Weekly Horoscope For February 19-25, 2024

Week in Overview

That was quite the Aquarian weekend! With the Sun, Mercury, Mars, Venus and Pluto all in the sign of the water bearer. I saw more people than I have in a long time and was in and out of the house zipping around. As one would expect for an 11th-house Sun and Aquarius rising under these stars.

As of Sunday night, the Sun is now in Pisces and will be joined by Mercury late on Thursday night, or Friday morning for those on the east coast. The personal planets are all congregated in the final signs of Aquarius and Pisces, stimulating our imaginations, higher consciousness and questions about our spiritual practice and place in the world. It may be rather stimulating so allow yourself to rest, reflect and recover.

The Moon is waxing, building up to the Virgo Full Moon that will take place early Saturday morning. Every month, as the Moon grows, so does our emotional expression. With the transits ahead and that glowing Moon, it looks to be a fairly passionate and for some, intense week.

It begins with the waxing Moon in its home sign of Cancer, making good aspects to the Sun, Neptune and Jupiter releasing the floodgates on intuition, compassion and strong emotions. This is also as Chiron the wounded healer makes its exact conjunction with the North Node, on Monday, February 19. The culmination point of almost a month-long build-up, that had us questioning our life direction, partnerships and old scripts that might have kept us stuck.

So many friends have told me these last few weeks felt like a crossroads, for careers, relationships and major life choices. This is what we have been dealing with on a collective and individual level. After this week, for many, things will become clearer and likely have us settled into the next stage of the journey, with fewer lingering questions about what to do next.

Venus and Mars are of course now in Aquarius and Venus is catching up to Mars. They are in the cool sign of Aquarius, so it isn't quite the steamy affair as let's say a Venus and Mars conjunction in Scorpio, but the heat and urgency are rising. If you have had a simmering desire, whether for someone, or something, this is the time when you might just go for it. The Venus and Mars conjunctions with Pluto may have lit the fire and unearthed some hidden desires and now comes the time to act. Venus and Mars will be in their exact conjunction in the late night hours of Wednesday, February 21, but we will feel this increased drive and melding of the feminine and masculine all week.

In fact, as the week progresses things could intensify, even as Venus moves along ahead of Mars. Not only will there be the building Full Moon, but both Venus and Mars will be applying in the square to Jupiter and getting feisty with the Leo Moon.

Once it moves on from Cancer, on Wednesday, the Leo Moon will first oppose Pluto and then make its rounds opposing the rest of the Aquarius lineup right into Thursday. With Jupiter expanding and fueling those flames. Mid week on, keeping our cool could be challenging. Pride could be a real stumbling block, especially in relationships, with the Mars and Venus conjunction getting activated. Although we think Leo is the one less likely to bend, so is Aquarius. They are both fixed signs after all. Leo might just be more vocal about their frustration.

So be sure to give yourself and others lots of grace as we finish up the working week. Mercury will also be in the final anaretic degrees of Aquarius which means words could be coming out a little chaotic and thoughts may be running wild. While we will likely want to act, to express our desires, be careful of going overboard. And as we start the weekend be sure to direct that energy constructively!

While most of us sleep Thursday night and into Friday morning, Mercury enters Pisces and our minds begin to ponder the unseen and the ethereal, with our imaginations soaring and our words more inclined to show compassion. The favourite time of year for artists, dreamers and mystics. While we might have felt flung around and somewhat electrified mentally by the last few weeks, now it's time to take stock. The astrological year is closing, and we need time to feel and express all that has come to pass. Paint, draw, write and get it out.

This brings us to the Virgo Full Moon on Saturday, February 24, exact at 4:30 am. The Pisces Sun is nestled between Mercury in Pisces and Saturn in Pisces. How can we have a fulfilling spiritual experience, while tending to the tasks at hand in this earthly body? With the Sun in Pisces, we are swimming in deep waters and seeking profound eternal truths while we consolidate what the last 12 months brought. Yet every fish knows that sometimes this means surrendering to the current. Leaving some questions to remain unanswered and trusting where it is all flowing. This is a terrifying prospect for Virgo, a sign that needs order and to know what comes next.

The beauty of both Pisces and Virgo is that when they balance their energies they bring the right combination of realism and visionary dreaming - and they do it all in the name of service to others. Their common downfall can be a tendency to neglect themselves. With Mercury and Saturn also opposing the Virgo Moon, it's time to take care of ourselves. Our minds could be feeling rather strained and frayed. Venus will be exact in her square to Jupiter during this Full Moon, so relationships could be under extra pressure. We might also go a little crazy with over-indulging any desires.

On this Full Moon, the key takeaway is to not push too hard. If you need to rest this Saturday, take it. The last weeks of winter are when the body is low on solar and physical energy. The Virgo Full Moon could be dragging our minds to some dark, anxious places. Let your body ease you out of this. Breathe, get into nature and show your nervous system lots of love.

Coming Up…

On Wednesday, 28 February, 2024, we will have a potent triple conjunction in Pisces.

Just hours after the Libra Moon makes its conjunction with the South Node, possibly sensitizing us to lessons and connections from the past, we have a superior Sun and Mercury conjunction. The Pisces Sun passing on its codes to its messenger. A highly intuitive, psychic and mesmerizing moment.

Then both will move over Saturn, first Mercury and then the Sun. What have we learned and how can we apply all this magical wisdom in our very physical reality and the structures that support us?

Remembering that it is in the day-to-day acts and the way we apply ourselves even when it's not easy, that we create our lives.


Weekly Horoscope For February 26 - March 3, 2024


Weekly Horoscope For February 12-18, 2024