a result.
Tonight it's good to remember that every obstacle or setback holds a hidden opportunity— and now we get a chance to confront old wounds, triggers and programming.
Tuning into our intuition, feeling what's coming through while also applying our rational minds. This can help us to break through stagnation and even generational cycles. It just needs our empathy and patience.
Wednesday, January 24
Wednesday, January 24, we might awaken feeling less than relaxed, despite a Cancer Moon in its home sign.
While we slept the almost Full Moon not only locked itself in a tense formation with the Nodes, Mercury, mars and Chiron, but also made a sextile over to Uranus. Igniting our imagination and possibly making dreams very vivid.
The Aquarius Sun continues to pull away from Pluto and some of those brooding and need-to-uncover-all-the-shadows-and-secrets tendencies are diminishing.
It is however applying in a square to Jupiter. This with a waxing almost Full Moon can mean emotions are running high. Some might be making big statements and getting very excited about possibilities, but it's also easy to lose perspective.
Fortunately as with every day for several weeks, Jupiter is applying in the sextile to Saturn, saying, “you've got this and the universe has you.”
Mercury and Mars carry on together in Capricorn, reminding us to be patient and diligent. But there is a tense restlessness in the air.
While we may not be digging around the darkest shadows with Pluto, there is something from the past standing in the way.
Chiron is with the North Node these coming months, and today and into tomorrow Mars is pushing us to deal with its message.
Remnants of parental and societal programming could be coming up. Are those thoughts our own? When did they first make their appearance?
The Moon then goes void of course in the afternoon just before 3 pm before entering Leo around 11:30 pm tonight. So for the rest of the day try not to make any major decisions and go with the flow of the Aquarian season.
Once the Moon is in Leo around midnight it opposes Pluto. The first lunar opposition to the newly arrived Pluto in Aquarius.
Emotions may run deep, and there could be a heightened awareness of personal desires and the need to express ourselves.
Be cautious around those who might be feeling very explosive and try to get an early night. It's good for deep shadow work, but sleep could be rather fitful.
Thursday, January 25
We are in for quite a dynamic day that will require finesse and patience to navigate. But has a lot of potential for breakthroughs.
The Full Moon in Leo is exact just before 10 am. Coming off the overnight lunar opposition to Pluto, there's a palpable tension in the air - where have our souls been digging around while we slept?
There could be quite a few bruised egos with this Full Moon Leo Moon. As two T-squares occur at the same time.
We are being called to merge the desires of the one, with those of the many, and to heal old wounds so that we can embark on a more aligned path and achieve abundance, on all levels - the material, emotional, and spiritual.
Aquarius can sometimes forget that there is no group without each individual, and the Lion is now roaring, wanting to be acknowledged.
With the Sun in Aquarius along with Pluto, there is the dawning realization that the needs of the group cannot be thrown aside to fawn at the feet of the king.
What are the wounds that keep us stuck in fear and old programming? The fears of ancestors who forgot themselves and gave up their dreams for safety. Who cheered for heroes to take their place in the history books.
Or perhaps we come from a line of rogue black sheep who threw our inheritance away to chase a pipedream? Their blood coursing and cursing through our veins.
Mercury and Mars squaring Chiron with the North Node, want us to take a look at what was left, the choices others made that got us here, and to finally break free.
We can then take concrete practical steps to make our own new choices that get us on a fresh path.
With the comforting presence of Jupiter and Saturn, we are supported in rewriting the endings to handed-down stories.
And now Venus in Capricorn joins both in a minor grand trine. Open your heart, it's safe to feel it, to be vulnerable.
Take some time out today, to appreciate your emotions and realize that it all comes back to one thing: LOVE - either expressed or repressed.
The chart isn't overflowing with the gushing or obsessive kind we expect in popular culture.
Instead, it's the Saturnian sort, that silently stays with you, wiping your brow and bringing you water, without fanfare, by your side, to the very end.
On the most mundane level, whatever and whoever we are investing in, if it's stable and has stood the test of time, it might be good to add more energy whether it be love, money or other forms of currency, as it is likely to yield a return.
We just need to be wary of promises that appear too good to be true, of quick fixes, overconfidence, impulse buys and that glittering fool's gold.
Today, it's good to remember that we are all special, in our very being and no outside applause or grand achievements are necessary.
However we are also human and need to belong, our survival depends on the group and those that stand out are more likely to be elevated within it - but just as likely to be cut down.
The puzzle and wonder of what it means to be an individual, the particle, in the wave of the collective.
Friday, January 26
Friday, January 26 can start with quite the post-lunar hangover for many.
Although the Full Moon intensity is dissipating, a lot of the other major transits are still in play.
We will of course continue to navigate the energy of Chiron on the North Node, as we move right into spring.
Right now Mercury and Mars are encouraging us to put in the work, face our old fears with courage and forge a new path.
The Leo Moon is supporting us to be warm and expressive as it aligns harmoniously with Chiron and the Nodes, putting us in touch with our inner child.
However, today with the exact square from Mercury to Chiron, combined with a lunar square to Uranus, words might fail some or come out of nowhere for others.
It’s not always easy to articulate or even understand where emotions and triggers are coming from. Patience for ourselves and others will go a long way.
There could also be sudden epiphanies, aha moments and radical new ideas with both Mars and Mercury applying in their trine to Uranus.
The Leo Moon is also making good aspects this morning to Chiron and the Nodes helping us to feel hopeful, loving and playful.
This is against the backdrop of Venus in a minor grand trine with Jupiter and Saturn and the square from the Sun to Jupiter - which will be exact just after 11 pm tonight.
If you can feel it, put in the work and fuel it with love - anything can manifest.
Just watch for mistaking a great love or a great idea with a money or energy pit.
Discernment that's coming from observable reality, will be the ideal barometer.
The best predictor of future behaviour for most is past behaviour. Invest in those opportunities and people that have proven their worth.
The Moon then goes for a very long void of course right through to tomorrow.
It begins just after 1 pm today and lasts until 11:11 am tomorrow when it enters Virgo. So try to not make any major changes and go with the flow for the rest of the day. Which could also be a little tricky with another big shake-up happening later.
Just after 11:30 pm Uranus stations direct. It has been retrograde since the end of August last year. As the dispositor of the Sun and Pluto, this is significant.
The moment a station of an outer planet occurs is when it is felt the most dramatically. Uranus shakes up the status quo and also rules such areas as technology.
Today and into tomorrow there may be unexpected news in the collective, as well as possible disruptions.
Wherever you have Taurus or any of the other fixed signs (Aquarius, Scorpio and Leo) around the 19-degree mark will really feel this shift. As well as an acceleration in your Taurus house over the coming months as Uranus starts to pick up speed.
Saturday, January 27
We awaken on Saturday, January 27, to that void of course Leo Moon, but also a Uranus that just stationed direct late last night so things might feel strangely wired but tired.
On top of that Mercury and Mars make their exact conjunction just before 7 am. All the while they are applying in their square to the Nodes. Which will be exact for Mercury around 8:30 pm tonight.
So our minds and bodies are eager this morning to do SOMETHING. We could find ourselves obsessing, and possibly picking things to work over that don't need to be.
The fog lifts once the Moon enters Virgo at 11:11 am. Disposited by Mercury in Capricorn, which has now overtaken Mars, we can use our logical minds to work through projects.
Uranus is making great aspects with both Mars and Mercury and now that Uranus is direct, we might get fantastic ideas, come across new ways of doing things and meet more fascinating people.
Something or someone could shake up your life, especially if you have fixed sign placements around 19 degrees of Taurus, Aquarius, Scorpio or Leo.
We are eager to move on from those old fears and to make progress. Just be sure to check your work, be certain that the projects make sense and make commitments to those you trust.
The sextile triangle between Venus, Saturn and Jupiter is perfectly supporting us, encouraging stable relationships and expanding our hearts in a very calm and healthy way.
The sextile between Venus and Saturn will be exact tonight.
But things get very interesting late in the night and into the overnight hours.
The Virgo Moon, Venus in Capricorn, and Jupiter in Taurus create a solid foundation, in a grand earth trine.
Typically with this configuration, love and finances feel abundant, grounded and stable.
But we get a twist – with the Virgo Moon on one end, and Saturn in Pisces on the other, pulling in different directions, forming what's known as a kite. A very fated and karmic pattern.
In matters of love, finances, and personal growth, we might feel a push and pull – a mix of realism and dreams. Emotion and Detachment.
Making sure things make sense, or needlessly picking a good thing to pieces.
But before giving up on something that could be absolutely beautiful, because of a flaw, it’s worthwhile pausing and remembering sometimes, the challenges bring depth and richness to our experiences and allow us to adapt, change and grow.
Just as our tastes evolve from childhood, where as adults we come to appreciate a hint of bitterness on the palate to enhance the sweetness.
Perhaps the phrase to go to sleep with tonight is: "It doesn't have to be perfect."
Sunday, January 28
Sunday has the potential to be an intriguing day as all of the personal planets are still kept busy with major aspects. And these are exact: Mars squares the Nodes; Mercury trines Uranus and Venus trines Jupiter.
We begin the early morning coming off that overnight kite formation between the Moon, Venus, Jupiter and Saturn. We want to commit, to dream big and to identify what is solid and worth it for the long haul. But there's that lingering tension, perhaps it's not good enough, the faults might be ruining the perfection. But of course nothing is perfect, so what can we let slide in the greater scheme.
With Mars squaring the Nodes exactly this morning, we could feel on edge and determined to make a move, any move, just to get things going. Or conversely feel stuck in indecision and concerned that the plan or commitment won't last.
We are looking for a balance between discernment and planning, and trusting that some things can be worked out along the way.
As we head into the afternoon and evening, that Virgo Moon again keeps things interesting. This time pulling Mars, Mercury and Uranus into a grand earth trine. We may have spent the morning agonizing over which road to take, and which choice makes sense, then as the Sun heads below the horizon, things get clearer and slightly less overwhelming.
Instead, we can see a new way, ideas could be flying in seemingly from nowhere. But likely they were always there, they just needed our attention to become real.
Coming Up…
Our Aquarian collection continues, when on Sunday, February 4 Mercury enters Aquarius and conjuncts Pluto. Expect profound conversations, fresh perspectives and maybe even a shocking revelation or two.