Weekly Horoscope For February 12-18, 2024

Thank you for understanding as I took the last week off. I have been creating YouTube forecasts and content since March 2022. The entry of Pluto into Aquarius put it on my ascendant really shaking things up.

The weekly content felt too restrictive and wasn’t satisfying my creative side anymore. (Typical for someone Uranus-ruled!)

I will still do a weekly video, but one that lets me feel and share the energies more intuitively. Focusing on the major transits and how the week is likely to feel overall for the collective. This is because the major transits are still the most significant when we aren't considering the individual chart.

Which leads me to my next development. If you follow me on Instagram you will know I opened up bookings for readings. The response has exceeded my expectations and I've been so humbled by the incredible people eager to hear my perspective on their chart.

Not only that, the reaction to the written mini-readings has been fantastic. These mini-readings don't require you to commit to a phone call or a specific time. You submit your question to me and within two days, I give you your report, where, unlike an automated bot system, I am looking at your entire chart, using my experience and intuition.

I think the mini-readings can be helpful when you have an important event coming up and you want to pick a date or you are trying to gauge how a specific transit is likely to affect you. This is where they more accurately bridge the gap of me no longer going into the details of every single day. They are also incredibly affordable and for February fifty percent off!

I will also be posting more to my blog over the coming months on topics that mean a lot to me. Such as the Astrology after age 40, why I don't use most Asteroids and a range of spiritual topics. (Where in typical Uranian fashion I have a bit of a contrarian take on things!) The readings and blog are all linked in the caption, so please check them out!

Now onto the weekly.

Week in Overview

The big news of this week is that on February 12, Mars enters Aquarius. It will be here until March 22. And of course as with every ingress into Aquarius right now, it joins Pluto. The planet that rules action, drive and even war standing with the lord of the underworld, and the one that controls shadows, compulsions and power. Again as with the Mercury and Pluto conjunction of last week, we haven't had this specific combination since the late 1700's and even then Pluto had not been discovered, so we are in a strange new land.

Since the start of the year Mars in Capricorn had us being practical, pragmatic and with our nose to the grindstone. And let's be honest it may have been a bit of a downer, the naysayer telling us that's not going to work, that's too unrealistic...

Mars in Aquarius is a breath of fresh air. If your energy levels have felt a bit off, they might get supercharged, particularly where Aquarius is in your chart. Now we are more likely to be motivated to break up the status quo, take a risk, and go ahead in the name of freedom and even rebelliousness. With so much Aquarius in the collective chart, we are being given the green light to be whatever we want to be. Not out of selfish reasons, but because that authenticity will attract the right people into our sphere and it is with those matching frequencies that we can create a new vision of the future.

Of course, there's always a shadow. Especially with Pluto adding its weight. Imagine the rabble-rouser out on an idealistic quest, who alienates possible supporters because they get so caught up in their dogma. "Wait, am I the bad guy?" The elf queen holding the ring, surging with the power to twist the world into her vision of utopia. Mars in Aquarius can motivate all manner of humanitarian and activist reforms, bringing people together to fight for what they perceive to be important causes. The key will be to use discernment. Especially during the conjunction with Pluto, because those looking for power tend to do it under a disguise of helpfulness. It's such a week of potent collective change, that above all give yourself the rest and reflection you need. We are changing timelines and old ways of being and relating.

Chiron the wounded healer is with the North node as it has been since January. Propelling us to face old core wounds around our self-worth, courage and where on earth we want to go next. A lot of issues around co-dependence and the way we partner up have been coming up for review. Chiron and the north node will be exact in the conjunction on Sunday, February 19, at 16 degrees and 45 minutes of Aries.

However a key day this week is Tuesday, February 13 when the Aries Moon joins Chiron and the north node to form a triple conjunction. While Mercury in Aquarius will simultaneously make a very supportive sextile to all three. Those with cardinal placements around that 16-degree mark of Aries, Cancer, Capricorn and Libra will be feeling this the most, but all of us will in some manner. Tuesday can be a potent day to have really important and clear conversations around boundaries, goals and insecurities. Insights might also come in about how to change the script - how can I be myself without everyone forcing me back into the old way of being?

There's no need to keep repeating worn-out ways of being. The only ones who might have a problem with us deciding to be different are of course those around us. And this is where we have the challenge and perhaps thrill, of navigating our own needs to be authentic, to change and evolve as our soul desires and the expectations of the world around us to play our predictable roles. Not just on Tuesday but right through the week, Mercury will make good aspects to the Chiron North Node conjunction, helping with communication and creating new thought patterns around old wounds and any issues of confidence.

This can help clear out stagnant communication cobwebs as we head into Valentine's Day. This is often joked about in Astrology since every year it occurs in the not-so-romantic sign of Aquarius. This year it is very Aquarian with the Sun, Mercury, Mars and Pluto all in the detached future-oriented sign. It is more suitable for a social gathering, or if you go on a date try to come up with something unusual and mentally stimulating to make the most of the Aquarian energies. Venus as she is finishing up in Capricorn is sextile Neptune in Pisces so that takes a little of the chill out of the air and makes us momentary dreamers.

And we still have Jupiter Sextile Saturn all week which is fantastic for deciding where we want to commit and expand our lives. Many of those who propose this week will be very serious indeed. Just be aware that the morning could be rather testy emotionally when the waxing Taurus Moon briefly squares both Mars and Pluto. It could be an interesting day where we are all at once very out there, like space cadets imagining a better world, in theory at least, but the hum of "Don't stand so close to me..." reverberates in the distance.

This brings us to the next challenge which is Friday morning February 16. It might be very unpredictable and energetically taxing. We have the first quarter Moon square, featuring the Fixed signs of Aquarius and Taurus at odds - where you have fixed placements at 27 degrees of Aquarius, Taurus, Scorpio or Leo you will feel this the most. There could be a lot of friction around security and freedom. Are we going to focus our resources on a comfortable home life or throw off security to head into the future?

Anyone who has been on this planet for a while knows it's practically impossible to do both. And those that took a chance to roam, can never truly know what might have been had they stayed. And those that built their base, cannot know what might have been had they taken a chance elsewhere. These are the topics that are likely to be illuminated this Friday.

The Moon is exalted in Taurus and is very strong here so despite the pull of the Aquarian chart, the call of comfort will be strong. Also at the same time just before she leaves Capricorn, Venus makes a beautiful supportive minor grand trine with that Taurus Moon and Neptune in Pisces. This suggests the truth is, that wherever you go and whatever you choose, there will always be beauty and a profound experience to be found. It's up to you the perceiver, to add the key ingredient that transforms every moment - gratitude. Whether that's on a plane to a distant land, or holding your child's hand on the playground.

Just after 8 am Venus joins the Aquarius pile up: with the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Mars and Pluto. And she is conjunct Pluto and within 3 degrees of Mars. Her parting gift of gratitude and presence will be a much-needed reminder to help carry us through it all. Pluto will be uncovering power dynamics and obsessive behaviours and here again in combinations we haven't had in 300 years, one can only guess. This is all on the same day as Mercury is squaring Uranus in Taurus. By noon the Moon is in Gemini and instability, could rule the day. There could be secrets uncovered that have a technological bend, financials could take an unexpected turn, and overall the day is one to stay nimble, and flexible. As Venus and Mars get ever closer into next week, there will be a strong desire for relationships that work toward something greater than just the convenience of a night in with Netflix. The right partnerships can change not only your life but those of everyone around you. Something Aquarius loves.

And finally, on Sunday, February 18, the Sun enters Pisces. And by the end of the evening, the Moon enters its home sign of Cancer just before 7:30 pm. Sunday is therefore a turning point and could be a very beautiful shift, helping to soften the cold hard corners of the last few weeks. This is the end of the road for the Astrological year, these final weeks of winter. Much as we one day find ourselves in the final years of our bodily existence, this can be a time of taking stock and coming to peace with something often avoided in Western culture - death.

All the more reason why this can also be a time of disorienting fear and confusion. Like a runaway fish diving ever deeper into depths, disappearing into a dark slipstream. During Pisces season it becomes harder to define what is real and what is an illusion. The wisened sage can finally grasp the magic of the bittersweet nature of life, or be filled with the terror of the end, caught in a wave of confusion and a loss of faith.

This is the essence of Pisces season. How far do we stand from the abyss? Can we see the beauty in the paradox of life and death? Just how long can our winter supplies last before life is born anew in the spring Sun?

Coming Up…

Next week Venus will continue to catch up to Mars and they will form their exact conjunction on Wednesday, February 21. Freedom, friendship and a sexy but cool vibe fills the air. The feminine and masculine are on the same page and it's time to get creative.

On Thursday, 22 February, Mercury enters Pisces, as we dream a little dream, poets, artists and mystics find their groove and we start to see the next pile-up of planets begin to form.

On Saturday, 24 February we have the Full Moon at 5 degrees of Virgo. It will be opposing Saturn and Mercury. While we might want to drift into the ether, spreading nothing but love and compassion, and giving our service to the world in the name of charity, there are still practical matters needing our attention. The mystery beckons, but so do the bills on the kitchen counter.


Weekly Horoscope For February 19-25, 2024


Weekly Horoscope For January 29-February 4, 2024