Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For April 15-21, 2024

All week Jupiter and Uranus will be coming ever closer together in Taurus, adding to the theme of this entire week of being Full of possibilities, blessings and unexpected windfalls. Their conjunction is one of the biggest astrological events of the year. The last time these two came together was January 2011, and it was in Pisces. The last time it was in Taurus was in May 1941…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For April 8-14, 2024

The key to this coming week will be rest, patience and paying attention to even the smallest signs around us. These can be really important down the road, their significance only becoming apparent after some time has passed…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For April 1-7, 2024

With the Sun heading towards the North Node, there's this sense of destiny in the air, as if we're all being pulled towards something bigger. Which is really what eclipse season in many ways is all about - a time of significant insights, pivots and encounters.

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For March 25-31, 2024

We are in the heart of eclipse season now. The reverberations of the Lunar Eclipse at 5 degrees and 7 minutes of Libra will be the theme for this entire week, as we process what has been illuminated and revealed…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For March 18-24, 2024

The week starts off dynamically for the very last day of the astrological calendar. In fact every single day this week is packed with activity. Quite the difference from last week’s mellow forecast…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For March 4-10, 2024

This week we are in the waning Moon phase, which is great for eliminating and releasing, so that we are ready to step into action as the Moon waxes again after March 10. Getting rid of needless baggage, decluttering, streamlining and perfecting that pitch….

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For February 26 - March 3, 2024

This week, Wednesday can help us to track a new course, to reimagine what is possible and where we want to commit. This is a deeply personal moment that will require self-honesty and courage to make the decisions needed to live authentically…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For February 19-25, 2024

As the week progresses things could intensify, even as Venus moves along ahead of Mars. Not only will there be the building Full Moon, but both Venus and Mars will be applying in the square to Jupiter and getting feisty with the Leo Moon…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For February 12-18, 2024

The big news of this week is that on February 12, Mars enters Aquarius. It will be here until March 22. And of course as with every ingress into Aquarius right now, it joins Pluto. The planet that rules action, drive and even war standing with the lord of the underworld, and the one that controls shadows, compulsions and power. Again as with the Mercury and Pluto conjunction of last week, we haven't had this specific combination since the late 1700's and even then Pluto had not been discovered, so we are in a strange new land…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For January 29-February 4, 2024

This week we continue working through the influence of the two long-term transits: Chiron the wounded healer with the North Node, our destiny point. And Jupiter the great expander in harmonious connection with Saturn, the mature taskmaster. Conversations and insights over the weekend may have shed light on personal goals and the need to overcome old wounds and conditioning so that we can shine in our authenticity and get on track…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For January 22-28, 2024

We are now working away with the transformative energies of Pluto in Aquarius, under the electrifying and at times radical humanitarian Aquarian Sun. There are two major transits that we will begin to feel this week, that are going to be slowly transforming us for a while…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For January 15-21, 2024

This week, Saturday, January 20, is the day we have all been talking about. First thing in the predawn hours the Sun is with Pluto at 29°59' of Capricorn. This is the peak-out moment, calling for societal as well as individual transformation and a deep exploration of power - where it resides and where it is used or misused…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For January 8-14, 2024

This week unfolds under a waning crescent Moon, as the Sun and Mercury make contact with the outer planets - Neptune and Uranus. Even with a stable and practical Capricorn Sun, and Saturn sextile Mars in Capricorn, things are far from settled. Uranus the wild and unruly liberator and instigator is saying “try something different, why not take the unconventional route so you can stand confident in your unique identity?”

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For January 1-7, 2024

We're off into a new calendar year with what may in many ways feel like a frustrating stop-and-go. Jupiter is now direct; Mercury stations direct on Monday, January 1, leaving only Uranus still retrograde; we have a Sagittarius stellium; and a Capricorn Sun ready to get down to business. This is all fantastic news and a prime opportunity to get going and put those plans in motion. However at the same time the major aspects this week are all challenging squares…

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Lucidtka Lucidtka

Weekly Horoscope For December 18-24, 2023

As many of us busy ourselves for the Christmas season, navigating the details and travelling alongside a retrograde Mercury, the week begins with the Sun in the Galactic Center. Open yourself to the downloads and make time to sit with the quiet that's inside…

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